The arrow of Mnestheus broke the cord by which the pigeon was attached to the mast, and as she flew off, Eurytion discharged his shaft with so true an aim that it killed the bird.
For a mark to shoot at, they tied a pigeon to the top of a tall mast set firmly in the ground.
In appearance it is very like the green-pigeon of the plains and is equally difficult to distinguish from its leafy surroundings.
The wood-pigeon is as large as the imperial pigeon.
I knew then that the hands of the person who liberated that pigeon were the hands of some one who was engaged in modelling something or handling the clay of the modeller, and the inference was clear.
And for a fifthpigeon to be inside the enclosure--I can't understand the thing at all.
If a message was sent him by a carrier pigeon, where must that pigeon have come from, since it was one of Miss Morrison's?
Now we pass the lighthouse on the left, which stands at the end of a long pier at the entrance of the bay, close to the Pigeon House, where there are strong fortifications.
I might be a spy sent in from without, or a stoolpigeon made within, or I might be indifferent or loose-mouthed.
Bird Pigeon to Walley Johnson, spitting indignantly on the stove-leg.
The total loss is very small in proportion to the quantity still retained in the body; but it is sufficient to cause the death of a pigeon in three weeks, and of a dog in six, with marked symptoms of muscular and nervous weakness.
If there is no lamb available, a fowl or a pigeon is thus offered.
This suggestion is confirmed by the results of experiment: in the pigeon and in some mammals the canals can be readily reached and divided.
Throw the frog into the water, and it is seized with the madness of the fish; toss the pigeon in the air, and it dashes forward; set the rabbit once in motion, and its course also is a headlong fury.
The pigeon so mutilated presents phenomena similar to those offered by the frog.
The brainless pigeon follows with its head the lighted candle: its nerve of sight is therefore capable of taking part in the creation of a reflex movement.
In the Pigeon Lake area of Miami County, Kansas, the northwesternmost known locality of occurrence for laticeps, the habitat relations described by Conant for Ohio were almost reversed.
The herpetological fauna of the Pigeon Lake region, Miami County, Kansas.
Take of my electuary with a spoon after supping, and wash it down with a sherbet made of rose conserve; but first sup off mutton and house pigeon plentifully seasoned and hotly spiced.
The carrier pigeon was of great service during the siege of Paris in 1871, and conveyed many important messages.
The carrier pigeon is remarkable for the degree in which it possesses the instinct and power of returning from a distance to its accustomed home.
At that time there were about eighty-five men in the company, made up of the young men from several miles around Pigeon Run.
Company B was made up of men from the western section of Campbell County; Company C, as before said, from the Pigeon Run section, Mt.
He tells a story told him by an old sailor at Pigeon Cove, Mass.
There have been several cat shows in Boston since 1896, but these are so far only adjuncts to poultry and pigeon shows.
Foreign messages were watched with eagle eyes and many and many a one was gently consigned to the pigeon hole, when the contents and meaning were not plain.
But if, as Pierre says, the British entrenchments run back of the town as far as the Pigeon Quarter, then old Mary's cabin must be inside, and how would we be able to get through the lines?
She did not oil her hair with pigeon fat, and cleaned her teeth every day just like a Samoan girl.
The common pigeon was introduced into Kar Nicobar in 1898, and numbers of them were to be seen in the vicinity of the bungalow.
Amongst the birds obtained on South Andaman was a pigeon that has since proved to be new (Osmotreron, sp.
The crowns of the palm trees were frequented by flocks of the black and white nutmeg-pigeon (Carpophaga bicolor), an uncommon bird in such a situation.
Part however, was covered with tall, open jungle, in which were numbers ofpigeon and parrots.
Soon after landing, I saw a Nicobar pigeon on the ground, and while stalking it to get a close shot, noticed near by three birds, of much the same size, dancing about amongst some bushes.
There is no a priori reason why a pigeonshould not be so modified, in conformity with external circumstances, as to be incapable of flight, just as we see a grallatorial bird modified into an ostrich, and a diver into a penguin.
The bow of the Sleeping-Car Manager to the Pigeon Charmer was but a bend in a telegraph-pole to the sweep the bald-headed man now made me.
June praised thepigeon and touched it, giving it nobler plumage.
A sandy-white cat lapped gratefully at a puddle, a dishevelled fowl pecked between the cobblestones, a pigeon or two preened on the broken ridge-tiles.
His sharp eye, following the climbing aeroplane, had seen her flatten and swing about and leap forwards, exactly as the carrier-pigeon strikes out its line of flight for home.
The dove, however, must fall greatly short of the wild pigeon in multitude, and it is hardly probable that the flocks of domestic geese and ducks are as numerous as once were those of their wild congeners.
The wood pigeon has been observed to increase in numbers in Europe also, when pains have been taken to exterminate the hawk.
But let us count even this a progress, for we have seen that the murder of a pigeon had been a capital crime.
I told her that I was not a pigeon shot, and she gave a little start of surprise.