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Example sentences for "converging"

Lexicographically close words:
converge; converged; convergence; convergent; converges; conversable; conversance; conversant; conversation; conversational
  1. Doubtless, most of us drew two parallel lines instead of converging ones.

  2. Stereoscopic pictures for combining by converging or diverging the optical axes.

  3. Stereoscopic pictures for combining by converging or diverging the optical axes 41 3.

  4. Apparently converging lines influence these equal figures in proportion as they suggest perspective.

  5. Converging lines and the other manifold details of perspective are aiding the artist in his efforts toward the production of the great illusion of painting.

  6. By paths converging toward a certain point, it may be concluded from the photographs that an ammunition dump or headquarters is located there even though the position itself was well camouflaged.

  7. At the two extremities of the French attacking front, where the advance was subjected to converging fires and to counterattacks on the flanks, the offensive practically failed--or at least made no progress.

  8. There was still no great converging movement from the south, where a British division and French troops were engaged.

  9. During the two weeks following the fall of Nish the three commanders of the invading armies began, and continued, a great converging movement on the Kossovo Plain, their object being to completely encircle the main Serbian armies.

  10. From the Buttes de Souain and Tahure the Germans directed converging fires on the French, who were advancing there along very open ground.

  11. Converging reasons led me there: one--I desired that my old friends, the Suckers, should know of my intimacy with S.

  12. Several boys, converging from different directions, arrived at the handles at the same time.

  13. This hut may be from four to five feet high, is strongly built of stakes converging to a point at the top, and is thickly thatched with leaves and branches.

  14. On the 19th the three armies were converging toward Atlanta, meeting such feeble resistance that I really thought the enemy intended to evacuate the place.

  15. That we are now all to act on a common plan, converging on a common centre, looks like enlightened war.

  16. The habitual order of march will be, wherever practicable, by four roads, as nearly parallel as possible, and converging at points hereafter to be indicated in orders.

  17. Were they the prisoners of the flower, converted into a trap which allowed them to enter but prevented their escape by means of a palisade of converging hairs?

  18. They are arranged in layers, in lines forming arcs of a circle, with the cephalic extremities converging towards the zone of issue.

  19. The Covenanters were apprised, and for the third time the roads converging upon Edinburgh were filled with their dauntless ranks.

  20. They held meetings for prayer and consultation, realizing deeply the dangers that were converging upon their Church, their homes, and their persons.

  21. God gave the people spiritual hunger that brought them from afar; they came over the hills and along the vales, converging upon the place of worship as doves fly to their windows.

  22. The converging lines massed, reformed, and spread into a pattern resembling the spoke tips of an open umbrella, with the Gateway, the crowded transports and the depot centered at what would be the umbrella's handgrip.

  23. Hauled along by a network of mag-beams converging from a score of space tugs came the Conference Disk, two hectometers in diameter and a decameter thick at its hub.

  24. New green lights appeared in their place, this time moving in arcs converging on the cylinder centered in a sphere: the depot in its force field cocoon.

  25. Thus the different armed forces, both land and sea, were converging toward their objective, Cornwallis.

  26. If I and my actions are the products of a converging series of calculable or indetermined forces, are we not compelled to dismiss this conviction as pure myth?

  27. In all these cases what takes place is the result of all converging circumstances and conditions.

  28. The Scimitar was swept with a devastating converging fire.

  29. The converging machine-gun fire from the clumps of fir trees swept the ground like a hose.

  30. The converging fire again swept the crest and they too suffered the fate of the Inniskillings and had to withdraw after suffering fearful loss.

  31. The centre of this force was to attack Hill Q; the left was to attack the Abdel Rahman spur--the two attacks converging on Koja Chemen Tepe, the highest point in the range.

  32. About half a field off our friend Dick was converging on the rendezvous, with the keepers and dogs, apparently engaged in animated converse with the former.

  33. Often he ran his eye along the converging sides and on up the hill, trying to divine the apex, the point where the gold-bearing dirt must cease.

  34. The converging sides of the inverted "V" were only a few yards apart.

  35. The converging sides of this "V" marked the boundaries of the gold-bearing dirt.

  36. It reflects our many-rooted origins, our varied and severally branched histories, our constantly converging growths.

  37. This converging tendency of the race, Americans have seen with satisfaction in their own land.

  38. The converging tendency is now in the ascendant.

  39. Since those days Pan-Angles have made progress in understanding the balance necessary between the separating and the converging impulses.

  40. They immediately follow its example, and in their turn are followed by other Vultures, which can see their fellows from a distance, and know perfectly well why they are all converging to one spot.

  41. Noontide is the general time for watering the Sheep, and towards that hour all the flocks may be seen converging towards their respective wells, the shepherd at the head of each flock, and the Sheep following him.

  42. The great valley of the Colorado now has broad converging cliff-broken sides.

  43. With that the bubble was pricked, and staid Ludlow became a busy market-town again, its streets blocked by the barrows of hucksters and farmers' carts, its converging roads thronged with cattle.

  44. So it came to pass that on Friday evening, while Medenham was driving from Cavendish Square to Charing Cross, Cynthia was crossing London on a converging line from St. Pancras to the Savoy Hotel.

  45. Beyond us the field was swept by a converging fire of the enemy's batteries.

  46. The enemy opened with fourteen pieces, and two brigades of infantry rose from their concealment, and poured a converging fire upon them.

  47. This city was the converging point of many important railroads, and here were the principal machine shops and other factories of the Rebel Government.

  48. The habitual order of march will be, whenever practicable, by four roads, as nearly parallel as possible, and converging at points hereafter to be indicated in orders.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "converging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    approach; approaching; asymptote; centripetal; concentration; concourse; concurrence; concurrent; confluence; crossing; focal; focus; funnel; hub; meeting; press; radial; radiating; radius; spoke; tangent; tangential; uniting