Every house in these streets had its drain covered with flat stones running out to the main sewer of the street, while those in turn converged in a trunk sewer at the foot of the slope.
Some anarchists, after carrying barrels of powder into a sewer near the Madeleine, were said to have undermined the whole district, planning a perfect volcano there, into which one half of Paris would sink.
After this, houses are built upon the street, and a sewermust be laid.
Hester saw the toddler near the open hatch of the sewer basin one moment; the next he had disappeared, and it seemed to her as though a faint cry rang in her ears.
Mrs. Grimes, languidly, the evening of the day Hester had plunged into the sewer and rescued little Johnny Doyle.
Agnew had related regarding Hester's rescue of little Johnny Doyle from the sewer basin.
The water was not more than six feet below the surface of the ground; but deep, deep down was the entrance of the big drain that joined the main sewer taking the street water and sewerage from the whole Hill section.
He never really recovered from the shock, or the cold, when he fell into the sewer basin.
He hated to ask favors of the Sewer Rat, but when the latter volunteered information he was grateful for it.
Mr. Sewer Rat puffed up his cheeks and gnashed his long, white teeth angrily.
Bumper thanked him again, and turned to follow the sewer back to the garden, not realizing that the Rat had purposely deceived him out of revenge.
The sewer was filled with black shadows that flitted all around him.
Of course, he had seen plenty of sparrows, for they live in the cities, and also sewer rats.
It was apparent from their remarks that they mistook him for Mr. Sewer Rat, who perhaps had annoyed them many times before, and had even threatened to devour some of them.
Did a Sewer Rat or any other kind of a Rat have a tail like mine?
Once more the thought of returning to the garden by the way he had come occurred to him; but memory of the fierce bats and the Sewer Rat immediately banished all ideas of this kind from his mind.
He had escaped the bats successfully, and now he had found a way out of the sewer itself.
The sewerdipped down into the river and disappeared from view, and on either side of it, and above it, were very steep walls.
Bumper looked up, and saw a big Sewer Rat grinning at him from the mouth of the drain-pipe.
I never saw a rabbit run faster in all my days," laughed Mr. Sewer Rat.
The only other possible way out of the sewer was by swimming.
An open stream had been used as a common sewer and run into the railway cutting, where it had stagnated.
Death has stolen into Miss Annie's beautiful bedroom, from an ugly sewer across the way.
This common sewer of Rome is one of its oldest and greatest relics.
I am drawing the notice of the municipality to the abominable sewer which poisons the road in front of the hotel.
Whenever there was a ditch or a cesspool to be cleaned out, a dunghill removed, a sewer cleansed, or any dirt hole whatever, he way always employed to do it.
As late as 1887, Hope Street had no sewer and very little conduit-building, if any, had been undertaken south of Seventh or west of Flower.
It must have been in the early seventies that a wooden sewer was constructed on Commercial Street from Los Angeles to Alameda, and another on New High Street for about one block.
For a while, he thought of suing the City; and then he decided to stop the sewer effectually.
By no means should the exhaust discharge into a sewer or chimney, even though the sewer or chimney be not in use; for the unburnt gases may be trapped, and dangerous explosions may ensue at the moment of discharge.
In 1894 a large number of manufacturers of sewer and gas pipe, the Addyston Company being one, formed a combination to monopolize business and fix prices in thirty-six States and Territories.
These manufacturers dealt chiefly with municipalities, which usually let contracts for sewer and gas pipe by public bidding.
I think that a good many might be willing to undertake that job, for I have heard it said, many and many a time, that they would like to burn the sewer rats out.
They call us river rats, we call them sewer rats, and there has been many fights between the fishermen and these fellows, as far back as I can remember, and lately these have been much more frequent.
But by this time the alarm was given; the fugitives were traced into the prison sewer; all the sewer mouths were closely watched, and the two men were re-captured a couple of days later.
They also removed their windows, lowered themselves by ropes made from their bed sheets, and, gaining the yard, forced the grating of the sewer by means of bars taken from their iron bedsteads.
Foiled in this direction the fugitive retraced his steps and now attacked the grating of the chief sewer which passed under the outer wall, flowing towards the river.
It might well be styled the new sewer of Paris, and the word Bicêtre was rightly adopted into the current argot as a pseudonym for misery and misfortune.
The smell of the sewerwas the chief odor, and the long lines of low, red brick houses, with wooden steps and balustrades, and the blinds closed, completed a permanent camp of dreariness.
Evidently, the fine sand had gradually settled into the voids caused by the loss of material at the face, and the settlement broke the brick sewer over the heading.
The sewer was temporarily repaired, and the hole in the street was filled before morning.
The bricksewer was replaced temporarily by one of riveted steel pipe.
A person is employed to give them instruction; five or six weeks' practice mostly makes a good sewer of one who can learn at all.
A good sewer would not find it difficult to make gloves.
To be a fastsewer is the most important requisite.
A very swift sewer could make one such in little over two days--consequently her day's wages would be $2.
It does not require long for a good sewer to learn--from one week to six.
A good folder may earn $6 a week, but a sewer not so much.
It requires taste and ingenuity to succeed, but a good sewer can soon do the mechanical part.
I heard a shoemaker say he knew one sewer that received forty cents for a week's work, stitching sixty pairs of gaiters.
To be a neat sewer and possess some mechanical skill will prepare one for this employment.
A good sewer can earn, without difficulty, from $5 to $5.
This territory in which the bandits and caitiff knights were gathered is compared to a public drain or sewer which carries off the impurities of the city.
Russell, of Glasgow, found the air of a well-ventilated and flushed sewer to contain 0.
He states: "It appears from these examinations that the air even in a tide-locked sewer does not differ from the standard as much as many no doubt suppose.
It was made for the sake of having a general design to be carried out when required; and the water and sewer system had been built with reference to it.
Opening the sewer trenches cost a little more, for they were as deep as those for the water, and a little wider.
The sewer ended in the stable yard back of the horse barn, in a ten-foot catch-basin near the manure pit.
It had rained a little while before, and a small stream was running down the gutter and emptying itself into the sewer opening.
But presently he drew me towards a Chinese laundry, where he bade me leave one of them as washing, and the other he dropped before the opening of a sewer as we stepped up a neighboring curb-stone.
If I wanted to get rid of anything of a damaging character, I would drop it at the mouth of one of these holes and gently thrust it into the sewer with my foot, thought I.
And never doubting that I had found an explanation of the disappearance of the second bundle, I walked on, deciding that if I had the police at my command I would have the sewer searched at those four corners.
Such, however, has not been the case, as I have learned from the Reports of the Sewer Commissioners, and from a personal inspection of some of the sewers.
Unfortunately this, the Ranelagh Sewer still remains open in some parts of its course.
Building, however, is now progressing close to this open sewer so that I presume it will not be long before this portion of the ancient Tybourn is for ever hidden from mortal ken.
And though the greater part of this sewer has been covered in and built upon, on “the bishop’s estate,” yet there is a considerable portion which is not yet covered in in this parish.
You work slow, that's the reason; a good sewercan easily make one in a day; and that's doing pretty well these times.
An industrious sewer can get along pretty well upon a pinch.