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Example sentences for "monkeying"

Lexicographically close words:
monke; monkery; monkes; monkey; monkeyed; monkeyish; monkeys; monkies; monkish; monks
  1. I saw him monkeying near your lashings when I made up, but I didn't think, then, that he was up to any tricks.

  2. We can attend to her case later, if she comes monkeying around when we're anchored off that banana republic," observed Hank, and the others agreed with him.

  3. Served Gilbert right; no business to be monkeying with a buzz-saw unless he knew how to throw off the belt.

  4. He's monkeying with the instrument and may give them warning.

  5. Stop your monkeying and take these messages.

  6. Bradish, what Burkett said--was it something about the compass--about putting a job over on me by monkeying with the compass?

  7. It's monkeying with too big a proposition, Burkett.

  8. That's what we got for monkeying with a solemn subject.

  9. We didn't spend our time fooling with gliders or blow ourselves up monkeying with pragmatism.

  10. I've been monkeying all these weeks with a man like you--pardon me, brother!

  11. But we kept on monkeying with mental images--it was great fun.

  12. Say,” Case suggested, “suppose we take a couple of shots at the chaps who are monkeying with the Rambler?

  13. I guess if people got a chance to return to earth after death, they wouldn’t be monkeying around in fool ways like that!

  14. They told me that if I ever wanted to see my folks back East any more I'd better not do any monkeying around in Abilene.

  15. My hands probably trembled a little as I dealt that round, and even this fact probably caused them to suspect that I was monkeying with the deck and to watch me narrowly.

  16. He spent two or three weeks monkeying with the skate and fixing him up, and then he sent him out one morning with a lummux of a stable boy on his back and put the watch on him.

  17. That's what you get for monkeying around in bed all the morning, Tim.

  18. I shouldn't have cut such an everlasting dido if he hadn't been monkeying around.

  19. George was of an inventive turn of mind, and used to be monkeying with some kind of a patent, evenings, after he had peeled his royal robes.

  20. If he comes monkeying around me again I'll pick up one of these and knock him clean out from under his hat.

  21. Two young fellows were monkeying around the machine, and as they were nice-looking chaps I gave them the furtive glance, and one of them stopped and asked me if he hadn't been introduced to me in the Harlem Casino.

  22. Most of the time he was monkeying with the batteries and circuits, and devising things to make the work of telegraphy less irksome.

  23. Sixty of the men employed at the laboratory were used as watchers, each to keep an eye on a certain section of the exhibit, and see there was no monkeying with it.

  24. They'll find they're monkeying with a buzz saw.

  25. Anyone who tries to put anything over on them finds that he's monkeying with a buzz saw.

  26. When the child was born, he stopped the monkeying with powder in the valley for that day, though this too was a great loss in money.

  27. They were growing rich, these madmen monkeying with powder.

  28. They were at it again, monkeying with powder.

  29. Oh yes, numbers of Swedes and Italians were in a desperate way monkeying with powder.

  30. In a week, look here, Scarecrow Charlie left his eating-place to go monkeying with powder like the others, and disn't he get a bolt of iron through his brain one morning?

  31. What the hell does he mean by monkeying round this island ever since I bought it?

  32. Tell him to go back to his ship and see that his men don't get monkeying with those six shells.

  33. On trestles, over in the corner's gliding shadows, lay the remains he had just been monkeying with.

  34. What were you monkeying with the door for?

  35. Maybe some boys are monkeying with our machine," came from Bob.

  36. That's what we'd ought to have done instead of monkeying here.

  37. I seen a feller oncet thet was monkeying with a rattler an' ketched 'im by thu tail.

  38. When you two fellows get done monkeying with each other," said Douglass, impatiently, "I have something to tell you.

  39. You can imagine the boys giving it to me about monkeying with civilized girls, etc.

  40. A neighbor's little boy by the name of Benny Williams, had been monkeying around watching me work, and unluckily he was inside of the shanty when the collapse came.

  41. But we promised Rock we'd be back next day, some of us, and for him to lay low and not to try monkeying with Pekoe unless he got a good chance and was sure Jethro wasn't around.

  42. We had our hands full now without monkeying with Eagle Center.

  43. Who is the individual monkeying around at the bow?

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "monkeying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    coquetry; dalliance; dallying; flirtation; fooling; loitering; monkeying; playing; puttering; smattering; tinkering; trifling