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Example sentences for "many parts"

  • He thence concluded that their whole night's course was only nine hours, or so many parts in twenty four of a great circle; and this he observed to be the case regularly every night.

  • It abounds in many parts of the Southern United States, the Andes of Mexico, etc.

  • The Cactus is nowhere found; it is abundant in many parts of Bengal, but certainly not indigenous.

  • Himalaya, a plant which under various names is found in many parts of Europe and many parts of Europe and North America; but since then Dr.

  • But again, whether it have fewer or more measures, it will have as many parts as it has measures; and thus again the one will be no longer one but will have as many parts as measures.

  • It will be of more measures than those things which it exceeds, and of as many parts as measures; and so with that to which it is equal, and that than which it is less.

  • The decoration known as "elephant-trunks" is found in many parts of the ancient ruins of Central America, projecting from above the door-ways of the buildings.

  • It is a significant fact that the cotton-plant has been found growing wild in many parts of America, but never in the Old World.

  • The traces of red men or copper-colored races are found in many parts of the continent.

  • It may be distinctly traced in many parts of the works of Aristotle.

  • Many parts of the Irish administration at this time appear to have deserved serious blame.

  • The severities of Lewis the Fourteenth, odious as they were, cannot be compared with those which, at the first dawn of the Reformation, had been inflicted on the heretics in many parts of Europe.

  • Bastian relates that in many parts of Africa every infant is tattooed on the belly, to dedicate it thereby to a certain fetich.

  • It will be less difficult, because there is the absence of that higher degree of race feeling which exists in many parts of the United States.

  • Now it is a notorious, though almost incredible, fact, that in many parts of India, men will commit petty thefts and offences on purpose to be sent to jail, and will candidly state this to be their reason for doing so.

  • They are willing in many parts of the country to emigrate by thousands even across the "kala pani," to which they have such an intense and religious aversion, or to enlist by thousands in our merchant marine and military forces.

  • Indeed in many parts of India there are predatory tribes and communities of thieves who have to be perpetually under Police surveillance, and who are brought up from their infancy to thieving as a profession.

  • In many parts of Europe dancing or leaping high in the air are approved homoeopathic modes of making the crops grow high.

  • The same superstition is turned to account by hunters in many parts of the world for the purpose of running down the game.

  • This is one of the chief causes of the depopulation of many parts of Syria.

  • Many parts of this wall, especially on the W.

  • Many parts of Tripoli bear marks of the ages of the crusades; amongst these are several high arcades of gothic architecture, under which the streets run.

  • In many parts of Syria I have seen the common people eat raw meat in their favourite dish the Kobbes; the women, especially, indulge in this luxury.

  • Now it is remarkable that the foregoing two rules--not to touch the ground and not to see the sun--are observed either separately or conjointly by girls at puberty in many parts of the world.

  • In many parts of Germany a bonfire is also kindled, by means of the new fire, on some open space near the church.

  • In many parts of Bavaria it was believed that the flax would grow as high as the young people leaped over the fire.

  • In many parts of Sweden firearms are, as at Athens, discharged in all directions on Easter eve, and huge bonfires are lighted on hills and eminences.

  • In many parts of the Abruzzi, also, pious people kindle their fires on Easter Saturday with a brand brought from the sacred new fire in the church.

  • This formation is in many parts overlaid, in the usual order of superposition, by streams of basaltic lava, which near the coast compose nearly the whole surface.

  • Volcanoes prove that in many parts of the earth there exist within reach of the surface regions of such intense heat that the rock is in a molten condition.

  • The variation in glaciers is now carefully observed in many parts of the world.

  • In many parts of the country calcareous springs occur which coat with lime carbonate mosses, twigs, and other objects over which their waters flow.

  • Footnote: I have been informed from respectable authority that in Ireland, although dairies abound in many parts of the island, the disease is entirely unknown.

  • Many parts of his hands on the inside were chapped, and on the middle joint of the thumb of the right hand there was a small phagedenic ulcer, about the size of a large pea, discharging an ichorous fluid.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "many parts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    best friend; many authors; many birds; many cases; many cities; many days; many dialects; many directions; many districts; many eggs; many generations; many knights; many libraries; many names; many parts; many persons; many places; many servants; many shall; many small; many soldiers; many species; many stamens; many states; many votes; many women