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Example sentences for "plagiarist"

Lexicographically close words:
placuit; plaga; plagiarised; plagiarism; plagiarisms; plagiarists; plagiarized; plagiary; plagioclase; plagis
  1. Weber heard it and used it in his "Freischuetz", without caring about the danger of being described as a plagiarist and a thief.

  2. After that anyone who treated the author of "Tartufe" and "Le Misanthrope" as a plagiarist would have been very badly received.

  3. It is in no wise to be a plagiarist to enrich one's language with the beauties of a foreign language.

  4. The Court will not encourage a plagiarist or one who has made an illiberal use of another's work, even although he has not actually committed a piracy.

  5. Sidenote: A Peculiar Case of Plagiary] Sometimes the plagiarist is far more daring in his thefts, taking as his own much greater things and more easily recognized ones than scrapbooks are apt to hold.

  6. I was perhaps a little severe in my judgments of such things in those days, and when the plagiarist came back to learn the fate of his manuscript my language was of a kind that might have been regarded as severe.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plagiarist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    actor; ape; charmer; conformist; copyist; counterfeiter; cuckoo; echo; enchanter; forger; hypocrite; imitator; impersonator; impostor; jilt; joker; mesmerizer; mimic; mocker; mockingbird; monkey; parrot; phony; pirate; plagiarist; seducer; sheep; tease; teaser