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Example sentences for "never known"

  • I've never known a woman who so infallibly landed on her feet.

  • I've never known you to catch on so quickly and without a word from anyone.

  • I've never known a more fatal man than Almington.

  • I've never known a trustee bother yet about post-mortem movements of any sort.

  • I've never known her so particular with her clothes," said the maid.

  • If that's the way love is, I've never known it.

  • I've never known anybody to be as still as you are.

  • I've never known you to go out in the morning on business, Jerry.

  • I have sometimes thought that the Crosbys had more than their age and social training fitted them to use wisely, but I've never known them to go far astray.

  • I've never known it to be otherwise," Rose assured her.

  • They've done foolish things, but I've never known either to do a wrong or selfish thing.

  • The Germans can hate people they've never known, never seen.

  • The worst is never known as you and I are learning to know it over here.

  • But I've never known a bright boy or girl on a farm that wasn't itchin' to get away from it to a town!

  • But I've never known a really beautiful woman.

  • You see, I've never known a really beautiful woman.

  • Then let me say that I've never known a more painful half-hour.

  • My eyes are opened and I know what's good and what's evil, as I've never known before.

  • I've never met Ingeborg; I've never known you, as you are, sitting here in our home!

  • It was a weary load of misfortune to be borne by one who till that moment had never known a sorrow.

  • The real circumstances of his death were, I believe, never known to my mother, but the shock of the event almost killed her.

  • Accordingly, if some means is not present, it is certain that the consequence also will not be present: each is always present in accordance with the determination of fate, but this is never known to us till afterwards.

  • It is never known by the individual as such, but only by him who has raised himself above all willing and all individuality to the pure subject of knowing.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "never known" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    average temperature; constitutional interpretation; never applied; never asked; never beheld; never ceased; never come; never does; never found; never gave; never give; never going; never have; never hear; never heard; never looked; never marry; never remember; never see; never seed; never shall; never tired; never trust; never went; person employed; submit themselves