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Example sentences for "conduction"

Lexicographically close words:
conductance; conducted; conducteur; conductibility; conducting; conductive; conductivity; conductor; conductors; conductorship
  1. Conduction of heat from without into all vessels and pipes that are below normal temperature, which can also to a large extent be prevented by lagging.

  2. Radiation and conduction of heat from all vessels and pipes above normal temperature, which can, to a large extent, be prevented by lagging.

  3. There appears to be no actual uniting of the fiber branches with the dendrites, but they come into relations sufficiently close to establish conduction pathways, and these extend throughout the body (Fig.

  4. By the conduction and radiation of heat from its surface as from a stove.

  5. There is no strict electrical distinction of conduction which can as yet be drawn between bodies supposed to be elementary, and those known to be compounds.

  6. A Speculation touching Electric Conduction and the Nature of Matter: by Michael Faraday, D.

  7. Glass exposed in front of a fire becomes warm, and by conduction the heat passes through it, and a secondary radiation takes place from the opposite side.

  8. The conduction of excitatory impulse takes place in both directions.

  9. This has been proved by the arrest of conduction by the application of various physiological blocks.

  10. Thus the velocity of conduction of a specimen of Mimosa in a sub-tonic condition was found to be 5.

  11. Similarly, under homodromous current the depression of conduction in the nerve may be so great as to cause even an abolition of response, in spite of the enhanced excitability of the muscle (Fig.

  12. I have already shown that this conduction of excitation in plant is analogous to the transmission of nervous impulse in animal.

  13. The conduction of excitation consists, on the other hand, of propagation of excitatory protoplasmic change.

  14. This gave a measure of normal conduction without the passage of the current.

  15. I have likewise found that the after-effect of cold in abolishing the conduction of excitation is also very persistent.

  16. In regard to the movements of heat, we owe the laws of conduction and of radiation chiefly to France and Geneva, while the laws of specific heat, and those of latent heat, were discovered in Scotland.

  17. Fourier, his views as to the laws of the conduction of heat, ii.

  18. These characters impressed upon conduction in nerve arcs (neurone-chains) would therefore be traceable to the intercalation of perikarya and synapses, for both these structures are absent from nerve-trunks.

  19. To it fibres are traced which seem to continue a path of conduction that began with afferent tracts belonging to the spinal cord, and tracts which there is reason to think conduct impulses from the receptor-organs of skin and muscles.

  20. Also there is curiously little evidence of connexion of the cortex with the nervous paths of conduction concerned with pain.

  21. At it the conduction which has so far been wholly intra-neuronic is replaced by an inter-neuronic process, in which the nerve impulse passes from one neurone to the next.

  22. In them one neurone continues the line of conduction where the immediately foregoing neurone left it.

  23. In order to prevent conduction of heat through the structural steel all contact between the inner copper wall and the steel is avoided by having strips of asbestos lumber placed between the steel and copper.

  24. For the time being, at least, the connection between the peripheral neurons and the central neurons is broken or but imperfectly made, and conduction does not take place, or is hampered.

  25. He lets it cover any process of conduction from a present idea to a future terminus, provided only it run prosperously.

  26. Gravity and heat-conduction are such all-uniting influences, so far as the physical world goes.

  27. The knowledge gained in these investigations indicated that a thicker filament lost a relatively less percentage of energy by conduction than a thin one for equal amounts of emitted light.

  28. Other methods involve conduction of heat from the hot air or other hot applications.

  29. The greater output of light is compensated by losses by conduction of heat through the gas.

  30. It had long been known that an inert gas in the bulb would reduce the evaporation and remedy other defects; however, under these conditions, there would be a considerable loss of energy through conduction of heat by the gases.

  31. However, elaborate studies of the dependence of heat-losses upon the size and shape of the filament and of the physics of conduction from a solid to a gas, established the foundation for the gas-filled tungsten lamp.

  32. Large mass of cold copper wire open at both ends to place over flame, and by conduction of the heat to extinguish it.

  33. Count Rumford's experiments with a Torricellian vacuum gives the proportion of five in vacuo to three in air for the quantities of heat lost by radiation, and by conduction or diffusion.

  34. The conduction of heat by that fluid is almost imperceptible, so much so, that it has even been questioned whether liquids do really conduct heat downwards at all.

  35. Or we might refer to the conduction of heat.

  36. The conduction of heat through gases is also very slow when heat is applied to the upper part of any stratum of air.

  37. Its chief usefulness is in steadying the decompensated heart, improving the conduction of impulses, and increasing the tone of the cardiac muscle.

  38. Such extrasystoles are produced in the ventricle at some point other than the regular path of conduction of impulses.

  39. It is the actual conduction time in fractions of a second of the impulse from s-a node to the ventricles.

  40. Giese was a forerunner, but his ideas could not triumph so long as there were no means of observing conduction in simple circumstances.

  41. But there may be a likelihood that the power of conduction possessed by a nerve is not constant but capable of change.

  42. The rate of electrolytic conduction is, according to Wiedemann's theory, influenced by the same cause; and the conduction of heat in fluids depends probably on the same kind of action.

  43. Some of our oldest and most successful appliers of rods believe that at certain points there are natural electric currents, or at least readier conduction for them than at others.

  44. In the cities it is customary to connect the rod with the water-or gas-pipes in the street, which makes the conduction perfect.

  45. It has been supposed that the copper covering of the roof, including the gilded dome, its rain-pipes and four excellent lightning-rods, have had the effect of neutralizing the air about it by constant conduction of mild currents.

  46. The elongated cells which are specialized for conduction of water and semifluid foodstuffs.

  47. In the mosses, and still more in the liverworts, it is rudimentary; but they grow in very damp situations, where the conduction of water and the protection from too much drying is not a difficult problem for them.

  48. A clay soil will absorb heat by conduction faster than a sandy soil because the particles of the clay lie so close together that the heat passes more readily from one to another than in the case of the coarser sand.

  49. The compactness of the soil which gives it greater powers to absorb heat weakens its powers to hold it, because the compactness allows more rapid conduction of heat to the surface, where it is lost by radiation.

  50. The mulch will also check the conduction of heat from the lower soil to the surface and therefore check loss of heat by radiation from the surface.

  51. Now, in the case before us, the power of radiation is great, whereas the power of conduction is small; the consequence is that the blade loses more than it gains, and hence becomes more and more refrigerated.

  52. But water, as you know, is not necessary to the conduction of sound; air is its most common vehicle.

  53. It is impossible to give the boy a clear notion of the beautiful phenomenon to which his question refers, without first making him acquainted with the radiation and conduction of heat.

  54. The difference between conduction through gases and through metals is shown in a striking way when we use potential differences large enough to produce the saturation current.

  55. There are other methods of determining the velocities of the ions, but as these depend on the theory of the conduction of electricity through a gas containing charged ions, we shall consider them in our discussion of that theory.

  56. We have seen that a somewhat analogous distribution of potential holds in the case of conduction through flames, though in that case the greatest drop of potential is in general at the cathode and not at the anode.

  57. Wilson has shown that a relation of this form represents the results of his experiments on the conduction of electricity through flames.

  58. Here an increase in the potential difference produces a much greater percentage increase than in conduction through metals, where the current is proportional to the potential difference.

  59. In this way Ohm's law has been confirmed in the case of metallic conduction to a very high degree of accuracy.

  60. In metallic conduction it is found that the current is proportional to the applied electromotive force--a relation known by the name of Ohm's law.

  61. This relation is not in general that expressed by Ohm's law, which always, as far as our present knowledge extends, expresses the relation for conduction through metals and electrolytes.

  62. One very characteristic property of conduction of electricity through a gas is the relation between the current through the gas and the electric force which gave rise to it.

  63. Conduction when all the Ions are of one Sign.

  64. A nerve loses its characteristic property of conduction on drying or maceration while luminous cells still possess the power to luminesce after drying or maceration.

  65. Spallanzani's experiment, which has been confirmed for a great many luminous forms, shows also that animal luminescence is not a vital process, in the same sense that the conduction of a nerve impulse is a vital process.

  66. In a transparent dielectric the conduction must be either electrolytic or disruptive, otherwise light vibrations would be damped.

  67. The syllables belonging to a word are often separated by pauses like the words themselves--a sort of dysphasia-of-conduction on account of the more difficult and prolonged conduction of the motor-impulse.

  68. Conduction then is always preceded by atomic induction; and when, through some quality of the body which Faraday does not define, the atomic discharge is rendered slow and difficult, conduction passes into insulation.

  69. Is then the act of decomposition essential to the act of conduction in these bodies?

  70. The dominant result here is the great law of definite Electro-chemical Decomposition, around which are massed various researches on Electro-chemical Conduction and on Electrolysis both with the Machine and with the Pile.

  71. The meaning of Faraday in these memoirs on Induction and Conduction is, as I have said, by no means always clear; and the difficulty will be most felt by those who are best trained in ordinary theoretic conceptions.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conduction" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    communication; conductance; conduction; conductor; convection; delivery; dielectric; dissemination; export; expulsion; extradition; import; interchange; metastasis; migration; osmosis; passage; spread; transfer; transfusion; transit; transition; translation; transmigration; transmission; transmittal; transposition; travel