Footnote 1: on] Grys moysnes sont Gray monkes ben 36 Del ordene de chistiaulx; Of the ordre of cistiauls; Saint bernard est leur patron.
South part whereof is a Monasterie ofMonkes of the Russes religion, called Pechinchow.
It was common to call a priest Sir John, by way of mild derision; see Monkes Prol.
See also the last stanza of 'Cresus' in the Monkes Tale (vol.
The line in the Monkes Tale--'Thy sys fortune hath turned into as' (B.
The passage here following is repeated from the Monkes Prologue, and copied, as has been said, from Boethius, bk.
See the story of Holofernes in the Monkes Tale, B.
It was afterwards expanded into The Monkes Prologue, with the substitution of the patient Prudence for the patient Griselda; see B.
The host alludes to the concluding lines of the Monkes Tale, l.
But if I had knowen it before, the Curteins had bene drawen, I would haue caused his Monkes to haue lien in the Garret, and I my self would haue lodged where they do.
But how shall I passe through the Abbot’s chamber, the rowme being so streight as not one of his Monkes is able to lie there.
Alexandro then riding with them frendlye, demaunded what Monkes they were that rode before with so great a trayne, and whether they went.
What the deuyl & a morten tellest thou a man of warre of hypocrisie, away with hypocrisie to the monkes and the freers.
And for as meche [as I] conseyve verrayly that ye arn Vicar general in Inggelond of the worthy Prelate, the Abbot of Clunie, and have hys power in many grete articles, and mong other in profession of monkes in Inggelond of the seyd ordere.
And in my cuntre, but a myle fro the place where I was born, is the poure hous of Bromholm of the same ordre, in wheche arn divers vertuous yongge men, monkes clad and unprofessyd, that have abedyn there.
In the Monkes Tale, B 3293, Chaucer calls him Busirus.
The Earl was commended for this action by the King, who further desired him with ‘good dexteritie’ to ‘laye unto the charges of all the monkes there their grevous offences, .
He concluded with two philosophic reflections that ‘sacerdotes omnes non creati ex natura angelica, sed humana,’ and ‘that the blake sort of dyvelisshe monkes .
A northern metrical version of the early fifteenth century explains Monkes and als all leryd men In Latin may it lyghtly ken, And wytt tharby how they sall wyrk To sarue god and haly kyrk.
John Slake at Westm', dene of the kynges chapell, arested and put in prison in Ludgate, and othere certeyn monkes of Westm'.
Also this yere deide William Witlesey archebisshop of Caunterburye, and the monkes chose the cardinall of England; and the kyng was wroth therwith, and wolde not consent therto, ne the pope nor cardinall; and so Maister Symon succedid.
The same spelling occurs in the Monkes Tale (Group B, 3335), and is a mere variant of the form Nabuchodonosor in the Vulgate version, Dan.
In a similar way, Chaucer calls the paladin Oliver, friend of Charles the Great, by the name of Charles Olyuer; Monkes Tale, B 3577.
It is also tolerably clear that the Monkes Tale originally took its rise from a similar desire to write a succession of lives of illustrious men; and that the first conception of this idea preceded that of the Canterbury Tales.
This excellent Prologue, which links the Monkes Tale with that of the Nonne Preest, needs no comment.
In other words, part of the Monkes Tale must be earlier than 1380.
Cornes, grains of corn; see note to Monkes Tale (Group B, 3225).
Chaucer's reference to 'Barnabo Viscounte' in the Monkes Tale, B 3589.
This Prologue connects Melibeus with the Monkes Tale.
On the other hand, Brutus was not the same person as Cassius; seeMonkes Tale, B 3887).
The dream of Croesus, king of Lydia, and his death vpon a gallows, form the subject of the last story in the Monkes Tale.
Lytell Johan spred his mantell downe, As he had done before, 170 And he tolde out of the monkes male Eyght hundreth pounde and more.
Come now forth, Lytell Johan, And harken to my tale; A better yemen I knowe none, To seke a monkes male.
Take fyve of the best knyghtes That be in your lede, And walk downe by yon abbay,[L59] And gete you monkes wede.
Then bespake Lytell Johan, To Much he gan say, "I dare lay my lyfe to wedde, That these monkes have brought our pay.
Full hastly our kynge was dyght, So were his knyghtes fyve, 70 Everych of them in monkes wede, And hasted them thyder blyve.
Christ, and from thencefoorth how his number of monkes increased on the one side, and his doctrine on the other, there is almost no reader that is vnskilfull and ignorant.
Christ, & was finallie so well liked of all men, that we had few or (as I suppose) no blacke monkes in England that were not of his order.
Sidenote: More than 2100 monkes in the College or Abbaie of Bangor in whose territories the parish of Ouerton standeth.
The same yere was the abbey of Russin remooued vnto Dufglas, [Footnote: Douglas] howbeit within foure yeeres after the monkes returned vnto Russin.
Genelon; also Genilon, as in the Monkes Tale, B 3579.
The metre is precisely that of 'Fortune,' resembling that of the Monkes Tale with the addition of a refrain; only the same rimes are used throughout.
Possibly, also, there is a reference to the story of Nebuchadnezzar, as related by Chaucer in the Monkes Tale; Group B, 3361.
What maruell is it then that Monkes and Priests, which desire to be aloft, indeuour now a daies to purchase vnto themselues authoritie by false miracles, vaine apparitions, and such other like trumpery.
The Bishop catcheth holde on the Monkes bridle, and would not let him passe any further: wherewith the Monke was sore afraide, and diligently enquired of him, why he being so notable a man, was there withholden in that place.
How many sights of spirits did the knauerie of the Monkes of Berna driue away, after it was once detected?
Franciscan= Monkes played a bloodie and deadly pageant at Orleaunce in France.
Timotheus Aelurus, counterfeiting himselfe to be an Angell, obteined a Bishoppricke: foure Monkes of the order of Preachers, made many vaine apparitions at Berna.
And againe, those which being hitherto borne in hande that mens soules returne againe on earth, crauing helpe of the liuing, and haue spent much of their substaunce on idle Monkes and Friers, to relieue them, will confesse the like.
Of this stampe and sort, are most of those thinges wherewith the Monkes inferred and stuffed their bookes.
The Frier & the other foure Monkes were soone after called before the Aldermen, to testifie the truth whether those things were so or not.
In the Monkes Tale Chaucer draws his stories of the falls of illustrious men from all kinds of sources.
Three typical instances may be taken as illustrating his method: the Man of Lawes Tale, the Nonne Preestes Tale, and the story of Count Hugo of Pisa in the Monkes Tale.
The college is of Canões, but thay be suche as hathe thayr name of the Laten tonge and be called Seculares, a kynd betwyxte monkes & Chanones.
To them that thay hate, thay be Chanones, and to them that thay loue thay be Monkes Menede.
Saynt Wyllyam is harnysyd vnder his monkes cloke, nat withowt a greate speare.
I have not had leisure to peruse this rare treasure enough[897]; but I remember Ripley trounces the monkes of Westminster for cheating the citizens of London, promising them making of gold.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "monkes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.