Under ordinary circumstances it is higher than that of other cities of India because of its crowded and unsanitary condition, and because all forms of contagious diseases are brought by pilgrims who come here themselves to die.
It will be realized that this is a dangerous condition of affairs for a city that is constantly afflicted with epidemics and in which contagious diseases always prevail.
Sewer gas invades the home; microbes, destructive insects, all diseases invade it also; so far as civilised life is open to danger, the home is defenceless.
To these questions it may be promptly answered that no other animal is so depraved in its feeding habits as man; no other animal has so many diseases of the alimentary system.
Wrong eating and wrong drinking are responsible for an enormous proportion of our diseases and our crimes, to say nothing of the still larger average of unhealthiness and unhappiness in which we live.
Diseases of women and children must be studied at home, where they take rise.
Diseases of men may be attributed to exposure, to wrong conditions in shop and office, to chances of the crowd, or to special drug habits.
Public sanitation, beginning outside and slowly driven in on the reluctant home, has lowered our death rate in the great filth-diseases which used to decimate the world.
Is the list of dietary diseases among our home-fed little ones a thing to boast of?
All prize property is liable to many diseases and changes, incidental perhaps to the climate of India.
From the union of the two, recovery fromdiseases was ascribed to supernatural powers.
He is now able to work miracles, and his power to heal diseases is such, that whatever comes in contact with his person, is so filled or imbued with holy energy, that its curative properties are sufficient to put death at defiance.
The men on the board show persons how to keep diseases from spreading, and make them obey the rules of health.
More diseases are spread from the nose and mouth than in any other way, for we are always doing something to spread bits of saliva and phlegm.
In these ways we catch typhoid fever, stomach aches, and other diseases of the intestines.
Drinkers are the first to catch such diseases as smallpox and yellow fever.
The profession is founded in the multiplicity of diseases to which humanity is liable, and in the medical qualities of certain substances, which have been found to supply a remedy.
The common sentiment seems to be, that diseases of the teeth, and their final loss, at different periods of life, are inevitable inconveniences, to which we must submit with the same philosophy with which we meet other misfortunes.
Among some of the ancient nations, the origin of diseases was attributed to the malignant influence of supernatural agents.
Diseases are often stubborn or incurable, and effectually baffle the most skilful practitioner.
But after the people had become more vicious and luxurious, diseasesbecame more frequent and obstinate, and physicians more necessary.
The human family is subject to a variety of diseases in the teeth, which generally cause the final destruction or loss of these important instruments, unless judicious remedies are applied in proper season.
The operation is recommended by Hippocrates, who describes many of the diseases to which the teeth are liable.
The obvious remedy for diseases arising from tartar, is the removal of their cause.
The first modern work on the diseases of the teeth was published at Lyons, in 1581.
There are hospitals for special diseases everywhere, besides large institutions which have acquired more than Metropolitan fame.
The Ă“patas employ excellent remedies for the diseases to which they are subject.
Other diseases are comparatively rare, excepting of course epidemic disorders like small-pox and measles contracted from the whites, which have caused great havoc in nearly all the tribes.
The prevailing diseases are venereal, scrofula and rheumatism.
Very slight accounts are extant of the peculiar methods of curing diseases practiced by the Haidahs.
Their diseases are few; and among these the most frequent are chills and fevers, and later, syphilis.
Strangely enough, they never suffer from diseases of the digestive organs, notwithstanding the greasy compounds used as food.
The most frequentdiseases are 'indigestion, fluxes, asthmas, and consumptions.
But few diseases are common to them, and a deformed person is scarcely ever seen.
The Chilluckittequaws' diseases are sore eyes, decayed teeth, and tumors.
Diseases are quite as prevalent among them as among civilized people.
It is a common custom to hang a small bag containing poisonous herbs round the neck of a child, as a talisman against diseases or attacks from wild beasts, which they also believe will render them invulnerable in battle.
Rheumatism and chest diseasesare rare, in spite of their rough life.
To prevent famine one plow is worth a million sermons, and even patent medicines will cure more diseases than all the prayers uttered since the beginning of the world.
There are intellectualdiseases the same as diseases of the body.
He even goes so far as to make them believe that he cures them of all manner of diseases by touching them.
Dirt and smells were so common, even a hundred years ago, as hardly to be noticed, and diseases arising from filth and foul air were borne as unavoidable dispensations of divine wrath.
Diseases were supposed to be caused mainly by demons--probably the ancestors of our present germs--and the physician of Saxon days used all the power of flattery and threat to induce the little monsters to come forth.
The same, however, is true of the common diseases of scarlatina, measles and chickenpox.
Of course since the time of Pasteur we have been quite familiar with the inoculation of attenuated virus to protect from the natural diseases in their fully virulent form, for instance, anthrax, rabies, plague and typhoid fever.
This discovery attracted world-wide attention and many looked again towards the innumerable species of biting insects that dwell in the Tropic Zone, as possible carriers of the obscure diseases which also prevail in those regions.
As the knowledge of the lowly origin of many of our diseases is more widespread, this sort of objection will die out.
These diseases were known under the collective name of "the difficulties (or the pain) of bringing up children.
Excepting small-pox, the child was subject to most of those diseases which so often prove fatal to our children.
And the question about certain doctrines is not whether they possess or do not possess the desired charm against certain diseases of the soul, but whether they ought to be considered as characteristics of Judaism or not.
The first item on the Committee's order of reference is "To inquire and report, as to prevalence of venereal diseases in New Zealand.
The result of trusting to unqualified persons for the treatment of such serious and difficult diseases is that the patient usually drifts on uncured, and serious complications may occur.
This long-established procedure as referable to venereal diseases is by antagonists termed "compulsory examination" and "compulsory removal.
In what is proposed in this report there is nothing approaching a revival of the old Contagious Diseases Acts.
There appears to be, in some quarters, an apprehension that hidden beneath the movement to combat venereal diseases is an implied desire or intention to reinstate the antiquated and detested provisions of that Act.
After exposure to infection there appears no reason why these diseases should not be regarded in precisely the same manner as other infectious diseases, and precautions taken to sterilize the parts which have been exposed to infection.
They also favoured general propaganda work, and urged that the National Council for Combating Venereal Diseases should be recognized by Government as an authoritative body for the purpose of spreading knowledge and giving advice.
Diseases of all sorts are for the most part inflicted upon mankind by evil demons, through the agency of spells and incantations.
This is especially true in diseases which, like typhus and scarlet fever, are referable to a blood poison.
The lower animals confined in the impure atmosphere of menageries, contract the same diseases as man.
Another unmistakable result of living in and breathing foul air is found in certain diseases of the lungs, especially consumption.
One's heart goes out to these men, especially the wounded ones, who through no fault of their own are afflicted with the foul diseases that follow in the train of war.
Farther along, attached to the Casino, whose spacious gaming rooms make wonderfully cheerful wards, is a smaller hotel, where the men suffering from skin diseases are treated.
It illustrates and describes a majority of Eye Diseases and gives valuable advice on the care of the eyes.
A splendid book (in colors) on pulmonary diseases comes free with the treatment.
This offer will challenge the attention and consideration, and afterwards the gratitude of every living person who desires better health or who suffers pains, ills, and diseases which have defied the medical world and grown worse with age.
All diseases discovered and cured, if curable; unerring advice on business, absent friends, &c.
Almost all of these diseases are preventable by proper precautions, even by troops in campaign.
Intermittent fevers and cutaneousdiseases prevail, attributable, in all probability, to the great moisture and the insalubrious quality of the drinking water.
The diseases most fatal among the natives are cholera and smallpox, both of which are brought from China.
The Committee desire it to be clearly understood that in this report they have not particularly dealt with mental disabilities resulting from diseases such as syphilis, or toxic influences such as alcohol, drugs, &c.
By Order in Council tuberculosis is gazetted as a contagious disease which is dangerous within the meaning of the Act, and syphilis and leprosy are contagious and loathsome diseases within the meaning of the Act.
These questions have already been covered to some extent by the Report of the Venereal Diseases Committee, and in any case would involve too wide a field of investigation for the present inquiry.
He expresses the opinion that "The release of sterilized individuals with feeble inhibitions or anti-social tendencies is the equivalent to the creation of so-many new and virulent foci of venereal diseases and promiscuity.
The diseases which it is thought to cure are palsy, rheumatism, and cutaneous affections; but they are of no avail in curing pulmonic or dropsical affections.
Fevers and otherdiseases peculiar to the sea-side of the Alleghanies are hardly known among their inhabitants, and heretofore the majority of people have died of old age.
That diseased food causes diseases in the persons who use it, needs not, one would think, a single testimony; and yet, I will name a few.
And first, of the scurvy, and other diseases which he supposes to arise from it.
They would often die of their diseases if we did not put the knife to their throats to prevent it.
He states, also, that the diseases of cattle often afflict those who subsist on them.
Pope, the poet, ascribes all the bad passions and diseases of the human race to their subsisting on the flesh, blood, and miseries of animals.
Embracing Home Treatment for Sexual Abuses; Chronic Diseases, especially the Nervous Diseases of Women; The Philosophy of Generation; Amativeness; Hints on the Reproductive Organs.
The suggestion that a mild or vegetable diet will render certain diseases incident to childhood more mild than otherwise they would be, is undoubtedly an important one; and as just as it is important.
Filthy and dangerous diseasesare not infrequently transmitted by the use of a common drinking cup.
The causes of most skin diseases are largely traceable to diet.
Last year I said: "There is a growing sentiment that many diseases not heretofore regarded as nervous (and perhaps all diseases) are of nervous origin.
This rheumatism, pneumonia, diabetes, and some kidney diseases and liver affections are often the result of persistent nervous disturbance is now held.
The relation of the cerebrum to cutaneous diseases has been studied much of late, and it is now held that the cutaneous eruptions are mainly due to the degree of inhibiting effect exerted upon the vaso-motor center.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diseases" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.