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Example sentences for "tuppence"

Lexicographically close words:
tuoi; tuorum; tuos; tupa; tupelo; tuppenny; tuque; turba; turbae; turban
  1. Sixpence for being late for dinner," said Roger quietly, "and tuppence for blasphemy!

  2. Truly, if in our village this question of tuppence worth o' tea drove men mad, what wonder Sir William and Governor Tryon should frown and shake their heads over a pinch o' snuff?

  3. I began to understand why it was that generous people turned niggards when it came to paying tuppence tax on tea; how a man might exact what was his due and yet be no miser; and how he might beggar himself nor stain his name as a spendthrift.

  4. What marvel then that my Lord North should misunderstand them, and think to buy their loyalty with tuppence worth o' tea?

  5. What does he mean by 'Tuppence on the can'?

  6. Where do you think you're going to get the tuppence from?

  7. Martin, completely losing his head--"I tell you I don't care tuppence what you or anyone says or does to him.

  8. Tuppence each the big ones, ma'am, and a penny the little ones," stammered Bella.

  9. Tuppence the roses, and a penny the mignonette, ma'am," said Bella.

  10. If you desire your hair dressed, as a very clumsy brushing is called, it is "tuppence extra.

  11. Tuppence a day in summer--fourpence in winter.

  12. Chum, you ought to get your tuppence back.

  13. It doesn't matter tuppence whom it was said to.

  14. The fines piled up until young Joshua, aged twelve, goin' on thirteen, went into such hopeless bankruptcy that he could not pay tuppence on the pound.

  15. And as for tuppence - what do you call this?

  16. And ain't got tuppence in his pocket to bless hisself with, I'll go bail!

  17. He must have lost it--he hoped after he had reached England, and no doubt whoever found it would put a tuppence ha'penny stamp on it and stick it into a box.

  18. And I bet another tuppence that it will go sooner than if I posted it here, for it may be a month before a mail-steamer leaves the other side of this beastly continent.

  19. I 'ad a privit tuppence on the match meself, wif old Washer's caddy, although not very 'opeful.

  20. Some golfers will ercashunally 'and you tuppence or an 'arf-used ball, wif a jenial word of thanks for your attenshuns which is worth more to a proud nachure than the gift itself.

  21. Roses red, roses white, Roses in my garden; I would not part With my sweetheart For tuppence hapenny farthing.

  22. I wouldn't part with my sweetheart For tuppence (two) ha'penny farthing.

  23. In answer to the law of supply and demand, thus proving the efficacy of prayer, an itinerant astronomer came down from London and set up a five-foot telescope on the Parade and solicited the curious ones at a tuppence a peep.

  24. Is there a lot of yer sewin' yer fingers orf at tuppence 'ypenny the pair?

  25. I finds me own cotton, tuppence three farthin's, and other expension is a penny three farthin's.

  26. You get a large cup of tea for tuppence there.

  27. For tuppence more you can get sausages; sixpence provides a meal; a shilling a banquet.

  28. For the rest, I am sure that half the people remain on them for the simple reason that tuppence is tuppence in these days or any other days.

  29. You pay tuppence to go on them, and you generally stay on them until you can stay no longer because--well, because you have paid tuppence.

  30. Perhaps one of the most rejuvenating effects is to show the world, while trying to believe it yourself, that you don't honestly really care tuppence about growing old.

  31. Twould seem the Captain here cares not tuppence for his own life.

  32. This batch'd not be worth tuppence the dozen for clearing stumps and planting.

  33. It brought him a little money and tuppence worth of fame, so he took better lodgings, in Green Arbor Court, proposing to do great things.

  34. I looked in at it, but seeing no one there whom I knew, I bought tuppence worth of pigtail in lieu of fee, and came away.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tuppence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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