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Example sentences for "unadjusted"

Lexicographically close words:
unacquainted; unacted; unactive; unadapted; unaddressed; unadmitted; unadorned; unadulterated; unadvisable; unadvised
  1. Race-maintaining conduct, like self-maintaining conduct, arises gradually out of that which cannot be called conduct: adjusted actions are preceded by unadjusted ones.

  2. The balances on hand were directed to be paid into the Treasury, and individual claims on the fund will remain unadjusted until Congress shall authorize their settlement and payment.

  3. It would have well accorded with the conciliatory views indicated by this proceeding on the part of France to have extended them to all the grounds of just complaint which now remain unadjusted with the United States.

  4. The unadjusted difference, however, between the two Governments as to the interpretation of the first article of the convention of 1818 is still a matter of importance.

  5. The Indian character and nature are such that they are not easily led while brooding over unadjusted wrongs.

  6. These would continue to act as so many persisting and unadjusted stimulus-ideas.

  7. This is especially true in case the unadjusted cues are highly persistent psychic stimuli.

  8. The present demand for the resolution of the unadjusted must be met without going deeper into the theory of the matter.

  9. The reconstitutive method brings into relief the trial-and-error character of the dreaming process: the organism as attempting the physiological resolution of persisting and unadjusted stimulus-ideas.

  10. Greater precision must be conferred upon this conception by showing specifically in what ways, and by what associative mechanisms, the persevering and unadjusted stimuli evoke the dream-images.

  11. Correspondingly, it does not exhibit on its own account the feature of trial-and-error which we have learnt to recognize in the working of the unadjusted sensory stimulus (scratching).

  12. For thereby it is left naked and alone, and unadjusted with the connected and mitigating considerations yielded by the rest of the man's opinions.

  13. Still less might this wavering human spirit, uncertain of itself and unadjusted to novel and great conceptions, transform, and so renew, them with fresh life.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unadjusted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    inadequate; incapable; incompetent; ineffective; ineffectual; unable; unadapted; unequipped; unfit; unqualified