These coming to nothing the young men were powerless to refuse going oil to Benning's Point and telephoning from there--Thompson had begun to be suspicious of this exchange.
It seemed to him that the scene wasn't real; it was like a council of wolves and he powerless and quiet with them there, as they hungered to run, baying, on Christina.
The efforts of man are powerless against time and oblivion, even though they choose the largest, the most lasting manifestations of Nature for their pedestal.
Van Bleit, it was clear, meant mischief; and he was powerless to defend himself, incapable of hitting back.
Becket was specially obnoxious; but the reformers were powerless to expunge the name of the saint from the Roman calendar, on which it still remains.
If Johnston was powerless to make even a diversion with more than twenty thousand men, (his force at the time of Pemberton's surrender,) how much more helpless was Pemberton to check Grant?
Will the North approve this raising of a doubt as to its own justification, merely in the hope of vengeance upon one who is powerless for injury?
Within a year the Syrians(405) came against Joash; he had a very great host, but he was powerless against a small company of the Divinely commissioned avengers of Zechariah.
In this and other matters the East to-day is the same as of old; the permanence of its custom is no inapt symbol of the permanence of Divine truth, which revolution and conquest are powerless to change.
Queen Christina of Sweden visited her, and Anne of Austria waspowerless against her.
The most practised pen is powerless to describe the unnumbered marvels to be found in that inextricable vegetation called a virgin forest, which is at once strange and fascinating, majestic, and imposing.
They are conceived as powerless to gratify the wishes of the living, or to thwart them.
The force of arms is powerless when matched against the force of love or the soul.
If I do not want to quarrel with a Mahomedan, the latter will be powerless to foist a quarrel on me, and, similarly, I should be powerless if a Mahomedan refuses his assistance to quarrel with me.
Supposing that it can exert so much physical force that it renders you powerless and rushes into fire, then you cannot prevent it.
These ambitions, however, were powerless now to combat the more natural instincts which the story of his youth could recreate for him.
Or if they come, they will be powerlessto harm us, Arthur.
At length their conduct became so bad, and the parents found themselves so powerless to prevent it, that they decided to appeal to the Indian Council for assistance.
Great and terrible were they, and the people of those times lived in great terror of them, for the bows and arrows and even the stone war clubs of the strongest warriors were powerless to kill or even dangerously wound such monsters.
They trampled rough-shod over the moaning heaps of wounded and dying, and crowded the crews at the guns, who were powerless before their numbers.
When we reached the garden we found Dolly seated beside her mother on my grandfather's bench, from which stronghold our combined tactics were powerless to drag her.
You may be sure I was in an agony over this desecration, which I was so powerless to prevent.
The soldier struggled manfully, and did his utmost to free his throat, but I held him fast, and in so fierce a grip that ere many seconds were over I felt him sink powerless to the ground.
As for me, it may be imagined what a raging fever of indignation and fury I was thrown into by what I had heard; and it was made all the more unendurable by the circumstance that I was utterly powerless to interfere.
The Dervish was no uncle of his, but a cunning wizard who had made a catspaw of him to secure treasure which, by the laws of magic and destiny, he was powerless to come at in any other way.
They were hideous black beasts, not of large size, but of malignant aspect; and so great was their number that we were powerless to stand against them.
They climbed up the sides of the ship and seized upon the ropes, which they severed with their sharp teeth so that the sails were powerless and the vessel drifted with tide and wind to the shore.
Did I raise my standard, all Donegal would take up arms; but Donegal alone is powerless against England.
The English were powerless outside the walls of the fortresses, and in Berwick and Roxburgh alone was the English power paramount.
This force, however, was powerless to resist an army of English and Lowland Scots who marched against him, led by Pembroke in person.
Your fading eye takes it all in, but your tongue is powerless to speak its thanks.
They were like the faithful, yearning eyes of a dog who senses that you are in trouble but is powerless to help.
It was she herself who had poisoned the very springs of life for him, and now she was powerless to cleanse them.
And ignorant of what danger it could be which threatened Tony, unable to guess the particular kind of difficulties in which he found himself involved at the moment, she was powerless to help.
When at last the click and rattle of the wooden gate, as it swung to, smote on her ears, she felt powerless to go and meet whoever it might be whose coming the sound heralded.
Powerless to hold the field without support, he collected all the men and cattle he could lay hands on, and awaited the progress of events behind his ramparts.
No: it is time that the colored voter learned to leave his powerless "protectors" and take care of himself.
It is even now powerless to insure an honest expression of the vote of the colored citizen.
Wherever he turns he finds the strong arm of constituted authority powerless to protect him.
Brave men are powerless to combat this organized brigandage, complaint of which, in derision, has been termed "waving the bloody shirt.
The Emperor Frederick the Second at length discovered, how powerless he was to remodel the affairs of the East.
Ibelin in the meanwhile had sought refuge in a farm-house, where he was powerless to defend himself, but from which, after the battle, he was set at liberty by his son Balian and Anselm de Brie.
This direct decree from the Pope proved final, and Frederick was now powerless to send an army to assert his claims.
They have no prospect before them but to die, or, what is more cruel, to see those of their own flesh and blood dying about them, and to be powerless to succor and to save.