As a consequence the standard of admission fell below that which the public interest demanded.
The Commissioner of Education reports a continued increase of public interest in educational affairs, and that the public schools generally throughout the country are well sustained.
Public interest is diverted to new cases, and eventually the case may be quietly dismissed.
First, public interest is not naturally attached to the observation of the rules of justice; but is only connected with it, after an artificial convention for the establishment of these rules, as shall be shewn more at large hereafter.
A single act of justice is frequently contrary to public interest; and were it to stand alone, without being followed by other acts, may, in itself, be very prejudicial to society.
A direct power over one's own person and property, an individual opinion to be counted on all questions of public interest, is better than indirect influence, be it ever so far-reaching.
The efficiency of each sport is measured in the attraction it exercises over many people, and thus in the ability of a sport to transmit messages of public interest, insofar as public interest is part of the market process.
A strike which ties up the coal supplies of a whole section is a strike invested with a public interest.
But Mr. Wilson is President of the United States, and as such he is bound to candid utterance on every subject of public interest which he himself has broached.
I am disposed to believe, that gentlemen aim at doing what will best promote the public interest.
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury did not consult the public interest in negotiating a loan with the Bank of the United States, and drawing therefrom four hundred thousand dollars, at five per cent.
The Republicans on the pretext of public interest try to attain selfish ends, some going so far as to consider the forsaking of parents as a sign of liberty and regarding the violation of the laws as a demonstration of equality.
The citizens of the Republic of China shall enjoy the inviolable right to the security of their property and any measure to the contrary necessitated by public interest shall be determined by law.
New York, of course, absorbed the largest share of public interest.
The war with Birmah was, however costly and sanguinary and was the most prominent matter of public interest in the foreign relations of the British empire.
Few events of public interest occurred in the parliamentary history of the session except those which are here recorded.
Affected with a public interest"; use of phrase to justify rate regulation.
All of the executive departments of the Government have been conducted during the year with a high devotion to public interest.
As their rates must be regulated in public interest, so also approximate regulation should be applied to competing services by some authority.
The consolidations need to be carried out with due regard to public interest and to the rights and established life of various communities in our country.
And the king was thus impelled, both by his private passions and by motives of public interest, to seek the dissolution of his inauspicious, and, as it was esteemed, unlawful marriage with Catharine.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "public interest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.