Sound is no more a transmissible object than colour; neither belongs to the external object.
But that which is communicable and transmissible is the language whereby genius is formulated and expressed, and failing which it must e'en remain dumb and impotent.
No more education, then; no more acquired and transmissible ideas.
It is the very essence of Lamarckism that whatever modifications are produced by use or by disuse shall be transmissible by inheritance.
In several continental countries newspapers were alreadytransmissible by post at very low rates.
Some acquired peculiarities, of form, structure, and instinct, are transmissible to the offspring; but these consist of such qualities and attributes only as are intimately related to the natural wants and propensities of the species.
But, lest species should be thereby made to vary indefinitely, we find that such habits are never transmissible by generation.
The property of the slave also is absolutely the property of his master, the slave himself being the subject of property, and as such saleable, or transmissible at the will of his master.
Deprive man of his progressive and transmissible intellect--of those mysterious powers which we call the mind and the soul--and he would become at once the most useless and the most wretched member of the animal world.
A limited number of men labour, it is true, for the progress and full development of transmissible thought.
Sometimes keratitis exists in a herd as a transmissible disease, spreading like infectious conjunctivitis.
This is a logical deduction, but reverses the dictum laid down at London that human tuberculosis is not transmissible to cattle.
A similar or perhaps identical disease of horses has the same distribution and is transmissible from horses to cattle and vice versa.
The character behaves as a single dominant in males, but frequently, though not always, females may be carriers of the defect in transmissible form though not exhibiting it themselves.
In any scheme of eugenics, energy is the most important quality to favour; it is, as we have seen, the basis of living action, and it is eminently transmissible by descent.
There is, of course, such a thing as acquired epilepsy, and we may even assume for the sake of the argument that no inherent and therefore transmissible factor of predisposition is involved in such cases.
This opinion already exists in some degree as regards one or two transmissible diseases, and, though without adequate scientific warrant, as regards the marriage of first cousins.
In any scheme of eugenics, energy is the most important quality to favour; it is, as we have seen, the basis of every action, and it is eminently transmissible by descent.
All of these agree, for instance, as to the fact that the insane tendency is transmissible and is transmitted by heredity.
On matters oftransmissible disease and racial poisons there is much literature.
Sooner or later, eugenists must face the transmissible infections, and repudiate as hideous and devilish the so-called morality which discountenances any attempt to save unborn innocence from a nameless fate.
Again, the care of the individual is, in part, a eugenic concern: for if we desire his offspring we desire that he shall not contract transmissibledisease nor vitiate his tissues with such a racial poison as alcohol.
The factor that really makes the drunkard "is certainly inborn, and therefore as certainly transmissibleto offspring.
The wide-spread extension of this disease throughout Europe in recent years has given abundant opportunity to show that while it is distinctively an animal malady, it is also transmissible to man, although the disease is rarely fatal.
The question of prime importance is, whether the bovine type is transmissible to the human or not.
Not only should care be taken to avoid structural defects, but especially to secure freedom from hereditary diseases, as both defects and diseases appear to be more easily transmissible than desirable qualities.
When a patient is suffering from serious transmissible disease, he needs the most skillful care available, and for the sake of others he must be strictly isolated or quarantined.
Care of a patient suffering from transmissible disease is adequate only when it accomplishes two definite results.
Certain defects are known to be transmissible by heredity from parent to child, until the cretin of Balzac's Country Doctor is reproduced for centuries.
By denying the right of parenthood to any who have transmissible disease or defect, our modern knowledge enables us to accomplish the same end without recourse to the destruction of human life.
The remedy for this form of social self-torture lies in the denial of parenthood to those who have transmissible defects.
The nature of this disease--that it is an animal parasite transmissible between men and dogs--was proved by feeding-experiments on animals.
Another type of trait is transmissible only by one sex of a family line, and can not be transmitted by the other sex.
But, until that time comes, it would be for the benefit of the race and of posterity if people had to present a certificate of freedom from transmissible venereal disease as a prerequisite to a marriage license.
I have no means of knowing as yet whether this change is transmissible through seed to offspring--" "Hay, wait a minute.
Then there are persons tainted with certain foul and transmissible diseases.