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Example sentences for "chimpanzee"

Lexicographically close words:
chimney; chimneyed; chimneypiece; chimneys; chimnies; chimpanzees; chin; chinaware; chinch; chinchilla
  1. The question is often asked by simple-minded people, with much delight, Why do we not behold the interesting spectacle of the transformation of a chimpanzee into a man, or conversely of a man by retrogression into an orang?

  2. Zebra, gorilla, and chimpanzee are native African words, and orang-utan is Malay, meaning Man of the Woods.

  3. When a chimpanzee stands as upright as possible, the tips of its fingers almost touch its knees.

  4. It was formerly believed that the chimpanzee was a gregarious animal, but it is now known that there are seldom more than five, or, at the utmost, ten living together.

  5. This chimpanzee could laugh like a human being.

  6. That the chimpanzee was known to the ancients is made fairly certain by the famous mosaic picture which once adorned the temple of Fortuna, and which is said to be still preserved in the Barberini palace at Palestrina in Italy.

  7. When in repose the chimpanzee in the wild state usually assumes a sitting posture.

  8. The hair of the chimpanzee is smooth, the color usually black, but in some specimens it is a dull, reddish brown.

  9. In a moment the chimpanzee was sitting on Specht's knees awaiting further developments.

  10. Other attempts to introduce the chimpanzee have not been encouraging.

  11. Nevertheless, the curves are present, and are quite obvious in young skeletons of the Gorilla and Chimpanzee which have been prepared without removal of the ligaments.

  12. The cast more accurately represents the brain in Chimpanzee than in the Man; and the great backward projection of the posterior lobes of the cerebrum of the former, beyond the cerebellum, is conspicuous.

  13. The sharper definition of the lower edge of the cast of the cerebral chamber in the Chimpanzee arises from the circumstance that the tentorium remained in that skull and not in the Man's.

  14. Footnote 2: We are not at present thoroughly acquainted with the brain of the Gorilla, and therefore, in discussing cerebral characters, I shall take that of the Chimpanzee as my highest term among the Apes.

  15. It is the more remarkable that Professor Owen should have overlooked the explicit statement and figure of these authors, as it is quite obvious, on comparison of the figures, that his woodcut of the brain of a Chimpanzee (l.

  16. Any large ape; especially, the chimpanzee and the orang-outang.

  17. But, in order to warrant the pretended analogy, it ought to be also true that this lowest savage is no more capable of improvement than the Chimpanzee or Orang-outang.

  18. Edouard, the young male chimpanzee which I used in my experiments on syphilis, struggled so much at the least touch that it took four men to master him.

  19. One young chimpanzee used to pull out its hair when it was in a fit of temper.

  20. Robinson observes, the attitude, and the disproportionately large development of the arms as compared with the legs, give all the photographs a striking resemblance to a picture of the chimpanzee "Sally" at the Zoological Gardens.

  21. On the one hand, the comparatively hairless chimpanzee which died last year in the Zoological Gardens (T.

  22. These teeth are rather smaller than the other molars, as is likewise the case with the corresponding teeth in the chimpanzee and orang; and they have only two separate fangs.

  23. Hair-tracts on the arms and hands of Man, as compared with those on the arms and hands of Chimpanzee 90 24.

  24. In 1889 I made the acquaintance of a very intelligent chimpanzee which could count as high as three.

  25. A chimpanzee named Consul was observed several years ago by Hirschlaff (1905), and his tricks were interestingly described from the pedagogical standpoint.

  26. During the past year, on the estate of Doha Rosalia Abreu, near Havana, Cuba, a chimpanzee was born in captivity.

  27. Most interesting of these is that of Witmer (1909), who studied in exhibitions and in his own laboratory the behavior of the chimpanzee Peter.

  28. I am sorry you did not show me your drawing of the chimpanzee before it was engraved.

  29. The home of the gorilla and chimpanzee are in the tropical forests of the coasts of Western Africa.

  30. Master Chimpanzee needs all his ears, for he is not so strong as I, and as you will hear, we anthropoids have enemies in our trees, just as you perhaps have, Master Redhair.

  31. Mr Waterton's young chimpanzee was in reality a small-eared gorilla.

  32. The little brown chimpanzee has very small ears; fully as small in proportion as those of a genuine negro.

  33. The writer of a most readable article on the acclimatisation of animals in the Edinburgh Review,[9] gives an amusing recital of the arrival of a chimpanzee at the Zoological Gardens.

  34. To these essentials he adds a brain sufficiently more elaborate than that of the chimpanzee to enable him to do something that the ape cannot do--namely, "see" things clearly enough to form associations through imitation.

  35. A chimpanzee can be taught to relish bicycles, roller skates, and cigarettes which he could never have devised, cannot understand, and could not reproduce.

  36. The accompanying drawing represents a chimpanzee made sulky by an orange having been offered him, and then taken away.

  37. Mr. Sutton observed for me a young orang and chimpanzee during a considerable length of time; and however much they were astonished, or whilst listening intently to some strange sound, they did not keep their mouths open.

  38. This fact reminds us of the same movement, though in a much more strongly marked degree, in the chimpanzee and orang when astonished.

  39. The teeth in the upper jaw in the chimpanzee are not exposed when they utter their laughing noise, in which respect they differ from us.

  40. On another occasion, I tickled the nose of a chimpanzee with a straw, and as it crumpled up its face, slight vertical furrows appeared between the eyebrows.

  41. Both the orang and chimpanzee are said[18] to possess this muscle, but it seems rarely brought into action, at least in a conspicuous manner.

  42. I made my hands into a sort of cage, and placing some tempting fruit within, allowed both a young orang and chimpanzee to try their utmost to get it out; but although they grew rather cross, they showed not a trace of a frown.

  43. Outline of the left side of the Neanderthaloid brain of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, compared with similar brain outlines of a chimpanzee and of a high type of modern man.

  44. The limbs of the orang are less elongated and less extremely specialized for arboreal life than those of the gibbon but more so than those of the chimpanzee and the gorilla.

  45. We observe also in the walking chimpanzee (Fig.

  46. The third feature is the prominence and width of the bony eyebrow ridges above the orbits, which are almost as great as in the chimpanzee and greatly exceed those of the Neanderthal race and of the modern Australian.

  47. In the chimpanzee we observe the very prominent bony ridges above the eyes, like those in the Trinil and Neanderthal races of men.

  48. Brain outline of the man of the so-called Aurignacian race discovered at Combe-Capelle in 1909 (after Klaatsch), as compared with the brain outlines of a chimpanzee and of Homo sapiens.

  49. The next time I get offered a job a chimpanzee can do, I'll start eating bananas.

  50. You could get a chimpanzee to collate reports like that.

  51. The chimpanzee was found to be most sensitive to the disease; it manifests primary and secondary symptoms identical with those of man.

  52. Metchnikoff had again recourse to anthropoids, and succeeded in infecting a chimpanzee by making him eat food soiled by the intestinal contents of a typhoid patient.

  53. Accordingly, about a year ago, I began, with the assistance of the keeper, to instruct the chimpanzee at the Zoological Gardens in the art of computation.

  54. The chimpanzee and gorilla belong together, not only because both are African, but because they are more closely related to one another than to the Malayan anthropoids.

  55. The face and palms of the chimpanzee are pale flesh color, those of the gorilla black.

  56. The gorilla comes next to man in the structure of the hand and foot, the chimpanzee in the chief features of the skull, the orang in brain development, and the gibbon in the formation of the chest.

  57. South-Eastern Asia and the Archipelago; and the chimpanzee (Anthropithecus, Figures 1.

  58. The chimpanzee is lively, cheerful, and educable.

  59. The Case of Peter Perhaps the cleverest monkey as yet studied was a performing chimpanzee called Peter, which has been generally described by Dr.

  60. The Case of Sally Some of us remember Sally, the chimpanzee at the "Zoo" with which Dr.

  61. Both chimpanzee and orang are markedly contrasted with the fierce and gloomy gorilla.

  62. But when it is transfused into a chimpanzee there is an harmonious mingling of the two.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chimpanzee" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    ape; bear; chimpanzee; ferret; glutton; gorilla; man; monk; monkey; opossum; polecat; porcupine; possum; primate; skunk; weasel; wolverine