The bridal supper followed, and its mirth was none the less sparkling from its perfect innocence.
They soon found it to be an envenomed goblet, sparkling with the wine of demons.
Behind her came Teresina, the maid, necessary at every minute for the Marchesa's comfort, her pink young cheeks flushed with pleasure and her eyes sparkling with anticipation, fastening on her hat as she walked.
But instead of Beatrice, a maid appeared at a door at the other end of the terrace--a fresh young thing with rosy cheeks, brown hair, sparkling black eyes and a pretty figure.
It looked very pretty in the moonlight night, with the sparkling sea out beyond.
There was a big, almost round, spot of white sand, and all about it was shallow water, sparkling in the sun.
In about ten minutes I will be ready again to explain the wonders and beauties of the sparkling heavens to such of you as prefer a million dollars' worth of scientific knowledge to ten cents in vile dross.
Ferne dipped his hand into the water, then, straightening himself, shook from it the sparkling drops, and looked in the face of the youth who was to make with him his maiden voyage.
In his bronzed face shone clear and sparkling eyes, and down his breast hung a long, thick beard.
The Greeks could feel at home in southern Italy, where the genial climate, pure air, and sparkling sea recalled their native land.
Mildred assured him, her eyes sparkling with delight the while, that she was perfectly willing to stay as long as suited his convenience and pleasure.
A few steps from him sat Freida, bathed in golden sunlight and sparkling with diamonds.
I wish I knew how to talk," exclaimed the young man, with sparkling eyes, "and what to do!
It was the bright face and sparkling eyes of Alberic de Montemar, who was leaning against the foot of his bed, gazing earnestly, as he watched for his waking.
The Castle court was thronged with men-at-arms and horses, the morning sun sparkling on many a burnished hauberk and tall conical helmet, and above them waved many a banner and pennon that Richard knew full well.
At every step we take in this land of enchantment we discover a new picture, bordered, it may be, by a river, or a tranquil lake reflecting in its liquid depths a castle with towers, and woods and sparkling waterfalls.
Science sprang, sparkling with her specious lights, from the bosom of heresy.
Zoe was silent and distraite, and did not even try to compete with her sparkling rival.
Ina's pink tint and sparkling eyes betrayed anything but horror at that insane resolution.
Her crisped locks like threads of gold Appear'd to each man's sight; Her sparkling eyes, like orient pearls Did cast a heavenly light.
Gradually advancing he beheld Buddha from afar, his marks of beauty sparkling with splendor twofold greater than of yore; placed in the middle of the great congregation he seemed to be even as Brahma rĂ¢ga.
Calm and collected, not falling headlong was he born, gloriously manifested, perfectly adorned, sparkling with light he came from the womb, as when the sun first rises from the East.
When word was brought that the new prince was come, she donned this sparkling robe and received him with great courtesy.
King Crosspatch put on the old man's battered hat; the old man set the sparkling diamond crown above his sunburned brow, and all was done.
Perhaps the sparkling tree, bright with candles and tarlatan bags of sweets, brought memories cruel in their poignancy; and the old-fashioned songs had rather a depressing effect than otherwise.
There are the bells sounding invitingly across the valley, and the evergreens are white and sparklingin the sun.
Now the summit of another roller was gained, the white foam hissing and sparkling over the boat, and almost concealing her from sight.
The heavy atmosphere seemed oppressive and unnatural, and the women, sparkling brilliantly in the tiers of boxes, looked like beautiful exotics, fragrant with the perishable bloom of a hot-house.
The fur on the belly and on the thighs was ofsparkling whiteness.
Walpurga was standing in the middle of the boat, and with both hands held the child aloft, so that it might see the great crowd of friends and the lake sparkling in the rosy dawn.
Now she looked very engaging in her furry winter costume, her bright face sparkling with animation, and crowned by a becoming arrangement of golden hair.
Such thoughts, not for the first time, are underlying his mind as he sits at the head of his bright andsparkling dinner-table here this evening.
Soon she came upon the little pond that she had seensparkling in the sunlight through the trees.