Special instances, such as therabbit and mole already mentioned, and a few other furs are tanned by the alum method.
Thus the pale greyish or slightly brownish-grey shades of the lynx can be reproduced on white rabbit or hare by this process.
In addition to the French seal, or sealine, rabbit is dyed in imitation of beaver, mole, etc.
I felt like a rabbit in the last of the standing corn, when a field is in the harvesting.
He ran crouching like a rabbit to a hump of mud where his figure would show up against the sky.
You goes in wan end an' walks out t' other, like a rabbit through a hedge.
They were come from rabbit shooting, as the attendant's heavy bag testified.
They cleaned the cross with a bucket or two of water, then dragged it half-way up the hill, and, where a rabbit burrow lessened labour, raised their venerable monument under the afterglow.
Will laughed and read a page or two of the story-book, then went out of doors to see Clement Hicks; and his sister, with a spare hour before her while a rabbit roasted, sat near the spit and occupied her mind with thought.
If you wish the meat of the rabbit white, add a thin slice of lemon to the water when cooking meat.
If you give your rabbit too many cabbage leaves he'll die of the gripes.
He said to himself-- "That rabbit is not going to school: if it was it wouldn't run so quickly.
Sometimes a rabbit bolted almost from under one's feet--it flapped away through the grass, and bobbed up and down in a great hurry.
For a long time he watched the further happenings in Niagara city as a rabbitmight watch a meet.
He shot into his cabin like a rabbit into its burrow, just in time to escape that shouting terror.
But Clote Scarpe remembered Moktaques the rabbit also, and gave him two coats, a brown one for summer and a white one for winter.
A rabbit stirs in his form; a partridge shakes on his branch; the mink stops hunting frogs at the brook; the skunk takes his nose out of the hole where he is eating sarsaparilla roots.
Indeed the chances are always that way, day or night, unless you turn hunter and set a trap for him in the rabbit paths which he follows nightly, and hang a bait over it to make him look up and forget his steps.
And my feet make a noise in the leaves, so that Moktaques the rabbit hears me, and hides, and laughs behind me when I go to catch him.
And then I shall listen with a new interest for a cry in the night which tells me that Moktaques the rabbit is hiding close at hand in the snow, where a young lynx of my acquaintance cannot find him.
But when the next day came, Fatty couldn't find Jimmy Rabbit and his brother anywhere.
Jimmy Rabbit and his brother whispered together for a few moments.
Jimmy Rabbit replied, "though I must say it isn't one that I would care for myself.
There was no telling when the two brothers might get so hungry they would seize and eat a rabbit or a squirrel or a chipmunk.
And he wished that he might meet Jimmy Rabbit and his brother.
If he had, he wouldn't have waited there all the afternoon for those Rabbit brothers to return.
Jimmy Rabbit asked, when he had finished with Fatty's head.
And THAT was THIS: he made up his mind that when he played barber-shop with Jimmy Rabbit again he would get even with him.
Probably we'll never get over it," Jimmy Rabbit said cheerfully.
About halfway across I came on a rabbit sitting on a stump, cleaning his silly face with his paws.
Instead of which, he's gone off with the dog, to see if they can't pick up a rabbitfor dinner somewhere.
As he stood still to hearken, a rabbit came running hard towards him through the trees.
Once we saw a rabbit breathing his last near the roadside, his soft eyes filled with a look of far away consciousness and pain.
Sometimes a rabbit sat in the middle of the road, blinking and bewildered.
Birds piped and chirped merrily amid the leaves above and around, a rabbit sat to watch me inquisitively, but otherwise I was alone, for the Tinker had vanished and his tent with him.
But the suffering of the rabbit or the stag is to be measured by the consciousness of the rabbit or the stag, not by yours.
Do sit down with us, and eat the Welsh rabbit Carleton has been talking about," said Hannaford.
They must be," said Angelo, "to keep out of sight as they do in the Season, and yet manage to snatch a meal of rabbit or chicken occasionally.
Thus, if a fairy should die, the others would not know that its accidents were there; if a rabbit (as in the case cited) should be caught it would therefore cease to be rabbit.
I would refer the reader in the first place to my early experience of the boy (to call him so) with the rabbit in the wood.
A boy who is fond of trapping or hunting will ordinarily solve the rabbit difficulty.
The other day, a labourer, out of work, wired a rabbit on Pugsley's estate, and went to prison for a week for the misdemeanour.
But Pugsley annexed the very land that the rabbit was on, a good wide strip of it, too, which belonged to the people.
Toto and Billina had followed her into the room and when he saw them the rabbit ran to a table and sprang upon it nimbly.
Now let me ask you, as a friend and a young lady of good judgment: isn't all this pomp and foolishness enough to make a decent rabbit miserable?
Here stood therabbit she had been talking with, and now that she could see all of him she gazed at the creature in surprise.
I suppose there are no rabbit jugglers in all the world to compare with these," remarked the King.
This seemed the best thing to do, for Dorothy was curious to see how the rabbit people lived and she was aware of the fact that her friends might frighten the timid little creatures.
First they pushed in a big red ball and three of the rabbit jugglers stood upon its top and made it roll.
Seems to me that for a rabbit you 're right in clover.
She had not forgotten how Toto and Billina had misbehaved in Bunbury, and perhaps the rabbit was wise to insist on their staying outside the town.
But the rabbit people were, after all, the most amazing things Dorothy saw.
When they came to a stop only one fat rabbit juggler was seen, the others seeming to be inside him.
You'd be a reg'lar lunatic to want to leave Bunnybury for a wild life in the forest, and I'm sure any rabbit outside the city would be glad to take your place.
There was a throne in this room, set on a dais and having a big cushioned seat, and on this seat reclined the Rabbit King.
These were but a few of the tricks the rabbit jugglers performed, and they were so skillful that all the nobility and even the King applauded as loudly as did Dorothy.
Besides, it must be confessed that the particular moon-patch that has awakened so much interest in every age and nation is quite as much like a frog or toad as it is like a rabbit or hare.
Wells Williams also tells us that in China "the sun is symbolized by the figure of a raven in a circle, and the moon by a rabbit on his hind legs pounding rice in a mortar, or by a three-legged toad.
Their mythological moon Jut-ho is figured by a beautiful young woman with a double sphere behind her head, and a rabbitat her feet.
It is remarkable that the Chinese represent the moon by a rabbit pounding rice in a mortar.
It is a common saying that there is 'a whiterabbit in the moon pounding out rice.
When the moon is waxing, from about the eighth day to the full, it requires no very vivid imagination to descry on the westward side of the lunar disk a large patch very strikingly resembling a rabbit or hare.
Not a rabbitcould have crossed the turf without being seen; but there was nothing.
I thought it might be a hare or a rabbit snared, and I went in the morning and looked; but there was nothing.
Come, young sir, methinks I know your face, though rabbit me if I can mind the when or the where of seeing it.
Let us do what we can to save this vessel, and od-rabbit the mutineers!
When March month once more came around, the magic word "swiles" was whispered from mouth to mouth, and Uncle Johnnie woke up like a weasel when a rabbit is about.
But Jack Rabbit said he really couldn't think of inviting him in, the way things were, and that it would likely be after sundown before he'd be ready for him.
To get ready for Mr. Dog; he's coming to call," said the Rabbit as he went by like a streak.
The Rabbitwas willing to do that, for he would rather read his own poetry than eat any time, and, besides, the first course was something he didn't like very well.
Mr. Rabbit said that the ground was rather damp, but that he could pick his way pretty well, and that he had never seen such a wet spring since the year that the Wide Blue Water came up over his back garden and drowned his early pease.
Then Mr. 'Coon brought some water and Mr. Rabbit fanned him and Mr. Turtle unbuttoned his vest to give him air.
There was a little flash of lightning just as they got there, and they saw that Mr. Rabbit had pushed in the latch string after all.
There was the carcass of a dead rabbit inside no doubt.
But though adjusted, as we thought, with the utmost nicety, no rabbit would put his neck into it--not even in the darkness of the night.
A stoat peeped out, but went back directly when a rabbit whose retreat had been cut off bolted over his most insidious enemy.
The wire itself seemed nearly perfect; but still no rabbit was caught.
The rabbit was almost beyond recognition as a rabbit.
In front of a large rabbit bury the grass will be found discoloured with sand at some distance from the mouth of the hole.
You should never hold a rabbit up till you have got fast hold of his hind legs; he will so twist and work himself as to get free from any other grasp.
Hardly had I got back to my stand than I heard Little John leap into the ditch his side: the next minute I saw the body of the rabbit which he had killed thrown out into the field.
He first filled up the hole from which a rabbit had just bolted with a couple of 'spits,' i.
In an instant the rabbit bolted--he clutched it and clasped it tight to his chest.
Behind such bushes, on the slope of the mound, is rather a favourite place for a rabbit to sit out, or a hare to have a form.
We saw, for instance, that the rabbit when feeding or moving freely, unless quickened by alarm, has a peculiar way of dwelling upon his path.
Presently the fugitive caught his foot in a rabbit hole, fell, and hit his shins on stone.