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Example sentences for "would feel"

  • She did not like to speak to her brother about it: she knew that he would feel it too keenly and that he would make the affair even more serious than it was.

  • But when the fit of madness was over he would feel like a great sky washed by the storm, purged of every taint, serene, and sovereign of his soul.

  • I wanted him to feel bad; and I meditated on how bad he would feel--when it was too late.

  • The first one sounded so glad I was staying that Mother said she was afraid he would feel hurt, and that would be too bad--when he'd been so kind.

  • He was quite sure that he would feel no pride in calling her Mrs. Gibson, no pleasure in having her all to himself at his own hearth.

  • I told him that I had been free for the last twenty-four hours, but that to shew my gratitude for his friendly confidence I would feel honoured if he would allow me to keep him company.

  • Without looking at me, she told me she was feverish, and would not ask me to remain with her, because I would feel weary.

  • Being pleased with his conversation, I told him that I expected the arrival of a man, and that as my honour required that he should find me alone I would feel grateful if he would go away as soon as I saw the man approaching.

  • Susan pathetically, "how we would feel if a German shell knocked down the spire of our church here in the glen, and I'm sure it is every bit as bad to think of Rangs cathedral being hammered to pieces.

  • He is his mother's only son and how dreadful she would feel if he went.

  • If you have anything particular to discuss with me, Mr. Pryor, I would feel obliged if you would mention it without loss of time, because I am very busy this afternoon.

  • When I walked through the American streets I would feel at home in them, far more so than I had ever felt before.

  • I was continually looking at the clock, counting the minutes, and when I came home I would feel so sore in body and spirit that I could not sleep.

  • If I happened to meet a cloak-operator who was noted for extraordinary speed I would feel like an ambitious musician meeting a famous virtuoso.

  • Given a few congenial neighbours, and a library of books, he would feel no hankerings for town.

  • She wondered what it would feel like to have a husband who disappeared regularly at nine a.

  • Odd, how clearly she had perceived the indifference he would feel so long as there was no scandal.

  • He would feel it more, they were afraid, as time went on.

  • And he would feel a little shorter, and drag his feet walking up the hill home, with his hand clapped to his left side.

  • But suddenly the thought of what he would feel if she really meant to take this young man as her friend in place of him became so actual, so poignant, so horribly painful, that he got up abruptly and went towards the door.

  • Oh, I can understand what it would feel like to strike, to wish to dynamite men like you!

  • He began to wonder how it would feel to own a few of these valuable fellow-creatures.

  • There were some notes to leave and a sick woman and a child to see, which caused her to vary it a little that morning; and Honora, who sat in the sunlight and held the horse, wondered how it would feel to play the lady bountiful.

  • The outcast of the prison and the presidio, who calls himself Spaniard, would feel insulted by being termed Gitano, and would thank God that he is not.

  • If I could find such a man, he would be the only one of his race whom I would feel inclined to despise as such.

  • And if A would feel it an injury to be placed under the control of B, then, "there is no doubt" that it is equally wrong to place B under the control of A?

  • He means that he would feel self-condemned, and would be forced to admit the justice of the retaliation.

  • I can't imagine how it would feel to be like that; but I know if they were different we should hate them.

  • Now I was to come much closer, it seemed, and I looked at the glittering lady, wondering how it would feel to be so close--wondering what she herself was.

  • In the one case honour would be satisfied and the reformers throughout Germany would feel that we had done our utmost to save their co-religionists, on the other hand there would be shame and disgrace.

  • The duke is of a fiery spirit, and he would feel it, as most of us would feel it, a disgrace to fall back without striking a blow for Nordlingen.

  • The emotions that a boy has for a smaller boy are as natural as those that he would feel for a girl were he not restrained by an unnatural system.

  • He would feel, on the other hand, that his form master had taken an unfair advantage of him in putting him a leading question.

  • He would feel humbled, he would feel thoroughly ashamed of himself, he would have done a rotten thing.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "would feel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    five generations; made known; would accept; would always; would answer; would bring; would desire; would hardly; would have been better; would hold; would indeed; would just; would lead; would pass; would present; would produce; would rather; would refer; would remark; would rise; would serve; would teach; would they; would understand; would willingly; would work