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Example sentences for "avidity"

Lexicographically close words:
aviator; aviators; aviatrix; avid; avide; avidly; aviez; avifauna; avil; avin
  1. One proof of this may be found in the avidity with which the most remarkable charges of several of the Bishops have been read, the prodigious number of copies of them which have been sold.

  2. I mean the disposition which seems to be becoming general, to invest Congress with the regulation of our commerce, and, in the meantime, the measures taken to defeat the avidity of the British government grasping at our carrying business.

  3. It is lamentable to observe the avidity with which the lower orders of society in London resort to this fiery liquid, destructive alike of health and morals.

  4. Lucy interrupted the debate, by informing him of her message to Father Christopher: he seized with avidity the new hopes inspired by the expectation of assistance from so holy a man.

  5. The great mortality which the climate had produced in his fleet was, as is usual, but a feeble restraint on the avidity and sanguine hopes of young adventurers.

  6. A good press-agent will, for a fee, give one as much publicity and newspaper popularity as that enjoyed by a duke, and most amazing is it that such paragraphs are swallowed with keen avidity by Suburbia.

  7. This, all powerful as it was, he drained off as though it had been water, and with the greedy avidity of one who finds himself suddenly restored to the possession of a favorite and long absent drink.

  8. The negotiation rapidly went on, in the same spirit of avidity on the part of the king, and of good management on that of his debtors.

  9. When some unfortunate occurrence seems to give a deplorable foundation to the words of such mockers, with what avidity they name the most exquisite conceptions of the poet, "vain phantoms!

  10. At first they were indifferent to cooked food, and would chase and catch and eat the grasshoppers and lizards with the avidity of wild turkeys, and seemed, as those fowls, to relish these as their natural food.

  11. He seized with avidity the opportunity the Mexican war presented, and there greatly distinguished himself.

  12. Her avidity of praise, by teaching her how best to improve and exercise her talents, had as yet but increased her charms; and her distrust of others first taught her to exercise her own judgment.

  13. As all my prospects of felicity in private life are blasted, I turn with more avidity to that course of public usefulness, which alone can now afford me satisfaction.

  14. For argument, he suggests the avidity of power natural to rulers; and the eager grasp with which they hold it when obtained; and their strong propensity to abuse their power, and encroach on the liberties of the people.

  15. Such was the avidity and growing intelligence with which the little naked town-savage listened to what Donal read to him, that his presence was just so much added to Donal's own live soul of thought and feeling.

  16. When at length he set him to Greek, he was astonished at the avidity with which he learned it!

  17. Avidity of the Anglo-Americans in taking Possession of the Solitudes of the New World.

  18. He was struck with the eagerness of Madame Duvet and Netta, who entered into the game with all the avidity of accomplished gamblers.

  19. She administered these remedies to her patient, who swallowed them with the same avidity and difficulty as she had done the broth.

  20. The toasted bread is soaked in a portion of the broth, and is also devoured as speedily as offered, with an avidity made still more painful by the difficulty of swallowing, occasioned by some obstruction in the throat.

  21. It is on account of its great avidity for water, that the carbonate is used in the preparation of alcohol from spirituous liquors; it retaining the water, while the alcohol may be distilled over.

  22. His classical attainments were far above the usual University standard, and he read with avidity the English philosophers from Bacon down to Shaftesbury.

  23. The flowery figures were borrowed from a railroad folder but Mr. Symes had grasped them with the avidity of true genius and made them his own.

  24. Lamb accepted her partnership proposition with an avidity which rather indicated that he needed the money.

  25. But it frequently happened that his avidity exceeded their zeal, insomuch that he would prostrate himself upon the ground to lap the water, of which he could never have enough.

  26. For our own part, we have ever perused, with the liveliest satisfaction, any book of a biographical character, and believe that such works are almost universally read with avidity and profit.

  27. But it is in Russia especially that he has most reason to pour out his wrathful imprecations on that army of birds of prey that pounce on him with an avidity truly intolerable.

  28. Most of our romance-writers are probably not aware that their works are read with avidity even on the banks of the Caspian, and are criticised there with as much acuteness as in the great capitals of Europe.

  29. It is needless to add, that our fashions and the prodigies of our civilisation are adopted with the same avidity as our literature.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "avidity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alacrity; ambition; animation; anxiety; appetite; ardor; avarice; avidity; cupidity; eagerness; elan; enthusiasm; gluttony; grasping; greed; gust; gusto; impatience; incontinence; keenness; life; liveliness; lust; passion; promptness; quickness; rapacity; readiness; relish; spirit; thirst; verve; vitality; vivacity; voracity; zeal; zest