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Example sentences for "manipulators"

Lexicographically close words:
manipulating; manipulation; manipulations; manipulative; manipulator; manis; manito; manitoes; manitos; manitous
  1. But the Parliamentarians were astute manipulators of the political machine: they had for the most part wormed themselves into the good graces of the local leaders, and arranged for their own re-election when the time came.

  2. Accordingly he decided to quit the field again and to leave the clever political manipulators in possession.

  3. During the past year some of these professional perjurers and political manipulators were tried and sent to the penitentiary; but the frauds will go on.

  4. Most of the single-mounts, landing craft and manipulators and heavy-duty lifters went with him, jamming the decks around the vehicle ports of Valkanhayn's ship.

  5. And in Rivington itself, bulldozers and power shovels and manipulators labored, and there was always a rising cloud of dust over the city.

  6. In short, he was one of those early, daring manipulators who later were to seize upon other and ever larger phases of American natural development for their own aggrandizement.

  7. Ere the first winter of war drew to a close the official manipulators of the public opinion battery had successfully electrified the nation into a hate against the United States second only to that bestowed on Great Britain.

  8. They have regarded principles of international custom as little as the manipulators of submarines under the reign of Tirpitz.

  9. On that occasion one of the manipulators of public opinion said to me, "The British Government is mad to permit such descriptions to appear in the Press.

  10. The manipulators began moving in, wrestling with the larger chunks of rock and dragging or carrying them away.

  11. Jeeps and lifters and manipulators and things floated out of her.

  12. I think we ought to leave a lot of that here--the shovels and bulldozers and manipulators and so on.

  13. There were half a dozen claw-armed manipulators already there, and two giant power shovels.

  14. Stone and Sharpe and Garland, the political manipulators of the city, and its owners, lock, stock and barrel were responsible for this.

  15. Naturally operations of this kind cannot be carried on without instruments of constraint; the Parisian manipulators must have military automatons, "saber hilts" in sufficient numbers.

  16. The last manipulators of the system remain, the hands which seize, the armed force which takes bodily hold of men and things.

  17. Only do go slow, old fellow; we're neither of us great manipulators and what comes slowly, goes with a rush.

  18. Drake, eh," said Marsh reflectively, naming one of the boldest manipulators of the day.

  19. But George Cartwright distrusted mightily what he called the "slap-dash, smash- bang" system of the modern manipulators of capital.

  20. Some day, he predicted, the manipulators themselves would go "smash-bang" along with their methods.

  21. The manipulators of stock prices can have financial news "made to order.

  22. The danger signal had been raised, and not only were the great political manipulators of the State called into requisition, but experts from adjoining States joined them in besieging the legislature.

  23. The investigation of the Rhodus manner of doing business showed that the shrewd manipulators of fish-worm holes and scorpion nests had not neglected the feminine element.

  24. The tangle in their affairs seems to show conclusively that the matter will be long and bitterly fought, but the facts that have come to light make matters look very dark for the manipulators of the moss-grown stock-kiting game.

  25. The most expert manipulators of cards that ever dealt a second or shifted a cold deck sat behind the tables.

  26. The positions of managers and manipulators of these huge hoards of the people's money have become the greatest financial prizes of the day.

  27. Honest financial writers called attention each week to the tactics of the manipulators and declared the high quotations unjustifiable and unreasonable.

  28. Here a string of big manipulators were trying to get in from below, sprouting claw hooks and grapples and pusher arms in all directions.

  29. The derricks and manipulators and the cars and jeeps with grapnels went in on both sides, snatching and dragging wax away.

  30. We started down the nearest vehicle shaft and immediately got into a jam, above a lot of stuff that was going into the shaft from the First Level Down, mostly manipulators and that sort of thing.

  31. Big manipulators were coming up and grabbing as many of the half-ton sausages as they could, and lurching away to dump them onto skids or into lorries or just drop them on top of the bags of nutrient stacked beyond.

  32. The crude manipulators had been stowed somewhere and the bottles of medicine and stuff were missing from the bureau.

  33. I came out of the dope to find James and his father fitting one of the manipulators to my right leg and through that I could feel the darting pains in my calf and thigh.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "manipulators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.