Nevertheless, a period of sleeplessness lasting for two or three weeks is not a pleasant experience to a pregnant woman.
Insomnia or sleeplessness is sometimes a vexatious complication during pregnancy.
Carthew was sick with sleeplessness and coffee; his hands, softened by the wet, were cut to ribbons; yet he enjoyed a peace of mind and health of body hitherto unknown.
We have constantly to remember that all this time the unfortunate man was suffering incessant pain, and passing his nights in sleeplessness and fever.
Finally and perhaps above all else, he was the victim of tormenting bodily pain, and of sleeplessness which resulted from it.
It proves an admirable remedy for sleeplessness from nervous exhaustion, and as prepared in New York may be procured from any good druggist in England.
A dried extract of the lesser Skullcap (Lateriflora) is made by chemists, and given in doses of from one to three grains as a pill to relieve severe hiccough, and as a nervine stimulant; also for the sleeplessness of an exhausted brain.
Vertigo, headache, disturbances of the special senses, sleeplessness at night, drowsiness during the day, annoy the patient and induce extreme hypochondria.
Sleeplessness preceded it for four days, and there was no hyperpyrexia.
Vertigo, as in functional dyspepsia, is also an occasional symptom, and very commonly patients complain of extreme degrees of sleeplessness and disturbed dreams and nightmare.
The treatment of sleeplessness consists first, of course in the removal of the apparent cause.
I am better, but still weak in consequence of such long sleeplessness and wearying pains; weak, very weak.
When good temper and interest take the place of fretfulness and restlessness, we may confidently expect that the symptom of sleeplessness will begin to abate.
If a child begins to suffer from active sleeplessness we must not make the mistake of urging him to sleep.
Sleeplessness by night and fretfulness by day form a vicious circle, and attempts must be made to break it at all points.
These remedies, especially the first, should be at once applied, if the sleeplessness is accompanied, as is usual, with heat in the head.
But if more general symptoms appear, such assleeplessness and heat in the head, cooling of the head is required.
Sometimes sleeplessness proceeds from the use of bad drinking water, through its effect on the stomach and bowels.
Sleeplessness arises in so many ways and from so many causes, that it is often hard for the patient to find a cure, and he will try anything in desperation.
Here hath been described the sleeplessness of Dhritarashtra from anxiety upon hearing all about the Pandavas and their friends, Vasudeva and others.
Then comes 'Prajagara' (the sleeplessness of Dhritarashtra owing to his anxiety).
Sleeplessness besets me; and if I had engaged to go on into May, I think I must have broken down.
Sleeplessness aggravated fatigue, and stimulants were already necessary to enable him to do the work of his readings without discomfort.
And now, my friend, sleeplessness of your kind being very apt to relax the moral fibre in little matters of life and death, I'll just take the liberty of spiking your guns.
Well, your sleeplessness hasn't ruined your muscle; and what a thick hide it is!
Before this awful sleeplessness came to me I've tried to rest on my elbow and put a spur in the bed to sting me when I fell back.
I incline to the opinion that they thought I might be a little daft--I am sure I must have looked so at times, from sheer sleeplessness and exhaustion.
I was so near insane with sleeplessness and anxiety, that I seemed to be walking on the air!
She had never suffered from sleeplessness before, and could not think that this insomnia was accidental.
At the battle of Bautzen, for instance, Napoleon was extremely fatigued by the exertions and sleeplessness of the two preceding days and nights.
The next morning the death-like pallor of his cheek, his sunken eye, and the haggard expression of his countenance, attested that the emperor had passed the night in sleeplessness and suffering.
One night, when the army in Italy was in great peril, worn out with the fatigue of sleeplessness and of battle, and surrounded by Austrians, Napoleon was taking the round of his posts in disguise, to ascertain the vigilance of his sentinels.
When sleeplessness in an acute meningitis is accompanied by severe pain, an excellent combination will be found in the following: [R.
It is useful in the sleeplessness of headaches, neuralgia, dysmenorrhoea, and chronic phthisis.
To consider aright the relations that exist between sleeplessness and insanity would far exceed the limits of this work; we can only review the leading indications for its treatment.
The sleeplessness of melancholia and of paretic dementia may be thus relieved.
It will, therefore, be found more useful to consider the subject of sleeplessness as it ordinarily presents itself during the clinical progress of the several forms of disease.
Chief among the causes of sleeplessness thus produced is pain.
Sleeplessness caused by chronic dyspepsia will often yield to a diet of koumiss, when every other remedy has failed.
In those forms ofsleeplessness which are dependent upon disordered conditions of the digestive apparatus, acids are often useful.
Opium in a diaphoretic preparation, and associated with alkalies or with colchicum, has always been the most approved remedy for sleeplessness in the acute forms of these painful diseases.
Of these the second is most useful when sleeplessness is associated with the phenomena of irritability; the first is less energetic in its effects upon the motor structures of the body.
For this reason it is particularly useful in the treatment of uterine colic and in sleeplessness after childbirth, when opiates cannot be tolerated, or are contra-indicated on account of their tendency to excite the brain.
In cases of sleeplessness caused by worry and overwork, great benefit is often experienced from the daily passage of the faradaic current from the back of the neck, or from the pit of the stomach, to the feet.
Even at the present time they are indispensable for the relief of all forms of sleeplessness dependent upon pain.
As often happens after long sleeplessness and long anxiety, he was seized by an unreasoning panic--it occurred to him that the child was dead.
Worn out by sleeplessness and anxiety they threw their burden of sorrow on one another and reproached and disputed with each other.
All the strengthening, moral effect which can be gained from overcoming sleeplessness in wholesome ways is lost by a recourse to drugs, and character is weakened instead of strengthened.
It seemed as if Madame de Talbrun might also have passed a night of sleeplessnessand tears.
Her face was very pale, and her eyes were red, as if from sleeplessness or weeping.
Sleeplessness is due, in the majority of cases, to a faulty habit of mind.
All palpitating, fluttered withsleeplessness and drug-taking, etc.
Sleeplessness had robbed his will of all energy, for he had not slept seven hours in the seven days.