In addition, the Government, that is to say, the Grand Council, should take over the monopoly of the tobacco import and the timber export.
Monopoly in the king business keeps out the rabble, any how, and it gives a country a good deal more dignity to be ruled by a dynasty than by Tom, Dick, and Harry.
I'm down on monopolies, and in my opinion it's the worst kind of monopoly to let one family crowd out everybody else in the king business.
Napoleon did not think it worth while to revive the monopoly of the Theological Faculty.
We also obtained a share in the harbor works at Basra, and even acquired shipping rights on the Tigris, hitherto the monopoly of the firm of Lynch.
It is a fact that Germany's progress as a trading country after the war of 1870 and during the following decades threatened the interests of British trade circles, constituting a form of monopoly with its industry and export houses.
It has done so partly by controlling freights, fixing maximum prices to the home producer, and regulating wholesale and retail charges, and partly by its monopoly of imported supplies.
How could she acknowledge that she had envied the greater luxury, the cosy fire in the bedroom, the pink evening dress, the monopoly of attention, she who was so rich in the dear human companionship which the other lacked!
Hitherto he had looked upon religion as a thing apart from his own life, the monopoly of women and clergymen, whose business it was; now for the first time it appealed to him as a fine and manly virtue.
The sale and manufacture of opium is a monopoly of the British Government, just as vodka was a monopoly of the Russian Government at the beginning of the war.
It is a monopoly of the Government, who farm it out to one of the sugar clayers at Manilla.
Spaniards guarding their own shipping, and securing to it a monopoly of the carrying trade by that difference of the import duty.
While the state university is the largest and best-equipped in the state, it possesses no monopoly of the superior education.
This consolidation, effecting a monopoly of all traffic between the Mississippi and the Pacific coast for five degrees of latitude, caused the greatest alarm.
Under the charter act of 1813 the trade of the Company with India was thrown open to the British nation, but the Company still retained its monopoly of trade with China.
The parliamentary vote however had abolished for a while the monopolyof the trade with the East Indies.
Under William of Orange the monopoly of the East Indies was again in danger.
The Company, however, suffered little by the loss of its monopoly as regards India.
Company's original monopoly and privileges, and received presents in return, which however rarely exceeded the modest sum of L1,200 a year.
Mir Kasim cut away the British monopoly by abolishing all inland transit duties.
Under this new arrangement the trade monopoly was secured to the united Company throughout the eighteenth century.
Now Galbraith and Company will want themonopoly of that patent, Mr. Spence," hurried on the financier.
By what right had she acquired her monopoly of Bob Morton, and was its exclusiveness gratifying or irksome to its recipient?
The difficulty is in securing a monopoly of the Straits.
In order to avoid a glut which might make ice importation unremunerative, and endanger the steadiness of the supply, the Government has kept in its own hands the monopoly of the ice-trade.
Further, the officers enjoyed the entire monopoly of importing spirits, as also the exclusive privilege of selling them to the retail merchants.
A monopoly also may, in some cases, be established by individuals, provided they sell at a reasonable rate.
Those merchants and manufacturers enjoy a sort ofmonopoly in the country, which is so indulgent to them.
So also under the Roman government the people of Alexandria, as we are informed by Strabo, enjoyed the monopoly of all Indian and Ethiopian goods.
The Dutch in order to secure to themselves the monopoly of the spice-trade have frequently destroyed all the productions of the spice islands beyond what was necessary for their own supply.
It is not every kind of monopoly that amounts to a direct violation of the laws of nature.
In such circumstances the protection of a physician's monopoly of the drug would be most welcome.
Japan, with the most stringent regulation of the sale of opium in the world, had made it a government monopoly in Formosa, had compelled the registration of all smokers, and was gradually lessening the amount which each smoker could buy.
Strangely enough, however, that monopoly which created the chief indignation was for the preparation and sale of gold and silver lace.
No man can ever obtain a monopoly through money, unless it be by underselling all others; and that is a form in which it need not be grudged.
Why is the former body remarkable for its vulgarity and its poverty of talent, while the latter seems to enjoy a monopoly of intelligence and of sound judgment?
Within eighteen years it was to be followed up by Dutch and British attacks, by way of the Cape of Good Hope, on the Portuguese and Spanish monopoly of intercourse with the East Indies and Malaysia.
But they soon felt the need of stations farther east, for, as long as the Arabs held Malacca, where spices were cheaper, the intruders did not have the monopoly they desired.
Sidenote: 1540] The Polish nobility, jealous of the cities' monopoly of trade, demanded the total abolition of the gilds.
Moreover the patronage of the wealthy, their assertion of a monopoly of good form and social prestige, seduced the professional class that now ate from the merchant's hand, aped his manners, and served his interests.
While wages and hours are now, in the greater industrial fields, the subject of a collective contract, this question of union monopoly is still open, though there has been some progress towards an adjustment.
In spite of its spectacular warfare and its monopoly of newspaper headlines, the I.
The principle involves the employment of only union men in a shop; it means a monopoly of jobs by members of the union.
And above all political issues loomed the Bank, the monopoly that became the laborer's bugaboo and Andrew Jackson's opportunity to rally to his side the newly enfranchised mechanics.
Marked progress has been made in the production of coloured glass, formerly almost a monopoly of the Bohemian makers.
The clergy of the established church have almost a monopoly of day schools, whilst the various denominations of dissenters for the most part leave the education of the poor to the Board schools.
The objection most strongly urged against such a policy in high quarters is that it means "regulated monopoly" and that monopoly is intolerable.
The manufacturing concern to which reference has been made may discriminate against able workmen with cigarette stained fingers, because it is efficiently organized, and enjoys a monopoly position.
Instead of regarding regulated monopoly as intolerable they view it as natural and inevitable.
Morgan Shuster, the people of Persia practically gave up smoking as a protest against the concession of a tobacco monopoly to an English Company.
The trade with the West Indies was not the subject of a monopoly as that with the East had been.
The fisheries are a monopoly of Denmark, and each station is visited from one to three or four times a year.
When the rival mines began to undersell each other and diamonds were being sold for but little more than the cost of production, Rhodes conceived the plan of consolidating all the mines, thereby forming a monopoly to keep up the prices.
Grace needn't think she's got a monopolyin the courage of the family.
Peggy herself, with her trick of liking everybody, and expecting all her friends to like one another, made monopoly difficult, if not impossible.
A patent was granted to him in 1608, his Majesty reserving to himself the monopoly of the sale of all home-dyed goods.
The conferring of this monopoly caused in 1613 a numerous fishing fleet, some of the vessels strongly armed, to set sail from England for Spitzbergen.
But the spectacle of the growing Dutch monopoly of the carrying trade, and the decline of English commerce in the face of these formidable rivals, could not fail before long to stir public opinion.
But King James in the following year (1613) granted to the Muscovy Company an exclusive monopoly of the Greenland, meaning thereby the Spitzbergen, whale fishery.
To a monopoly of this trade the Staple Company, which had in 1359 removed from Bruges to Calais, had no claim, and the exporting of cloth fell into other hands.
Their practical monopoly of the British fisheries was deeply resented.
In the reign of Elizabeth the friendliest relations had subsisted with the Tsar, Ivan the Terrible and his successors, so that for some years the English Muscovy Company had almost a monopoly of Russian trade by the White Sea.
The States of Holland on receiving this remonstrance resolved that the contract made by Delft and the monopoly of the Adventurers should be examined by a commission.
A deadly blow was thus struck at the Netherlanders, who had at that time almost a monopoly of the most important branches of sea-borne trade and were the carriers of the world.
Daylight air-raids are no longer the monopoly of the South-east coast; they have extended to London.
But if we were deceived by the treachery of Germany's false professions, we had no monopoly of illusion.