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Example sentences for "porcupine"

Lexicographically close words:
porches; porchway; porcine; porcion; porco; porcupines; pordo; pore; pored; pores
  1. Set the apples in a shallow pan, stick the almonds, which should be blanched, into them so that they will project like porcupine quills, sprinkle them with sugar, and bake in the oven until they are soft and the almonds slightly brown.

  2. A pleasing change in the way of an apple dessert may be had by making porcupine apples.

  3. In the chase that followed a giant porcupine stuck fifty sharp quills into the Boar and a chimpanzee in a tree threw a cocoanut at the porcupine that jammed its head into its body.

  4. She climbed up to capture it, but as she climbed the tree grew, carrying her with it, until it pierced the arch of the sky into the upper world; here the porcupine took on his proper form as the Son of the Sun; they were married and had a son.

  5. According to the myth, which has close parallels in other tribes, a girl was one day playing with some companions when she discovered a porcupine in the branches of a tree.

  6. A raft was made early in the morning that took them by the Porcupine Rapids and landed them safely, though well soaked, at the head of the first falls.

  7. My boy skipped past the dead porcupine and the broken chairs and dishes, and threw himself flat against a mildewed wall that he would have shrunk from had not his eyes been blinded by fear.

  8. I looked over his shoulder and saw a porcupine shedding his quills for the last time.

  9. The Republicans of New York and Philadelphia discovered that Peter Porcupine was not such a vile wretch after all.

  10. To those who truly knew and loved him, who had tasted the real sweetness of his nature, Fleeming's porcupine ways had always been a matter of keen regret.

  11. Paul found Dan's estimate of porcupine not at all overdrawn.

  12. Under Dan's direction he roasted the four quarters of lynx and the porcupine, together with another porcupine Dan had secured, as a reserve supply of food.

  13. Should he accidentally laugh, he says, "The porcupine laughed," referring to a real porcupine which he carries in his arms for the purpose.

  14. Those of them who have the porcupine for their totem swear by the animal, and lament if any one injures it.

  15. M183) Indians of the Lower Fraser River regard the porcupine as their elder brother.

  16. Did you suppose that a porcupine could climb a tree?

  17. You see I left it in a corner of the lean-to, and while I was asleep a porcupine got busy with it; then I hung it on a tree, and some more porcupines invited their relatives, and they all climbed up and nearly finished it.

  18. Were you not afraid, Jack," asked I, "lest the porcupine should cast some of his quills like darts at you?

  19. The flesh of the margay was given to the dogs, but part of the porcupine was put on the fire to boil, while we reserved the rest for roasting.

  20. I took some arrows and endeavored to point them with porcupine quills.

  21. We had scarcely started when the porcupine quills entered the donkey's back, causing it to kick and plunge.

  22. Fritz finished his cases, and Jack asked my assistance in carrying out his plan of making a cuirass for Turk out of the porcupine skin.

  23. The spinifex here cannot grow its coarse, tall blades of grass--the top growth is absent and only round stools of spines remain; well was it named Porcupine Grass!

  24. The porcupine is as like a porcupine as need be, and there can be no mistake about his quills.

  25. A very good porcupine trap is made from the barrel of an old cavalry pistol, stapled to a block of wood, and exploded by the fall of a piece of old spring.

  26. Where forests are cared for on an economical basis, the porcupine is certainly a proper subject for extermination.

  27. That is to say, in a manner less mixed, that the porcupine always attacks an enemy by springing backward at him, with spines extended.

  28. The porcupine is one of those animals that look pleasantest from the front.

  29. In the daytime the porcupine is not an active creature.

  30. In December, 1886, the Smithsonian expedition left about fifteen buffaloes alive in the bad lands of the Missouri-Yellowstone divide, at the head of Big Porcupine Creek.

  31. The fifth one was caught in September on the Porcupine Creek round-up.

  32. The body of an American porcupine is in bulk about the size of a small dog, but it is both shorter in length, and not so high from the ground.

  33. They wear it in a sheath made of deer’s leather, neatly ornamented with porcupine quills; and it is usually hung by a string, decorated in the same manner, which reaches as low only as the breast.

  34. On the last journey, Francois brought the porcupine as well--having found it on the very same tree where Basil had left it!

  35. Illustration] Just as Uncle Wiggily, Jackie and Peetie finished putting the sharp, stickery quills of Mr. Hedgehog Porcupine on the auto wheels, along came the Pipsisewah and Skeezicks.

  36. Yes, I am glad I had plenty of loose quills,” spoke the porcupine gentleman.

  37. Round his neck is slung his pipe-holder, generally a love token, in the shape of a heart, garnished with beads and porcupine quills.

  38. His costume is a hunting shirt of dressed buckskin, ornamented with long fringes; and pantaloons of the same material, but decorated with porcupine quills and long fringes down the outside of the leg.

  39. With them they dye the porcupine quills and the quills of the feathers, with which they embroider very neatly.

  40. The ball is often very neat and curiously covered with dyed porcupine quills.

  41. Maximilian speaks of Porcupine River as a "small stream," while in reality it was the largest river passed above the Yellowstone, and Lewis and Clark considered it as a possible line of communication with the Saskatchewan.

  42. The women ornament their best dresses, both on the hem and sleeves, with dyed porcupine quills and thin leather strips, with broad diversified stripes of sky-blue and white glass beads.

  43. He had put on his best dress, and had, on his breast, a rosette of dyed porcupine quills, eight or ten inches in diameter.

  44. These shirts have half sleeves, and the seams are trimmed with tufts of human hair, or of horse-hair dyed of various colours, hanging down, and with porcupine quills sewn round their roots.

  45. All the warriors wear small war pipes round their necks, which are often very elegantly ornamented with porcupine quills.

  46. These shirts generally have at the neck a flap hanging down both before and behind, which we saw usually lined with red cloth, ornamented with fringe, or with stripes of yellow and coloured porcupine quills, or of sky-blue glass beads.

  47. They ornament their large buffalo robes in a peculiar manner, with narrow parallel transverse stripes of porcupine quills, and many little pieces of scarlet cloth fastened to them in rows.

  48. The transverse band is worked with variously dyed porcupine quills, and is then narrower.

  49. The present Porcupine River is a branch of the Milk.

  50. The lower white half of the feather is frequently dyed red with vermilion, and the quill covered with dyed porcupine quills.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "porcupine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.