When examined microscopically it is found to be made up of two layers, an outer "molecular" and an inner "granular" layer.
The inner surface has the appearance of a serous membrane, and when examinedmicroscopically is seen to consist of a layer of squamous endothelial cells.
A kind of pantograph which produces copies microscopically minute.
A microscopically small photograph of a picture, writing, printed page, etc.
In order to protect himself, he had had a microscopicallysmall radiation detector built into the watch itself.
On Mars, the dust is yellow, and microscopically fine.
Teeth of Labyrinthodon (Figure 392) found in the Keuper in Warwickshire were examined microscopically by Professor Owen, and compared with other teeth from the German Keuper.
We have examined microscopically the tissue of dogs and cats dying from the late effects of the A.
The number in which the semen was examined microscopically was 16, and in three spermatozoa were found in the semen; one case was dubious, spermatozoa being found two weeks afterward on a boy's shirt.
Microscopically the enlargement would seem to be due rather to hyperplasia than to hypertrophy.
Bang and Stribolt subsequently examined pieces of placenta from a large number of cases of contagious abortion, and found the bacillus microscopically in practically all cases.
Little centres of haemorrhage, often microscopically small, are seen, and may be the centres of small inflammations; their usual situation is on the summit of the rugae.
On now microscopically examining the insoluble residue, crystals of bitartrate, if present, will be readily seen.
Microscopically the spleen has a fibro-elastic coat in which involuntary muscle is found (fig.
Microscopically they are divided into nodules or cell balls by connective tissue, and these closely resemble the structure of the parathyroids, but are without any thymic tissue.
Microscopically they consist of solid masses of epithelioid cells with numerous blood-vessels between, while, embedded in their periphery, are often found masses of thymic tissue including the concentric corpuscles of Hassall.
Microscopically regarded, we see here and there, in the sides of the sponge-passages, little chambers and recesses which remind one of the passing-places in a narrow canal.
Did you microscopically examine the bases of both cartridge cases?
It is an examination of these marks, and all of the marks on the face of the breech, microscopically which permits a conclusion to be reached.
The examination is made microscopically through the use of your eyes, and your eyes will record depths and shapes to a much greater extent than can be shown in a photograph.
A microscopically ruled glass screen, ruled with fine lines made with a diamond and filled in with ink, is placed in the camera in front of the glass plate on which the picture is to be photographed.
The drawing is photographed, but in front of the sensitised glass, a microscopically ruled screen is placed to break up this tone into dots or lines, really to get the same effect as the wood engraver obtains with his dots and lines.
From the older rocks, however, we have both impressions and microscopically preserved material, and are more fully acquainted with them than with those which lived nearer our own time.
Unfortunately we have not microscopically preserved specimens of the Glossopteris flora, which could be compared with those of our own Palaeozoic.
You see the microscopically small sticks or tubes or bundles of woody fibre of which the big stick is composed, and you also see the microscopically fine saw to cut them.
Defn: A kind of pantograph which produces copies microscopically minute.
Microscopically the capsules of the glomeruli are a trifle thickened; a few show hyaline changes.
Microscopically the process is found to be a subacute inflammation of the media, which has been called a mesaortitis.
It is true that conception has never been studied microscopically in all its details in the human case--notwithstanding its occurrence at every moment--for reasons that are obvious enough.
Some kinds of these amoebae can be seen with the naked eye, but most of them are microscopically small.
Spruce is hardly distinguishable from fir, except by the existence of the resin ducts, and microscopically by the presence of tracheids in the medullary rays.
Microscopically the white pine can be distinguished by having usually only one large pit, while spruce shows three to five very small pits in the parenchyma cells of the pith ray communicating with the tracheid.
Microscopically the cortex proved to be far from normal: every area examined showed cell-loss, perhaps more markedly in the suprastellate layers than below.
The brain was described grossly as normal: but microscopically there was marked superficial gliosis in all areas examined and considerable cell loss in suprastellate layers of precentral cortex.
The brain, normal macroscopically, provedmicroscopically to show, in all areas examined, superficial gliosis.
No gross lesions described; microscopically profound alterations; extreme or maximal cell-losses in small and medium-sized pyramids in both superior frontal regions.
It may be distinguished microscopically by the presence of the hairs.
The following observations were made: (a) Many fleas were caught in the tangle-foot, a certain proportion of which were found on dissection to contain in their stomachs abundant bacilli microscopically identical with plague bacilli.
Eyes microscopically hairy; each abdominal segment with two spots.
It is in the investigation of the "Protists," the study of the vital phenomena of the microscopicallyminute unicellular organisms, that attempts of this kind have been most frequently made.
It is instructive to see how these "vitalistic" views crop up even in studies of detail and of the microscopically small, as for instance in E.
One of the two additional stamens is manifestly formed by the development of a microscopically minute papilla, which may be found at the base of the upper lip of the flower in all common snapdragons, at least in nineteen plants examined by me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "microscopically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.