It may or may not be that the unusual demonstrations of power, seemingly divine, were not incited or influenced by the special environment.
We shall presently find in what way this remarkable phenomenon influenced his future destiny.
He remained to the end conscious of the stimulating effect of wine and spirits and too easily influenced by them, as are so many persons of sensitive habit and quick imagination: that is all.
Lamb mentions Julia de RoubignA(C) in the text, and there is little doubt that he was influenced by Mackenzie's story.
My intercourse with him influenced my life while it lasted, and long after his death the thought of what would have been approved or condemned by him affected my actions.
Robert of Normandy may have been influenced by all these motives; and by a kind desire, besides, to save the Christian Pilgrims from bad treatment in future.
But while the magistrates and officials usually were in earnest in these proceedings, it was generally believed that the Governor, influenced by Lady Mary, had secretly favored the escaping parties.
And Master Raymond was visiting at his house, and naturally would be influenced by him.
Mr. Biddle was impressed with the belief that Ortelius was largely influenced in the composition of his map by the map of Cabot.
Kohl cannot find that either Keymis or Masham made charts, but thinks their reports influenced the maps in Hondius, Hulsius, and De Bry.
He never could appreciate the sense of humor that influenced Alfred to go to jail for a joke.
The nearly ice cold, spring water influenced Alfred to go home with the black on his face.
As Alfred had no previous acquaintance with the gentleman, he has often thought the deep interest evinced by the genial Captain was influenced by the two weeks' engagement offered and accepted by Alfred to appear in the park.
Alfred could not fully comprehend the feelings that influenced the members of the family in the stand they took, but anything his mother said or did always met with his loyal support.
However, their author was never imbued with fascination as alluring as that which influenced the First Born in his desire to solve the, to him, mystery of the old well.
Probably it was this ambition to own a street that influenced others to own street railways.
From a rabid abolitionist he had changed to a dignified Democrat, nor was it lust for office that wrought the change--that unholy feeling which influenced Horace Greeley, who was Potts' political god.
The big wood fire influenced him to return to its comforting warmth.
The answer may not always be from the heart, that is, influenced by sincerity.
But it influenced him to look upon actors with a feeling less exalted than previously.
Our classifications are often plainlyinfluenced by chains of affinities.
But she also knew that he was a man of a kind and tender heart, and it was easy to understand how that disposition had influenced his action.
In 1835 he went to Paris where he was influenced by the Romantic movement.
I will have no voice therein, but leave you free to decide upon these questions, that no man hereafter may say you have been influenced by aught but your own sense of right and justice.
We judge by it, even when we know not that we are judging; we act in consequence of its indications without being aware that we are influenced by it.
And those of us who, like this man, have passed out of a graceless into a gracious state will for ever remember how that same Book at that time influenced us till it made us what we are and shall yet be.
It is a psychological fact that men are influenced in their beliefs by their will and desires; indeed, I think we can go further and say that in its essence belief is an expression of impulse, of readiness to act.
He thinks also with great probability that the movements of the heart and the circulation of the blood are powerfully influenced by the same resilisency.
Gambling and dissipated companions possessed him for a time, but neither sullied his mind, nor permanently influenced his habits.
The family agents, a father and son named Hartgill, sided with Lady Stourton and seemed to have influenced her in declining to assent to the scheme.
Influenced more or less by Barreau's suggestion, I suppose, I found myself giving assent that very afternoon when Montell asked me to the cabin for supper and a session at cribbage.
I think that what influenced me most was his way of putting it man to man, so to speak.
How much the Plains culture had influenced the Plateau type before the introduction of the horse, is a question.
The same harmonious fellowship influenced the appearance and actions of all; and at that happy conjuncture I made my first acquaintance with Washington, the capital of the United States.
Family ties influenced this decision considerably, or I should not have left Glasgow, where I was both prosperous and respected.
Since that period of universal dominion all buildings and styles have been influenced more or less by Roman art.
The type of church which we have described influenced church architecture in Italy down to the eleventh century, and such buildings as the beautiful church (Fig.
But Claire was roused by emotions which would not have influenced these young ladies.
But if Bright was a very normal being, Ralston was a very abnormal one, and was, to some extent, a weak man, though not easily influenced by strong men.
We form but parts of a whole; we are influenced by those who preceded us, and we shall influence those who come after us.
The wealth which came into England after the conquest of France influenced all classes, but none more than the family of the king.
These are greatly influencedby the magnificent tomb of Giangaleazzo Visconti at the Certosa di Pavia, near Milan.
The tomb of Philippe de Commynes also illustrates the older feeling, as yet little influenced by the Italian irruption.
He was not actually a pupil of Leonardo; but like all other Lombard artists of his time, he was deeply influenced by the temperament and example of the Florentine master.