The capture of this position much disheartened the Tibetans: communications between Gyantse Jong and Shigatse were cut off, and the jong was now surrounded on three sides.
It was hard, therefore, that we should demand so much from Tibet, and the National Assembly would be very much disheartened at the result of this interview.
Further troubles in that quarter were apprehended, for the Miamis were said to be less disheartened by the ravage of their villages than exultant at the successful ambuscades of Little Turtle.
Arnold was not a man to be disheartened by difficulties.
They were disheartened at the scanty preparations for defence against a superior force, and offended at being subjected to military command.
Finding them in good spirits and in nowise disheartened by the recent affair, which they seemed to consider a check rather than a defeat, he resolved to seek the enemy again and give him battle.
Disheartened by their late defeat, they fled at the first advance of the enemy.
Meanwhile occurred some claps of thunder and rain, as often happens towards autumn, which still further disheartened the Athenians, who thought all these things to be omens of their approaching ruin.
Rather disheartened at his non-success after spending a whole morning in the search for work, he rounded the Astor House corner and crossed Broadway.
Richard was dismayed anddisheartened by the discovery which he had just made.
Stewart was not so easily disheartened as his officers.
The Englishmen, disheartened by the loss of their captain, still fought pluckily, though the wreck of the gear forward and the loss of their maintop-mast seriously impeded the handling of the guns.
The crew, weakened and disheartened by disease and the excess of labor, lost heart and considered the "Essex" a doomed ship.
The Tripolitans, disheartened by the loss of their leader, broke ground before the force of the next attack and fled overboard or were cut down where they stood.
No, I did not know it," said Anne, in a disheartened voice.
Miss Lois, disheartened by all that had happened, busied herself in taking care of the boys dumbly, and often shook her head at the fire when sitting alone with her knitting.
The troops were disheartened by this desertion, and even Pizarro for a moment faltered in his purpose, and thought of retiring with some fifty followers to Charcas, and there making his composition with government.
Sorely disheartened by this repulse from the only quarter whence effectual aid could be expected, the confederates, without funds, and with credit nearly exhausted by their past efforts, were perplexed in the extreme.
Disheartened by the difficulty of the mountain passage, he took the road along the coast, which led him across the great desert of Atacama.
Was it a congregation of saddened anddisheartened people, come to pay a kindly tribute to a passing leader?
Then suddenly hisdisheartened band of followers saw an unexpected sight.
He at once restored confidence among thedisheartened and beaten men.
The night was cold; the men were weary and disheartened with such varied and incessant toil and hardship.
Mr. Crooks now hoped that these might be the men of his party, who, disheartened by perils and hardships, had preferred to remain among the Indians.
Learning their mistake, his followers, disheartened by their failure, deserted him.
Answering him I know not how, but in a way that while it repudiated his proposition, unfortunately acknowledged the truth of the suppositions upon which it was founded, I left him and went home, a crushed and disheartened man.
Albeit, that should it seem good to them, Master William would be able to wait on still, in case perhaps the good brethren of Metz might be disheartened if we should both of us go away together.
He was disheartened by the length of the voyage, and perhaps thought Brazil presented quite as many advantages as California.
I was so far from being disheartened by this repulse that a few days after I made a second experiment at a spot not far from our own door.
As the galley put off from the shore, and the flutes summoned the oarsmen to their toil, its owner felt so disheartened that he did not even venture to hope that he was going in quest of good tidings.
And will you meet the disheartenedhero in this mood?
He was a little disheartened too, for it had not entered much into his calculations that clever men must have well examined that shaft when it was being cut, and that they would have made the discovery if it was to be made.
After an heroic defence, Clissa fell into the hands of the Turks, and a scanty and disheartenedremnant of its brave defenders fled northward to seek some new place of refuge.
Of all the sights of that melancholy traverse, this the most disheartened me, whatever had been my carelessness of life before.
This rebuff so disheartened him that he gave up all idea of continuing the University course and returned to Ratnapur with the intention of living in idleness on his property.
This greatly disheartened me—I should be about 14 years old at this period;—but though my father burned my play-books he did not quell my ardent ambition to go on the stage.
What greatly disheartened me was to know that he had my green bag, containing my stock-in-trade, in his possession wherever he was.
Teimer stood still and gazed sneeringly at the disheartened and terrified soldiers, and then glanced at their general.
And some, of the timid and disheartened sighed: "It is true!
I returned to my "Magpie" after dark a little disheartened and thoroughly tired, but still very well pleased with my rustic quarters and my adopted county.