In '53 he was First Commissioner of Public Works, and in '55 was Secretary for the Colonies.
Educated at the Polytechnic School, which he left in 1840 and served on public works.
He was for some time in the army as engineer, and afterwards became surveyor of public works.
The poor-rate was quite inadequate to support the burden thrown upon it by the suspension of public works, but there was another claim upon it which could not wait.
Teste, formerly Minister of Public Works, and then president of the Cour de Cassation, was seriously compromised in the scandalous trial of General Cubières and Pellapra.
They henceforth acted as police magistrates, market commissioners, and superintendents of public works.
The aediles had charge of public works, and market and police regulations, while the quaestors were the local treasury officials.
An Act to consolidate the powers hitherto exercised by the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland; and, 4.
Far more money was spent on the salaries of engineers and assistant-engineers than on public works.
Chabot, commissioner of public works in place of John Young, resigned on account of differences on commercial questions; and E.
Commerce accounts for about 8% of GDP and the construction, public works, and service sectors for about 38%.
Taxation, schools, public works, and the administration of justice are supported by the people.
The council makes laws, or ordinances, regulating the police force; fixing the rate of city taxation; ordering the issue of bonds and the construction of public works; and making appropriations for public purposes.
Then he turned his thoughts to public works of permanent utility, and requiring continued labor: these projects gradually absorbed his attention, and perhaps perverted his judgment.
Governor Arthur was directed by the Secretary of State to assign the prisoners employed on public works: such as were unfit for the service of settlers to form into gangs, and employ on stations distant from the towns.
But the fact remains that I heard from the Director of Public Works that a temporary camp has been pitched on the very site Mike was going for.
This is an excavation camp which has just been sanctioned by the Minister of Public Works.
And he added that Mr. Brassey would make a splendid minister of public works.
The Liberals had intended to shift the discussion to the record of the Government, but before they could propose an amendment, the minister of Public Works, Hector Langevin, moved the previous question, thus barring any further motion.
In 1902 the manufacturers began a strong campaign in that direction, which was given aggressive support by the minister of Public Works, J.
William MacDougall was minister of public works; the Hon.
Once let it be understood that the Government means to spend ten thousand millions on public works, and all the voters are ready to believe the Government has found the philosopher's stone.
Raynal, a Radical member for the Gironde who held the portfolio of Public Works under M.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "public works" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.