In Nature things move violentlyto their places, and calmly in their place; so virtue in ambition is violent, in authority settled and calm.
The man of genius can be more easily misinstructed= (verbildet) =and driven far more violently into false courses than a man of ordinary capability.
Canes timidi vehementius latrant quam mordent=--Cowardly dogs bark more violently than they bite.
But while the duke of Savoy and the two cities were temporizing and hesitating between the rival claimants, the mountaineers of Gessenay, leaders of the German-Swiss people of Gruyère, and who were violently opposed to the marriage of Mdlle.
You're harder to kill nor a cat," Smaltz grinned without malice, but he threw him violently against the sluice-box.
When the river turned sharply west, Fraser could not help noticing that the Indians became more violently hostile.
On June 9 the stream again narrowed to forty {94} yards and sweptviolently between two overhanging precipices.
Peter Sissek it was who carried him to the recovered Panhard and threw him violently to the floor.
Fortunately I had an alibi," said the other, "I was violently ill of mal de mer.
My heart was thumping violently as a great wave of light flooded my brain.
Mumbo Jumbo bucked violently (see illustration) but I settled myself tightly on the saddle and gave myself up to meditations on the vanity of Life-guardsmen.
He twisted the door violently open and kissed me before the crowd.
A second time Roland blew his horn, so violently and with such anguish that the veins of his temples burst, and the blood flowed from his brow and from his mouth.
Then ensued comparative silence, the only sounds being those of the hoarse roar of the angry surges and the grinding crash of ice-blocks dashed violently together.
As it was, no damage or harm whatever was done on board beyond throwing the four occupants of the pilothouse somewhat violently to the floor, and terrifying the cook and the hitherto sedate George almost out of their senses.
His little boy was taken violently ill: he was forced to go for the doctor; madame was so good.
I have seen a French workingman thrust a lady violently aside on a crowded sidewalk, with a scowl and a muttered curse that lent significance to the act.
And Judith who, in her perturbation, had not seen him before, started violently at the words and tone.
The night swallowed him up, and between my wonder and my fear my hands trembled so violently that I could scarce support myself where I rested, with my full weight upon the sill.
Both my companions started as violently as I, whereby I knew that the mystery of the wireless message had not been without its effect upon their minds also.
I propped him up against the foot of the stairs, and as the constable began knocking violently at the street door, crossed to the rack and lifted out the replica of the cane which I held in my hand.
I started back soviolently that how I escaped falling into the river I do not know to this day.
A moment after he felt the impact of a heavy body, he was thrown violently on his face, and a riderless horse galloped madly on towards the sea.
The animal will rub against the stall, manger, or any other object he can reach, until the parts are very sore, or if worked, he will rub himself violently when unharnessed.
Animal has a peculiar goose-rumped look, owing to the muscles over the quarters being violently contracted, and are hard on pressure.
Surfeit is very troublesome and annoys both the horse and driver, especially when the horse perspires, as he will rub violently when coming in contact with any object.
So I gave up the matter too, and we ordered horses for the Eaux Bonnes, for it was impossible for the blind man's dog to tug him into our court-yard one bit more violently than my fancy tugged me into the mountains.
She looked up as they entered, and started violently as she perceived who were her visitors.
Strong hands clutched it with the desperation of death, and two heavy bodies rolled violently in.
Louis turned to the window, and struggled violently with a laugh, which he endeavored to change into a cough, and the laugh and cough meeting, produced a choking sensation.
What shrieking spirit in that bloody room Its mortal frame hath violently quitted?
Suddenly Brighteye, who rode a little ahead of the party, pulled up his horse, which had shied so violently as nearly to throw him, and looked down with a cry of surprise.
He made these remarks with great vehemence; then pausing and rising from the sofa, he walked up and down the room in silence, violently agitated, but saying nothing.
He was violently ill--so ill that it was thought best not to move him by the physicians of the town, but when he plead that he be allowed to go home, stern Winslow consented.
As I destined him for the gallows, I picked him up, flung him face down on the table, and thumped him violently in the back, whereupon he coughed up a tooth.
At Master Dobson's two currents of opinion ran violently in opposite directions.
I felt the projector pulling violently downward in my hand.
I tried to thrust Anita and myselfviolently upward.
In the garden he was met by Hannah, who immediately hastened with accelerated steps to her own house where she found Mary sobbing violently and dissolved in tears.
The Bithynian's heart, on the other hand, had never beaten so violently as during the brief moments when he was permitted to hold Selene's arm.
Sabina, so loudly and violently that she was startled at the shrill tones of her own voice.
The lad nodded assent, and then once more buried his head in his hands, and his shoulders heaved so violently that it would seem that he was weeping.
He commanded silence and made the soldier tell him what had so violently excited the people.
Arsinoe's heart beat so violently that she was incapable of saying a word of thanks to her kind protectress.
The next moment she was shivering violently as if from an attack of fever; again she threw up her hands, pressed them to her temples, and gazed with terror and bewilderment into the face that bent above her.
He was leaning against one of the barred windows, looking at the broad valley of the James, when he was suddenly seized violently by the arm and jerked to one side.
The eyes of the little party of four were bent upon the stage, about ten o'clock, when the door of the box was jerked violently open behind them.
I was therefore obliged to force him violently back into the cave again, where he rose panting to the surface.
As he spoke he rose and signed to several of his attendants, who seized Jack and Peterkin and me violently by the collars, and dragging us from the hut of the chief, led us through the wood to the outskirts of the village.
Beyond this the sea rose and tossed violently from the effects of the storm; but between the reef and the shore it was as calm and as smooth as a pond.
Christians; they violently beat at the closed gates, and looked about for means of scaling the high walls which defended them in front.
When the moment for their competition came at last and he swung her up into her saddle, Noreen's heart beat violently and her bridle-hand shook.
The Rajah sat up furious and dashed his glass down on the tray so violently that it shivered to atoms.
When he came out on the cleared stretch of ground in front of the stables he saw mahouts and coolies fleeing in terror in all directions, while the stoutly built peelkhana itself rocked violently as though shaken by an earthquake.
The copper-coloured face behind Nakier violently wagged, the frown deepened, and the little dangerous eyes grew, if possible, more menacing in their expression.