The sergeant carried her out and put her in the carriage.
We left the little girl who had caused all this commotion sitting upon the knee of the kind sergeant of police, while he coaxed her to tell him the story of her troubles, in the hope that he might find out where she belonged.
It is twelve years since I was here before, Jules," he said, and there was a noticeable air of condescension in his tone; it was as though he did the sergeant a mighty favor in speaking at all.
But by and by the officer, his hunger being some whit appeased, unbent a little from his dignity and addressed a stout little sergeant among the party.
The sergeant rose and, taking some scraps of food, crossed the room and disappeared from my sight.
The sergeant entered the clubhouse and returned with Danton.
As we were about to move, the sergeant-major came running along and shouting: "A letter for Sergeant Gourdon!
Still touched by the kindness of his comrade, Jean-Victor was gazing at him with admiration, when the sergeant of the platoon opened the door and called the five men who were to relieve the sentinels of the out-posts.
The sergeant made his light play on the dark folds for a few moments, and then jerked it away.
The evolution was performed, and then with a man on each side of him the sergeant once more shouted to the convicts to give in.
He began turning another, while the sergeant gave Guest the lantern to hold while he went and picked up the piece of candle they had found at first.
The sergeant obeyed, and his companion thrust in his finger, for it to be enveloped directly with a bluish flame.
Nice, respectable looking character this, gentlemen," said the sergeant dryly.
The workman had not made any reply, and the sergeant spoke again as a large picklock was thrust into the keyhole again and again.
You forget they were being used for the sergeant and the man.
But it isn't all right, sir," said the sergeant testily, and he gave his ear a scratch.
It was not until they were right down here, after the sergeant had been hurt, that we fired.
In that extremity I looked for Sergeant Death to lay his peremptory arrest upon me; but on a sudden, from above, I heard my lady's voice cry with a ringing gladness that help was at hand.
III* On the morrow, very early, I was waited upon by a sergeant come express to conduct me to the Burgomaster, whom the Captain of the Guard had informed of my arrival.
Being ushered with much solemnity by the sergeant into the council-chamber, I found myself in presence of a round dozen burghers clad in brave attire, and seated at their table in order of precedency, as I judged.
Let a sergeant of police open his lantern there and the tousled straw would answer him in mockery.
One British sergeant and one Egyptian officer were killed.
It contained a Senegalese sergeant and two men, with a letter from Major Marchand announcing the arrival of the French troops and their formal occupation of the Soudan.
On board the Tamai, which was leading, Commander Colville was severely wounded in the wrist; Armourer-Sergeant Richardson was killed at his Maxim gun, and on each boat some casualties occurred.
Ant ze sergeant says, 'You is one poor man, ant I will not take your money, pot I will help you.
Ven ze sergeant pring ze Mateira ant we trink it out to ze last trop, I taket his hant ant says, 'Mister Sergeant, perhaps you have still one Vater and one Mutter?
He gazed at thesergeant with mingled awe and admiration.
As the speaker sighed in regretful reminiscence, the sergeantglanced at his men.
The sergeant had already set off at a brisk pace with the story teller.
His glance had satisfied the sergeant that at least the object of his charge was safe and his men still vigilant.
His inquisitor, however, was, at the moment, being hauled from beneath a brass railing by the sergeant of the watch.
The sergeant looked surprised, and hesitated a moment before he asked a number of other questions.
The sergeantwas probably wondering whether the name Merriwell might not be a false one, and whether this prisoner might not be the son of the judge mentioned.
Accordingly the sergeant ordered both him and Mellor to be searched, and after a vain attempt to get any information out of Mellor, both were locked up.
The sergeant sat back in his chair and thought a moment.
The sergeanttook up a pen, and looking at Frank, asked: "What is your name?
Then he called to a doorman and asked if he might speak to the sergeant or the captain.
When they stood before the sergeant in the station, the policeman told briefly how he had heard a row in progress in the saloon and had got there in time to see Frank doing all the fighting.
Here is the gentleman who came yesterday," said the sergeant in a perfectly calm voice.
The sergeantshrugged his shoulders in a significant way.
The sergeant was put under arrest, until an escort arrived from his own regiment to take him to head-quarters, where he was tried by court-martial and flogged.
But the corporal probably suspected I might not return, and managed to keep me in conversation until the arrival of his friend the recruiting sergeant of a regiment of hussars.
At a sign, however, from the sergeant they were seated, and were comparatively silent.
The ex-sergeant promised to relate more of his adventures on his way to and from the gold diggings on a future occasion.
By the time we had reached the post we were joined by the orderly officer and sergeantof the guard.
I was grooming my horse when David entered the stable, and he at once walked up to the sergeant and confronted him.
The sergeant probably noticed the effect produced on my weak mind, and struck while the iron was hot.
The Sergeant tried to persuade my mother to let me remain on shore and turn into a drummer boy, at which I was very indignant, holding a blue-jacket to be a being of far superior grade, and a blue-jacket I hoped shortly to become.
One Sunday we went to the Marine Barracks, where we heard that Sergeant Killock and Tom Sawyer were stationed.
The Sergeant of Marines, Julian Killock was his name, on seeing the use I made of my weapon, took it into his head to teach me the broadsword exercise, which I very soon learnt.
But for her ladyship's obvious despair and sorrow, the worthy Sergeant might even now have had some misgivings.
No doubt the Sergeant would never have ventured, but the near approach of the Duke of Cumberland's army, and of his own superior officers, gave the worthy soldier a certain amount of confidence.
But already the Sergeant and his men had come to the rescue, dragging Jack away from the prostrate figure of Sir Humphrey, whilst the soldiers from above had run down and were forcibly keeping John Stich in check.
Hardly had the Sergeant fallen back than three more soldiers, also hot and furious, came rushing in to reinforce their comrades.
All the soldiers seemed as one man to be uttering a sigh of relief and eager anticipation, and even before the Sergeanthad spoken the word, they turned to go.
But of course it was only a question of seconds, the worthy smith could not guard the staircase for long against the Sergeant and a dozen soldiers, and in any case nothing would be of any avail.
He knew quite well that the Sergeant was within his duty and would certainly not get punished for this.
The Sergeant and two men were in the doorway, momentarily pausing in order to recover their breath.
The Sergeant and soldiers were drowning their acute disappointment in the bar-parlour of the Royal George.
The little diversion had caused Squire West to lose the thread of his speech, and much relieved, the Duke beckoned the Sergeant to draw nearer.
The colonel carried the seal that closed the box, and the sergeant was responsible for the integrity of the wax.
A sergeant brought a sealed box which contained the key of the safe.
Menzies there and then applied to Captain Dawson to get Sergeant Findlay into the field-hospital as an extra assistant to attend to the wounded.
Sergeant Findlay, let me state, merely considered that he had done his duty, but that is no reason why I should not mention his name.
The colour-sergeant of course promised to do so, telling young Mackenzie not to let such gloomy thoughts enter his mind.
When all was over, Colour-Sergeant Morton coolly proposed to the captain to place me under arrest for having left the pile of arms after he, the colour-sergeant, had refused to give me leave.
The song finished, a sergeant approached us, bearing in each hand a huge tumbler of vodka.
The sergeant returned about six o’clock with a note from M.
Three enormous tuns stood in the chamber, and we halted by the base of the farthest, where, with a spilt pail beside him, lay a British sergeant of the 36th Regiment tranquilly snoring!
In the great cellar we came upon the sergeant of the 36th, still slumbering.
You said a moment ago he was but a private, and now you call him sergeant Barclay!
To be made sergeant shows that he was not a common man.
Two of 'em," answered the police sergeant on duty.
Sergeant Juve, once of the detective force; formerly dead: now amateur policeman!
The sergeant is there to see this order carried out: you cannot leave the premises!
At last the captain returned, and the sergeantrose and said, "Here's the mother of the girl who was taken with stolen goods on her person.
To the sergeant on duty behind the long desk he said, with much courtesy, "I am a friend of Miss Jocelyn, a young woman recently brought to this station.
Sergeant Jones shouted at the top of his voice: "Number One, attention!
Finally our captain straightened us out, but the sergeantto this day has never forgotten the incident.
By these sandbags a sergeant had been placed on guard with strictest orders to forbid the passing of any one, without exception, toward the area where the wounded lay.
For the sake of Number One the sergeant moved us down to four hundred yards, and at this distance every man got a bull's eye except Number One.
Each evening from each section, and there are four sections to a platoon, the corporal or sergeant in command will detail a couple of men for ration party.
Suddenly down the trench will pass the word that the officer and sergeant are coming with letters and parcels.
I know a sergeant of Edmonton, Alberta, who has in his possession to-day the actual photographs of the crucified men taken before the dead bodies were removed from the barnside.
The sergeant booms once more, and in desperation that the Boches will hear him, we obey.
It was a sergeant who spoke, and we closed round, thinking to hear a tale.
One day, in late December, while at the butts, we were shooting at six hundred yards, with Sergeant Jones in command of the platoon.
The sergeant finished, proud of having found a phrase, no matter what might be its true meaning, that illustrated what he wished to convey.
For instance, when after a long march we would come in with our feet blistered, he would not detail a sergeant to look after us.
Sergeant Ignatius Loyola McKenna--customarily known and addressed as Mick--piled out almost before it had stopped.
Then he had realized, after a second or so, what the State Police sergeant had really said.
He had been compelled to tell the State Police sergeant a number of things he had intended keeping to himself.
Sergeant McKenna's up a stump about it, and looking in all directions for a suspect.
It was five o'clock before Rand had finished telling the sergeant and the corporal everything he felt they ought to know.
He and Sergeant McKenna have worked together before; he's given us a lot of good tips.
You just came from where we're going," the State Police sergeant surmised.
Sergeant McKenna's been too busy, and I didn't think of it," Kavaalen said insolently.
Not one of his seventeen associates had ranked so high: the next highest being Publius Cordatus, of Lindum, who had been second sergeant of the fourth cohort in the Twentieth Legion.
I kinna think,” Sergeant Mackay said, as soon as their hostess had retired, “where the Germans are.
So Sergeant Mackay was dragged up from the floor, beaten and bruised till there was very little of him left, bound tightly to the old gude wife, and hanged with her.
The difficulty of his position was not lost on Sergeant Mackay.
The only thing I can remember seeing plainly is those two corpses swinging from the beam—Sergeant Mackay’s and the gude wife’s—and the scene comes back to me vividly now as I look at this guide of ours.
Very well, then,” Sergeant Mackay observed, rising with difficulty, and wincing in spite of his efforts to appear comfortable.
Now, as she beckoned to them to approach, they doffed their caps and filed in at her gate, Sergeant Mackay leading the way.
This is by no means my first experience with ghosts—only—for goodness sake do you and Sergeant Scott say nothing about it to the other men.
It was all so pitch dark that the corporal and the sergeant had to keep very close to the stranger to see him.
A sergeant and a corporal—two old and tried veterans—took up their positions a pace or two behind him, and, at a word from the Colonel, the whole battalion was once more on the move.
I suggest,” said Sergeant Mackay, after a brief lull in their conversation, “that we push on again and see if we can find some sort of habitation where we can get a mouthful.
Sergeant Scott can corroborate it, for he was with me all the time.
It's my opinion there are worse-looking men than Sergeant Wallis in gaol.
The crowd parted to take the runner to its heart, when Sergeant Wallis threw himself from his horse, and the young digger simply sank panting into his arms.
A fistful of wet pipe-clay thrown from the cover of a tip struck the sergeant of troopers in the face, and he spurred his horse furiously towards the spot.
There was a rush of police and diggers, and a bit of a melee resulted, but Sergeant Wallis received no satisfaction.
The sergeant gave a sigh of relief as he dropped his pistol hand.
Several bundles of washing were tossed out, a loaf of bread was thrust upon Done, and at the same moment the door was thrown back, and in marched Sergeant Wallis, followed by five police.