The descending colon passes downward through the left hypochondriac region and lumbar region along the outer border of the left kidney.
The external opening is most frequently in the umbilical region, but it may be in the epigastric or in the left hypochondriac region or between the ribs.
But the insubstantiality of a hypochondriac affection is one of its greatest torments.
Hypochondriac I am afraid, and religiously distressed in mind.
Of or pertaining to hypochondria, or the hypochondriac regions.
It is common to think the air of high grounds best; but experience near home shews otherwise: the Hypochondriac patient is always worse at Highgate even than in London.
Bacon is indigestible in an Hypochondriac stomach; and hams, impregnated as is now the custom, with acid fumes from the wood fires over which they are hung, have that additional mischief.
They open stoppings of the liver and spleen, and help diseases thereof coming; as rickets, hypochondriac melancholy, &c.
During this decline the delirium ceased and the mind remained merely dull; the jaundice decreased, as did also the tenderness of the hypochondriac zone.
Nausea, vomiting, and epigastric and hypochondriac soreness were the prominent symptoms.
In yellow fever the spleen is but slightly enlarged, and the liver is pale and softened; in relapsing fever the liver and spleen are greatly enlarged, and there is great tenderness over the hypochondriac region.
A sober gentleman of very great respectability, who was low-spirited and hypochondriac to a degree, was at times so fanciful, that almost every rustling noise he heard was taken for an apparition or hobgoblin.
The prejudices and deeply-rooted hypochondriac ideas, foolish theories of the patient and pessimistic emotions which have become habitual, must be removed piece by piece until the central symptoms themselves can be undermined and explored.
The dominion of mankind fell into the usurping hands of those imperious monks whose artifices trafficed with the terrors of ignorant and hypochondriac "Kaisers and kings.
I was a hypochondriac lad; and the sight of a boy in fetters, upon the day of my first putting on the blue clothes, was not exactly fitted to assuage the natural terrors of initiation.
Walter politely declined the proffered ague, and thinking he had now made sufficient progress in the acquaintance of this singular non- hypochondriacto introduce the subject he had most at heart, hastened to speak of his father.
On her return she spied the Doctor's hypochondriacin the act of leaving.
Run along and write your letter, dear--here comes that Tuesday hypochondriacof mine, and he's rich enough for my careful attention.
The suggestion that thehypochondriac devotes undue attention to his own condition is met by him with indignant denial.
We have already seen how the sphere of the hypochondriac is narrowed.
Demonstration by the physician of the soundness of these organs is met by argument, at which the hypochondriac is generally adept.
To the hypochondriac who concentrates his attention upon the digestive tract, this part of his body occupies the foreground of all his thoughts.
To the hypochondriac he said: "Health in the opinion of some is a precious thing; others rank it among the indifferent.
To understand what hypochondriac pains are, we must first be familiar with the general character of the hypochondriacal temperament, for the pains are only a subordinate and ever-varying phenomena of the general disease.
Sometimes it happens that the starting-point of hypochondriac pains, simulating neuralgia, is a blow, or other bodily injury acting on a predisposed nervous system.
This same advice Luther hands on to another who was becoming a hypochondriac as he had been.
For that country, from some law of nature, has always produced a greater number of gloomy and hypochondriac or melancholy persons than any other; and it still does so.
Walter politely declined the proffered ague, and thinking he had now made sufficient progress in the acquaintance of this singular non-hypochondriac to introduce the subject he had most at heart, hastened to speak of his father.
What tended to keep up the delusion in this unhappy city, and indeed all over Europe, was the number of hypochondriac and diseased persons who came voluntarily forward, and made confession of witchcraft.
We all know the strange pranks which imagination can play in certain diseases--that the hypochondriac can see visions and spectres, and that there have been cases in which men were perfectly persuaded that they were teapots.
Hartmann is no hypochondriac as people have tried to make out, and he seeks to alleviate the pain of life as much as possible by placing himself in a state of unconsciousness.
No sooner has one hypochondriac published his symptoms, than fifty others feel themselves at once affected with the same disorder.