Besides, how unaesthetic 'tis to see A poet coarse and hairy!
They got them from tourists whom they saw overrunning their country en prince or en Cook, and made up their minds that they were a type of uncivilized Croesus or of unaesthetic barbarian.
That she loved him there can be no doubt, but her unaesthetic appearance appalled him, her halting stride annoyed him, and her loving attentions bored him.
Addio to the German gentleman with the unaesthetic ailments!
It was hot travelling, and I shared my compartment in the wagon-lit with a German gentleman very far advanced in several unaesthetic ailments.
Now and again a man in easier circumstances may be detected by the independent swing of his walk, and by the jolly look that illumines his broad, but unaesthetic features.
The circumstance that makes the appreciation of cost often unaesthetic is the abstractness of that quality.
They cannot seriously pursue it, because its components are not components of beauty, and being in love with beauty, they neglect and despise those unaesthetic social virtues in the operation of which happiness is found.
That interest, unaesthetic in itself, helps to fix the attention and to furnish subject-matter and momentum to arts and modes of appreciation which are aesthetic.