If of a man we predicate good, and of an horse running, the predicate or thing predicated is not the same with the subject or that of which it is predicated, but the essential definition of man is one, and of good another.
When we examine who we are who hold every thing to be false that is distinct from ourselves, we see clearly that neither extension nor figure, nor any thing which can be predicated of body, but only thought, belongs to our nature.
Objectively they are the immutable principles of being and of the phenomenal world, incorporeal and simple unities which have no relation to space, and which may be predicated of every independent thing.
For every thing else which can be predicated of body presupposes extension, and is only a mode of extension, as every thing we can find in mind is only a modification of thought.
Real and ideal, darkness and light, can never be predicated of the absence of ground as opposites; they can only be affirmed of it as not-opposites in a neither-nor.
This thinking is now falsely taken as a real thing; the being of the Ego as object is connected with the Ego as subject, and that which is affirmed analytically of the latter is predicated synthetically of the former.
For since man is only a mode, he, like every other mode, stands in an endless series of conditioning causes, and no free will can therefore be predicated of him.
Moss-backed" cannot be predicated of a Republican.
This change means that we are now coming to understand that meanness cannot be predicated of any honest industry.
A logical predicate may be what you please, even the subject may be predicated of itself; for logic pays no regard to the content of a judgement.
Essential simplicity (with the other attributes predicated of the ego) is regarded as the mere schema of this regulative principle; it is not assumed that it is the actual ground of the properties of the soul.
The word absolute is at present frequently used to denote that something can be predicated of a thing considered in itself and intrinsically.
Absolutely possible would in this sense signify that which is possible in all relations and in every respect; and this is the most that can be predicated of the possibility of a thing.
For otherwise succession, which is always found in perceptions as apprehensions, would be predicated of external objects, and their representation of their coexistence be thus impossible.
But what is applied to anything through its cause, is applied to it secondarily, for "healthy" is primarily predicatedof animal rather than of medicine, which is the cause of health.
The arguments adduced in the contrary sense prove indeed that these names are not predicated univocally of God and creatures; yet they do not prove that they are predicated equivocally.
Therefore of necessity by the same form a thing is animal and man; otherwise man would not really be the thing which is an animal, so that animal can be essentially predicated of man.
Whether essential names should be predicated of the persons in the plural, or in the singular?
Whether the same can be predicated of essential names taken in the abstract?
Therefore whatever is said of God and of creatures is predicated equivocally.
So, names which signify the divine essence in a substantive manner are predicated of the three persons in the singular, and not in the plural.
Whether Essential Names Should Be Predicated in the Singular of the Three Persons?
Further, whatever is predicatedof many things univocally is predicated of them according to some common notion.
One substance predicatedof the Father and the Son signifies either one subsistent, with two denominations; or one substance divided into two imperfect substances; or a third prior substance taken and assumed by the other two.
No act could be predicated upon it--no action taken on its communication--none upon the refusal, either of censure or coercion.
It seems to be predicated on the erroneous idea that the present stockholders have a prescriptive right, not only to the favor, but to the bounty of the government.
Upon the whole it may be observed, that much more just and elevated sentiments arepredicated of the gods as a body, than when they appear as individuals.
For primary substance is neither present in a subject nor predicated of a subject; while, with regard to secondary substances, it is clear from the following arguments (apart from others) that they are not present in a subject.
Hardness is predicated of a thing because it has that capacity of resistance which enables it to withstand disintegration; softness, again, is predicated of a thing by reason of the lack of that capacity.
Whiteness is predicated of one thing in a greater or less degree than of another.
For 'man' is predicated of the individual man, but is not present in any subject: for manhood is not present in the individual man.
Moreover, the definition of the differentia may be predicated of that of which the differentia itself is predicated.
Such things are not predicated of a person in virtue of his disposition, but in virtue of his inborn capacity or incapacity to do something with ease or to avoid defeat of any kind.
But of secondary substances, the species is predicated of the individual, the genus both of the species and of the individual.
It is, therefore, established that in every proposition, of which either substance or a differentia forms the predicate, these are predicated univocally.
Moreover, primary substances are most properly called substances in virtue of the fact that they are the entities which underlie everything else, and that everything else is either predicated of them or present in them.
Similarly the differentiae are predicatedof the species and of the individuals.
Odd and even, again, are predicated of number, and it is necessary that the one or the other should be present in numbers.
In the same way, 'animal' is also predicated of the individual man, but is not present in him.
Like other things, a proposition has attributes which may be predicated of it.
When predicated of any individual feeling, the information they convey is that of its likeness to the other feelings which we have been accustomed to call by the same name.
The attribute predicated of it in an hypothetical proposition, is that of being an inference from a certain other proposition.
The word white is not predicatedof the attribute, but of the subjects, snow, &c.
The subject and predicate being both of them names of things, if they were names of quite different things the one name could not, consistently with its signification, be predicated of the other.
A general name is one which can be predicated of each individual of a multitude; a collective name cannot be predicated of each separately, but only of all taken together.
Further, while it is not at all improbable that if Shelley had lived he would have gone on writing better and better, the same probability is, I think, to be more sparingly predicated of Keats.
Laziness and dilatoriness can certainly be predicated of ManĂ³bo men, but such qualities are to be attributed to lack of incentive to work and to hurry.
We have here for the first time Holiness predicated of God Himself.
None of the attributes can bepredicated of all that belongs to God; but Scripture speaks of His Holy Name, His Holy Day, His Holy Habitation, His Holy Word.
When God declares He is holy, the word must represent the same idea in the hundreds of passages in which it is predicated of men and things.
From the word holy predicated of God, we learn that God's claim was not merely occasional, but an outflow of His Essence.
A circumstance predicated upon her very nature as a sexual being, forces woman to proffer herself cheaper.
Each of the two first ones he again divides into an under, a middle and an upper period, each distinguishing itself from the other by certain innovations and improvements, predicated in each instance upon the control over subsistence.
It is impossible to account for any differences, or any contradictions, except from the weaknesses of human nature, and these weaknesses cannot be predicated of divine wisdom.
We can account for these contradictions by the infirmities of human nature; but, as I said before, the infirmities of human nature cannot be predicated of a divine being.
So, too, you have recognized the great and splendid truth that sin cannot be predicated of an intellectual conviction.
It is true that the results predicated are of a very general character; but it is none the less true that they are rigorously correct as far as they go: and this is all that is requisite to fulfil the definition.
Respecting divine revelation, it is true, I understood you to mean something more than barely what is predicated on the resurrection of Jesus; yet in the second proposition of the three which you made, viz.
The facts on which revelation is predicated are unlike every thing of which we have any positive knowledge.
We have just seen that friendship predicated on the law of our common nature and on the principles and spirit of the Christian religion must necessarily be as durable as those eternal principles.
The facts on which religion is predicated are unlike every thing of which we have any positive knowledge.
But after all, novelty can hardly be predicated of the views here criticised and opposed.
Nature is simply the aggregate of finite entities, and the natural is {578} what may be predicated of these entities.
The first misconception is so extremely crude, that it is easily removed by the simple explanation that unity and trinity are predicated of God in distinct and not identical senses.
This question was predicated upon an abuse of power, whilst the constitution supposed it would be executed with fidelity.
It had not only been the ground of the Revolution, but all their acts had been predicated upon this principle.
The second position is predicated on a construction of the clause of the constitution and an application of that construction to the act, which to me appear inadmissible.
The Government of our country is predicated upon a reasonable confidence in those who administer our public affairs.
The only question then, is, Do the papers upon which those resolutions are predicated warrant the censure contained in them, or not?
They have held, generally, that the Constitution of the United States was predicated upon an existing common law.
If he understood the Answer as reported, it was predicated upon the principle of approving all the measures which had been taken by the Executive with respect to France, whilst the amendment avoided giving that approbation.
On the contrary, the Secretary had so made his calculations, predicated as they were upon the continuance of these taxes, that his calculations would be greatly deranged by dispensing with them.
An office is predicated of the Holy Spirit that can only bepredicated of a person.
A treatment is predicated to the Holy Spirit that could only be predicated of a Person.
A name would have no general meaning if man connoted one thing when predicated of John, and another, though closely resembling, thing when predicated of William.
Every relative name which is predicated of an object, supposes another object (or objects), of which we may predicate either that same name or another relative name which is said to be the correlative of the former.
The definition, they say, unfolds the nature of the thing: but no definition can unfold its whole nature; and every proposition in which any quality whatever is predicated of the thing, unfolds some part of its nature.
Proprium and Accidens, on the other hand, form no part of the essence, but are predicated of the species only accidentally.
Such are all propositions wherein the genus is predicated of the species, or more comprehensive of less comprehensive terms.
Secondly, All propositions wherein a part of the complex idea which any term stands for ispredicated of that term, are only verbal: v.