Every church is a station of the divine Passion, and to every votary therein could I say: "I behold in thee An image of him who died on the tree.
These words sound as if coming from the cloistered votary of the middle ages, or even of the nineteenth century; the same is the spirit of the church in all ages.
And here at Bordeaux was the Hospice of St. André for the reception of the weary votary of St. Jago.
The former does not even lead its votaryup to that one nature of the earth from which the natures of all the animals and plants on its surface, and of all the minerals and metals in its interior parts, blossom as from a perennial root.
It is curious to notice that maitri, which plays such a prominent part in Buddhism, is counted in the Yoga as only a preliminary condition from which the votary is to take, as it were, his first start towards his final goal.
When the fair votary of the chase travels to the meet on wheels, I recommend her by all means the use of a warm overcoat, of which the Ulster is very convenient, and was very much worn for the above purpose last season.
Turning gracefully in her saddle, the fair votaryof the chase expressed her deep regret at the bad behaviour of her horse.
Sometimes they intervened voluntarily to protect a votary whose devotions had won their favour.
These "Mysteries" or miracle plays in Old French verse are naive enough in their kindly stratagems, by which the votary is saved from punishment in this life and his soul from torment in the next.
Once I asked a leading votary of the "System": "What would you do if by any chance the Government decided to get into the railway business, and took a railway or so to see how government control would work?
Thereupon the value of the adjoining piece bought by the "System's" votary jumps fifty per cent.
Harriman, 'Standard Oil' votary and director in the Equitable.
Proudly defiant of a product so alien to all her traditions, her citizens would have sworn that no votary of modern high finance could exist over one curfew-toll within her gates.
His devotedness to verse-making had continued unabated from boyhood; he had written verses at the loom, and had become an enthusiastic votary of the muse during his peregrinations with his pack.
In a scene less calculated to invite poetic inspiration no votary of the muse had ever resided.
The artistic treasures of Greece were carried off by the votary of Greek art; the gold and silver images of her shrines were sent to the melting-pot.
Opiates and potions administered by the priests, with the effect of solemn religious rites, prepared the votary for voices from another world.
It is only in the last stone records that a votaryof Mithra is found combining a devotion to Isis.
No one, who has read in Apuleius the initiation of Lucius in the Isiac mysteries, can doubt that the effect on the votary was profound and elevating.
And death, the last sleep, which should put a term to the ills of life, only unrolls before the superstitious votary an awful scene of rivers of fire and blackness of darkness, and sounds of punishment and unutterable woe.
But Juvenal's scorn seems to fall quite as heavily on the innocent votary who was striving to appease a burdened conscience, as on one who made her superstition a screen for vice.
If the god is a tyrant, the votarywill be a tax-payer surrendering his tithes to secure immunity from further levies or from attack by other potentates.
Without moral society between the votary and his god religion is pure idolatry; and even idolatry would be impossible but for the suspicion that somehow the brute force exorcised in prayer might help or mar some human undertaking.
She sincerely lamented being obliged to deprive herself of the company of a lover to whom she was tenderly attached, and for whose sake she was become an unwilling votary in the service of her God.
At the end of the trial, however, each votary sacrifices a joint of the little finger of one hand to the bad spirit.
In few words, it reduces itsvotary to the position of a tool, and renders him, so far as religion is concerned, mentally blind.
And James Stewart, a medico Of the old school of long ago, A votary of potent pill, And lancet too for many an ill.
Disciple of Art andVotary of Science," article in Liverpool Albion, ii.
Articles on "Disciple of Art and Votary of Science," in, ib.
Every one is familiar with the rapid progress of disease, when it attacks the votary of intemperance.
But though the votary of duty, he was a worshipper at the shrine of intellect and taste.
Now once again to thee it is declared-- This ancient lore, this mystery supreme-- Seeing I find thee votary and friend.
Egad, I believe that fair votary of the Graces ruins more young bloods than any sharper in the town!
These reflections, so new to the man of pleasure, the votary of the world, gave birth to stranger still.
My austere and holy life leaves no room for repentance; it is my pride and glory to have been a chaste votary of Vesta.
When a communion on these lines turns out to be not a reality, but a sham, and its disillusioned votary feels solitary and forlorn, he is ready to blame everybody and everything except himself.
The modern sophist is even more a votary of the god Whirl than the Greek, for he has added to the mobility of an intellect that has no support in either tradition or insight the mobility of feeling.
It brings its votary from the chill periphery of things to the radiant core.
The æsthete is plainly moving in an opposite direction; he is becoming more and more openly a votary of the god Whirl.
It induces the infatuated votary to believe that being in the pale of a particular church will ensure his salvation.
An hiccuping votary of Bacchus, displaying a half-emptied purse, is not likely to possess it long; for an adroit professor of legerdemain has taken aim with an hooked stick, and by one slight jerk will convey it to his own pocket.
This was perhaps one reason for our votary of Mammon making it the leading article in his bill of fare; the rest and residue of his feast is made up by a solitary egg.
Miss Strutt and the pert votary of Whiteley are sitting shawled, and with their heads close together.
Uncle Toby, his struggle ended, lies vanquished in the widow's net; and there is murder in the lurid eye which Miss Strutt turns on the votary of Whiteley.