The Preacher commencesthis Section by carefully defining his position and equipment as he starts on his final course.
This, then, is the mood in which the Preacher commences his quest of the Chief Good.
Bonaparte now commences in Italy his extraordinary career.
In order to do this, we will follow the order of procedure of a general when war is first declared, who commences with the points of the highest importance, as a plan of campaign, and afterward descends to the necessary details.
On the morning of the fourth day when the clutch is complete the femalecommences incubating.
It commences in the cellar of the marble building of Messrs.
This beautiful white-flowered Clematis grows well in many gardens, and commences to bloom in March.
About the end of June it commences to flower, produces its flower-spikes in the leaf-axils, and continues to do so until the middle of September.
It commences to bloom in the summer, and often holds many of its flowers until November.
Our share in this work commences with the recognition of the Divine ideal of man, and thus finding the pattern by which we are to be guided.
It commences the moment you leave the dock at New York.
The eating of the day commences with a very slight breakfast in your room at any hour you choose.
As you get opposite the door, she looses her hold upon them, and thencommences the chase.
It was nine o'clock in the evening, and the long drawn-out twilight had nearly faded away as I climbed up the long ascent which commences the road to Coutances, and before I had reached the village of Brehal it was quite dark.
In this quaint fashion commences the third chapter of a book upon Mont St Michel which is to be purchased in the little town.
Monstrelet commences the prologue to the second volume of his chronicles by citing the book of "un tresrenomme philosophe nomme Vegece, qu'il feist de la vaillance et prudence de chevalerie.
From time itcommences to boil let cook for three hours.
Just as soon as it has reached that point, but before it commences to grow stringy, beat it by spoonfuls into the cream.
Bake in a very slow oven four hours; when it commences to brown on top stir well.
The ceremony commences by shaving the infant's head; and a dish called Dega, made of pounded corn and sour milk, is prepared for the guests.
When a boy has committed to memory a few of their prayers, and can read and write certain parts of the Koran, he is reckoned sufficiently instructed; and with this slender stock of learning, commences his career of life.
The line of prophecy of which this forms a part commences with Rev.
The clamps are adjusted to hold his head firm, he is told to fix his gaze on a point ahead, and then suddenly, he commences to whirl around.
As the gas rushes in, the envelope commences to swell; it grows larger and larger, displacing a greater volume of air every moment.
Just as soon as its engines are stopped it commences to descend.
She commences by jumping twice on both feet, then alternately with the right and left, and next four times with the feet slipped one behind the other, the rope passing once round at each jump.
At the head of the fall, or where it commences its principal descent, the river is contracted to about one hundred and fifty feet in breadth, the channel being hollowed out through a solid rock of gneiss.
In man, a solution of 1 : 120 commences to act in about six to seven minutes, reaches its highest point in from ten to fifteen minutes, and persists more or less for six to eight days.
It would, perhaps, be more accurate to say that the ascent commences at Nimla.
Downpour still continuing and London being now under water, wild-duck shooting commencesin Chancery Lane.
Let us assume that he employs forty men more or less regularly during that period and that the average age of these men is also thirty years at the time the employer commences business.
Again, let us suppose that an employer is, say, thirty years of age when hecommences business, and that he carries it on for twenty years.
The disease occurs with equal frequency in men and women, and in the majority of cases commences during adolescence or early adult life.
On the other hand, if the illness commences with depression, the chief physical symptoms are mal-nutrition and loss of body weight, and the return to health is always preceded by a return of nutrition and a gain in body weight.
Having consulted his list, and adjusted his telescope, he commences his steady gaze.
The herring season commences in September and ends in the latter part of November.
The mackerel season commences in April and continues till the latter end of July, while the trawling commences and ends two or two and a half months later.
Fishing usually commences towards the beginning of June on the coast of Syria, and finishes at the end of October.
At a fixed hour, and under the surveillance of a coastguard in a pinnace bearing the national flag, the flotilla commences the fishing.
It commences with a Calendar delightfully decorated and illustrating minor passing events in the life of the period, with portraits of the Duke himself, his family, his friends and other personages.
It commences with a Calendar, followed by a series of paintings on gold backgrounds representing scenes from the Old and New Testaments, and dates from the thirteenth century.
Her glances become more fierce and fiery, and her coarse hair stands erect on her head, stiff as the prickles of the hedgehog; and now she commences clapping her hands, and uttering words of an unknown tongue, to a strange and uncouth tune.
Having walked or sat in this heated mist till a profuse perspiration bursts out, the tellah again approaches, and commences his operations.
If he illustrates a proverb, he gives it out as a text, and then commences his story.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commences" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.