No man in Europe at the time had a more lively and impressive sense of the necessity of a general reformation than the monk of St. Mark; but it was a reform in morals, not of doctrine.
The great Goliath of controversy in that day was Doctor Eck, who challenged the Saxon monk to a public disputation at Leipsic.
The dying tyrant was not prepared to accede to so haughty a demand, and, collecting his strength, rolled over on his bed without saying a word, and the austere monk wended his way back to his convent, unmolested and determined.
The Pope then seized the old thunderbolts of the Gregories and the Clements, and excommunicated the daring monk and preacher, and threatened the like punishment on all who should befriend him.
He is a monk still, but the monk is merged in the learned doctor and eloquent preacher.
He was a self-tormented monkwithout relief; he suffered all that Saint Paul suffered at Tarsus.
Our friar is undoubtedly so called from his curtal dogs, or curs as we now call them, for in fact he was not a friar, but a monk of Fountains Abbey, which was of the Cistercian order.
Here endith the makyng of the Comynge of the Kyng out of Fraunce to Londone, Be the monk of Bery.
At that moment the door opened, and a monk appeared.
He was shown into a cell inhabited by a Spanish monkwho acted as his father confessor.
The monk was frightened and departed mumbling: "And I thought you were Christians!
I laughed out aloud, but just at that moment a corpulent and altogether insane monk came up, and proved even more ridiculous.
He demanded that I give him my knife and said to the monk who had sat down for a rest after his outburst of curses: "Listen, in a minute I will slit your belly, and if I find there but one drop of wine or one atom of a pullet.
Hildebrand became a monk of the strictest kind, and soon showed a wonderful power of swaying the minds of other men.
So the life of the brave monk was not thrown away, since it was the means of saving the lives of many, and of preserving multitudes from the sin of sacrificing their fellow-men for their sport.
Some years after it, a disturbance arose about a monk of Constantinople, named Eutyches, who had been very zealous against Nestorius, and now ran into errors of an opposite kind.
It is not certain whether the painter Methodius was the same with a monk of that name, who, with his brother, named Cyril, brought about the conversion of Moravia (A.
He became a monk at an early age, and perhaps it was then that he took the name of Boniface, by which he is best known.
The abbot was to set every monk his work; if it were found that any one was inclined to pride himself on his skill in any art or trade, he was not to be allowed to practise it, but was obliged to take up some other employment.
Here he was found out by a monk of a neighbouring house, named Romanus, who used daily to save part of his own allowance of food, and to carry it to his young friend.
Every monk was obliged to give up all his property to the order; nobody was allowed to have anything of his own, but all things were common to the brethren.
Affairs of this kind sometimes obliged him to leave his cell (as the dwellings of the monks were called); but he always returned as soon as possible, for he used to say that "a monk out of his solitude is like a fish out of water.
Greek emperor to send him a painter to adorn the walls of his palace; and that a monk named Methodius was sent accordingly, for in those times monks were the only persons who practised such arts as painting.
In his quiet cell at Worcester the monk Florence strives to palliate by excuses of treason or the weakness of rulers the defeats of Englishmen by the Danes.
Wandering like other Italian scholars to Normandy, he became a monkunder Lanfranc, and on his teacher's removal to higher duties succeeded him in the direction of the Abbey of Bec.
Ceadda was a monk of Lindisfarne, so simple and lowly in temper that he travelled on foot on his long mission journeys till Archbishop Theodore with his own hands lifted him on horseback.
For the reign of William the Red the chief source of information is Eadmer, a monk of Canterbury, in his "Historia Noverum" and "Life of Anselm.
Monk as he is, William discards the older ecclesiastical models and the annalistic form.
And so murmuring within ourselves that the oldmonk was no bad judge of scenery, after all, we turn in beneath the broad portico of the church.
It may have been laid out earlier by some emigrant Chinese Ch'an monk who was aware of the latest Sung garden theory.
The center for this protest school of landscape art was not the Sung academy but rather a Ch'an monastery near Hangchow, and its leader was a monk named Mu-ch'i (ca.
That such a shrine should appear in a reception room of a social-climbing samurai's house is vivid testimony to the pervasive influence of the Zen monk advisers.
A Zen monk was the first Ashikaga shogun's closest adviser, and in later years Zen monasteries virtually took over foreign policy.
Bodhidharma: Indian monk who appeared in China around 520 and laid the basis for the Ch'an sect of Buddhism, becoming the First Patriarch of Zen.
Finally, the third monk says, "You are both wrong.
A new monk would be presented with an illogical question or problem by the head of a monastery, who would then monitor his response.
Protestantism does not teach that a monk is better than a husband and father, that a nun is holier than a mother.
But the monk of the fifteenth century was perhaps more thrown back upon himself than his predecessors in the fourteenth.
The suppression, however, was not to take effect till the last monk then living should die, and this came to pass in 1480.
It is said that one night as he was feasting a monk appeared before him and solemnly cursed him, prophesying that his family should perish by fire.
On being informed of this, the venerable Abbot Serle wrote letters which he despatched in a friendly spirit from Gloucester informing the King very distinctly of all the monk had seen in his vision.
William, repeatedly laughing, exclaimed, 'He is a monk and dreams for money like a monk; give him a hundred shillings.
And soon it was known all about, how that he was martyred, and anon after they took his holy body and unclothed him and found bishop's clothing above and the habit of a monk under.
Meanwhile as they were idly talking and the King's household attendants were assembled about him, a monk of Gloucester presented himself and delivered to the King a letter from his abbot.
He was heard by a monk of Marmoutier, a certain William, called the Smith, who, when Duke William had received the crown at Westminster, reminded him of his promise.
Each house is governed by a Prior and each monk lives, as I have said, in a separate dwelling of five little rooms and a tiny cloister, or rather ambulatory, facing a little garden.
Luckily for me, on turning round to order the mendicant monk out of my presence, I found he had gone.
The people were crowded round the church; some were kneeling with the wooden monk at the foot of the cross, and some round the bars of purgatory.
At a fair held there, unmarried men chose women to be handfasted with them, and a monk from Melrose Abbey visited the place annually, to marry those couples who wished the union to be made permanent.
Philip Wesselich, a monk of Knechtenstein near Cologne, an honest, simple-minded man, was miserably afflicted by a spirit about the year 1550.
Whereupon the monk did so, and the devil left him and went elsewhere.
The monk of Wittenberg is indeed a fine figure with his ‘Here stand I; I cannot otherwise, God help me!
It is from the hand of the monk Guibert and was probably written in 1180: Pitra, p.
He could only be released if the monk went to Trèves and Aix and recited three masses in the respective cathedrals.
Her biographer, the monk Theodoric, records that she also busied herself with the treatment of the sick, and credits her with miraculous powers of healing.
After leaving the castle, Oswald went to the convent where the monkwas lodged, and asked for speech with Brother Roger.
However, you were well out of Dunbar, and you and your monk managed the affair well.
There is a monk at the monastery who, although a good scholar, is fitted rather for the army than the Church.
The monk who wrote the letter added, on his own account, that he had been your preceptor; and that, though he had often rated you soundly, you had made wonderful progress.
Certainly, Master Oswald," the monk said, "all this seems to support your idea.
Charles II, in opposition to the advice of Rupert, Monk and the Duke of York, had refused to spend money in preparation for a campaign at sea, which he felt confident would never take place.
De Ruyter was the first to put to sea (July 9) with some ninety ships; three weeks later Monk and Rupert left the Thames with an equal force.
Monk with about 100 ships lay between them to prevent their junction.
The English had only fifty-four ships, but having the weather gauge Monk attacked Tromp's squadron with his whole force; nor was it till later in the day that De Ruyter and Evertsen were able to come to the relief of their colleague.
The next day Monk renewed the attack, at first with some success; but, De Ruyter having received a reinforcement of sixteen ships, the weight of numbers told and Monk was forced to retreat.
At the end of the day Monk had only twenty-eight ships left fit for service.
Monk and Rupert then attacked with a superior force the centre under De Ruyter himself, who to save his fleet from destruction was compelled to take refuge behind the Dutch shoals.
On June 11 the English fleet underMonk was sighted between the North Foreland and Dunkirk, and the famous Four Days' Battle was begun.
At length, looking at the monk and the Fleming as they slept soundly under the shade of the battlement, she could no longer forbear breaking silence.
Hark, sir, I hear Wilkin Flammock's step ascending the turret-stair, as deliberately as evermonk mounted to matins.
The monk and Fleming, who now perfectly understood each other, went in company around the walls at midnight, exhorting the warders to be watchful, and examining with their own eyes the state of the fortress.
The monk motioned away from him the untasted cup, which Wilkin pressed him to with clownish civility.
Wilkin, on his part, was not very certain whether the monk had not heard and understood more of what he said to his countryman, than what he had intended.
The monk at length retired, summoned by the duties of the evening service, and with the determination to be stirring with the light the next morning.
The monk who wrote his life in Latin, asserts that he died peacefully in his home, but other documents have been found which prove that he did not meet his death in quiet, but in fierce conflict with his enemies.
Such is the story told by the Monk of Ely, of the fierce and relentless manner in which Bourne was rescued from the Normans.
The fighting monk was out in the marshes, and he told him that he meant to attack the English.