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Example sentences for "pushed forward"

  • Early in November a body of Russian cavalry appeared before Eupatoria to attack our stock, and a French colonel, with eighty horse, pushed forward to save his beeves and mutton from the gripe of the hungry Cossacks.

  • On the 15th he pushed forward to Alexandria, which place he reached on the 18th.

  • After putting in motion the irregular square in person, I pushed forward to find Captain Ayres's battery at the crossing of Bull Run.

  • After getting into line south of Hatcher's, we pushed forward to find the enemy's position.

  • You felt from the advance of his attack it must be successful, and, as it pushed forward, you sent me to urge on M.

  • For five days we pushed forward by short stages only, until at sunrise one day we espied an oasis, and, encamping in the small shade it afforded, Abu Talib decided to give the animals rest.

  • I saw Sandy try the ice when he was doubtful of its consistency, as he went along; but, satisfied that it would bear him and consequently any of us, he pushed forward.

  • Clear weather was, therefore, of the utmost importance, so, praying that it might continue, we pushed forward.

  • At last the snow ceased, and as we could make out the faint outlines of the cliffs to the southward, we at once, shouldering our packs, pushed forward.

  • It was resolved, therefore, that one-half of the brigade should be pushed forward, in the first instance to seize and garrison Ali-Musjid.

  • The immediate objective of the attack was the village of Bouchavesnes, after which the line was to be pushed forward to a position overlooking the valley of the Tortille River and the Canal du Nord.

  • One division, commanded by the governor in person, pushed forward to Lakes George and Champlain, and at Ticonderoga was joined by a body of militia from the New Hampshire Grants.

  • Stark, with what men he had been able to collect, pushed forward to his assistance.

  • The Indians, and particularly the ferocious Senecas, eager for blood and plunder, pushed forward in the van during the halt.

  • Engineers and pioneers got to work at once, and in a very short space of time had made roads and bridges through the enemy trench system, and over the Nahr el Falyk, by which cavalry and guns could be pushed forward.

  • As soon, after they had been taken, as patrols could be pushed forward, the enemy was found to be gone.

  • Still, as I could not contentedly remain where I was, I pushed forward.

  • We pushed forward as fast as we could; but the old wrecker, our guide, seemed, as we thought, somewhat uncertain of the path we ought to take.

  • Arrangements were also made for the railhead to be pushed forward as rapidly as possible toward Karm, and for a line to be laid from Gamli toward Beersheba for the transport of ammunition.

  • The attack on Outpost Hill and Middlesex Hill met with little opposition, and as soon, after they had been taken, as patrols could be pushed forward, the enemy was found to be gone.

  • They took possession of the quarries on the east, pushed forward to the outskirts of Longpont, and penetrated the northern section of Corcy.

  • Jendzian did not know yet what the trouble was, for after his answer he pushed forward again to the princess.

  • On the eighth of May the line from the village of Krastali to Waggon Hill was slightly advanced in order to straighten the line which had been pushed forward by the partial success of the forward movement on the ā€œPā€ ridge.

  • On the 1st of September the enemy withdrew from Mont Kemmel, and the British line was immediately pushed forward as far as Daylight Corner, and close to Wulverghem.

  • It is estimated that roughly 300 of the enemy with light machine guns pushed forward in this way.

  • The Rifle Brigade had been entrusted with the task; it pushed forward to certain death with wonderful steadiness, but was almost wiped out.

  • By means of one of these crossings he pushed forward until by 25th July, though the river line had not yet been won on a broad front, he lay within twenty miles of the Warsaw-Petrograd railway.

  • We pushed forward, keeping as much as possible under shelter of the trees, not only for the sake of the shade, but in order to keep concealed from any parties of the enemy who might be passing in the neighbourhood.

  • The padre, he, and I accordingly landed; and observing that the ground rose to some height inland, we pushed forward in that direction.

  • The gun-carriage is pushed forward by the People, and the old woman, in her helmet and trappings, rides past in triumph.

  • We pushed forward, hoping that our sufferings from thirst were at an end.

  • As all the ivory in the neighbourhood for which we had goods to give in exchange had been purchased, we pushed forward to the north-east to a country inhabited by tribes which had hitherto had little or no intercourse with Europeans.

  • As soon as there was light sufficient to enable us to see our way, we pushed forward, earnestly praying that before the sun was high in the heavens, we might fall in with water.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pushed forward" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    attack him; began talking; few hundred; five feet; foreign body; given the; great pains; great surprise; hereditary descent; hexameter verse; loved the; mathematical demonstration; mere variety; mince pies; near approach; not forget; pushed back; pushed forward; saved others; shady places; teaspoon nutmeg; these pages; through their