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Example sentences for "gland"

Lexicographically close words:
glamours; glance; glanced; glances; glancing; glandered; glanders; glands; glandular; glans
  1. Again the simple structure of the terminal gland into which they open and which in its turn opens on to the exterior is very like that of such a family as that of the Lumbriculidae.

  2. The thymus gland is an organ which occurs in the upper part of the thorax of the child, but which atrophies and practically disappears after the age of two years.

  3. After a period of incubation, which lasts from two to three weeks, there is fever, pain under one ear, and the parotid gland swells.

  4. This gland occurs only in land Amphibians, and therefore originated with the Amblystoma form, afterwards becoming transferred secondarily to the larval stage.

  5. The intermaxillary gland is absent in all Perennibranchiata and Derotremata which Wiedersheim has hitherto investigated, viz.

  6. Now in the Salamandrina the gland appears at an early stage.

  7. Were the Axolotl a species retarded in phyletic development, the presence of a gland which does not occur in any other Perennibranchiata, and which is only of use for life upon land, would be quite inexplicable.

  8. An explanation of this rudimentary intermaxillary gland in the Axolotl only appears to me possible on the supposition that the latter is an atavistic form.

  9. Other glands opening on or near the foot are: (1) The suprapedal gland opening in the middle line between the snout and the anterior border of the foot.

  10. Opening of the albuminiparous gland into the hermaphrodite duct.

  11. In the hinder part of the foot (not shown in any of the diagrams) is the opening of a large mucus-forming gland very often found in the Molluscan foot.

  12. In Limnaeus the permanent shell is preceded in the embryo by a well-marked shell-gland or primitive shell-sac (fig.

  13. In the latter a pallial siphon, a well-developed proboscis and an unpaired oesophageal gland are always present, in the former they are usually absent.

  14. The male reproductive system is but little known, a small gland lying between the ovaries has been thought to be a testis, and if it be, the Gastrotricha are hermaphrodite.

  15. To the right (in the figure) of the rectal peduncle is seen the deeply invaginated shell-gland ss, with a secretion sh protruding from it.

  16. The shell-gland is destined in Limnaeus to become very rapidly stretched out, and to disappear.

  17. This organ is probably homologous with the byssogenous gland of Lamellibranchs.

  18. Calciferous gland or dart-sac on the female duct.

  19. To the right of Spengel's osphradium is the opening of a peculiar gland which has, when dissected out, the form of a bunch of grapes; its secretion is said to be poisonous.

  20. In this incision the knife is raised very little from the groove, the object being to divide the gland to the extent of no more than barely three-quarters of an inch.

  21. It occurs in the mamma, apparently in consequence of suppression of the menstrual discharge; the gland becomes enlarged, there is no pain in the tumour, and it feels soft and doughy.

  22. The pain is much increased when the patient assumes the erect posture, from the enlarged and pendulous gland stretching the inflamed chord.

  23. Division of the parotid duct, or wound of the gland itself, is occasionally followed by the formation of a fistulous aperture, discharging saliva over the cheek.

  24. In acute inflammation of the prostate gland and cervix vesicæ, the other parts around swell, the mucous membrane becomes turgid, and the mucous secretion is increased.

  25. In the adult, it cannot be adopted with safety and propriety, when the bladder is irritable and will not bear a certain degree of distention, and when the prostate gland is large.

  26. The gland is to be kept as free from secretion as possible, and supported by a handkerchief tied round the neck; moderate diet should be enjoined, and laxatives given occasionally.

  27. The knife is passed over the back of the forefinger in the wound, and lodged in the groove of the staff; it is then carried forwards through the prostate, with the edge directed downwards and outwards, cutting the gland obliquely.

  28. I have taken away many tumours from the site of the parotid, and some of large size, but would scarcely attempt, or boast, as some have done, of having removed the diseased gland itself.

  29. When the inflammation is violent, and effusion into the substance of the gland extensive, suppuration may occur; and in infirm constitutions this is not an infrequent, though remote, consequence of hernia humoralis.

  30. Chemical tests had hinted at a link between the thyroid gland and the production of milk and eggs.

  31. In hot weather, when yield of milk and eggs decreases, activity of the thyroid gland diminishes.

  32. Recognition of the significance of the thyroid gland in animals, the association of iodine with the thyroid, and the availability of an excellent radioisotope of iodine have resulted in increased study of this important gland.

  33. Milk when first secreted by the milk gland is therefore free from bacteria.

  34. Tuberculosis may attack a single gland or a single lobe of the lung.

  35. Further observations on the dorsal gland in the abdomen of Periplaneta and its allies.

  36. In the reservoirs of the ventral gland of this insect the secretion is a milky liquid containing floating greenish globules.

  37. Diploptera is capable of ejecting its quinones from either its right or left tracheal gland according to which side of the insect is attacked (pl.

  38. Perhaps the prothoracic gland hormone of the host may be responsible for initiation of the flagellate sexual cycles (Cleveland and Nutting, 1955).

  39. The intestine has neither duodeno jejunal flexure nor a caecum; the prostate gland is rudimentary; but glands occur in the vasa deferentia; and the penial bone is cylindrical.

  40. Although the bases of the hair covering the gland are usually almost white, the tips are always black; this colour being generally extended to the surrounding hairs, and often forming dark bars on the buttocks.

  41. A prostate gland is present; but there are no glands in the vasa deferentia; the penial bone is grooved; and anal glands are generally developed.

  42. The upper surface of the tail of the fox has a gland covered with coarse straight hair.

  43. Cowper's glands are present, as is a prostate gland and a caecum, as well as a duodenal-jejunal flexure in the intestine, but an os penis is either wanting or small.

  44. The post-mortem examination generally presents that which much surprises the proprietor; one lobe of the gland is very greatly enlarged; it evidently contains fluid.

  45. Very few dogs have healthy livers, and yet seldom is the disordered condition of this important gland suspected.

  46. On the other hand, in fatted and petted animals, I have seen the gland in a condition that warranted no doubt as to what part the fatal attack had commenced in.

  47. After the termination of a fatal case, this gland is found either soft or more brittle than it ought to be, else it is discovered much enlarged.

  48. The gland should be taken between the finger and thumb, when any degree of pressure, not designed to create pain, may be made, and the fluid squeezed out.

  49. Of this I have had repeated proofs; and, consequently, the absence of one gland is not to be viewed as a serious defect; though I do not know that it can be regarded in the light of a recommendation.

  50. With a silk handkerchief, the exposed part should be grasped by the left hand; and while every means is employed to push the gland back, the fingers of the right hand ought to be used, to draw the prepuce over it.

  51. The gland is easily recognized as feeling hard and round like a marble beneath the skin abreast of the vent, neither forward nor backward from the vent.

  52. With the thumb of the same hand he locates the scent gland just to the right of the vent.

  53. Having the thumb and fore-finger about an inch and a quarter apart the operator now squeezes the gland tight enough to draw the skin firmly over it.

  54. The reason the entire gland is not removed is that it is firmly united to the rectum and the animal is likely to be seriously injured if one attempts to remove the entire gland.

  55. All of the scent, and only half of the gland is necessary.

  56. When a gland is completely filled with a single large concretion, there are no free cells, as these have been all consumed in forming the concretion.

  57. When a gland includes only a few very small concretions, or, as sometimes happens, none at all, it is easily overlooked.

  58. How they escape from the gland is a marvel; but that they do escape is certain, for they are often found in the gizzard, intestines, and in the castings of worms, both with those kept in confinement and those in a state of nature.

  59. When an anterior gland contains several minute concretions, some of these are generally angular or crystalline in outline, while the greater number are rounded with an irregular mulberry-like surface.

  60. A gland on each flank, midway between elbow and thigh, provides the disagreeable musky odour which is its sole protection against enemies.

  61. The same gland has in the last few years been found to have important influence in controlling the growth of the body in all vertebrates.

  62. The prominent eyes are greenish-yellow, and the long porous gland (parotid) behind the eye is smaller than in the Common Toad.

  63. Poison fangs are much larger than ordinary teeth, and the enamel is folded so as to produce a groove down which poison is pressed from a gland into the wound made by the point of the fang.

  64. Savonarola suggested the extirpation of ranula, evidently {418} after having had the experience that the mere emptying of this cyst of the gland beneath the tongue is practically always followed by the refilling of it.

  65. Mr Casey tapped the gland of his neck and smiled at Stephen with sleepy eyes: and Mr Dedalus said to him: --Yes.

  66. Mr Casey leaned his head to one side and, smiling, tapped the gland of his neck with his fingers.

  67. Gudernatsch found that legs can be induced to grow in tadpoles at any time, even in very young specimens, by feeding them with the thyroid gland (no matter from what animal).

  68. The pipe must have a flange upon it to close the hole in the ship's side; the packing must then be driven in from the outside, and be kept in by means of a gland secured with bolts passing through the ship's side.

  69. If the pipe is below the water line the gland must be of brass, but for the waste water pipe a cast iron gland will answer.

  70. The stuffing box of cocks should be made of adequate depth, and the gland should be secured by means of four strong copper bolts.

  71. To incite movement or other action, it is necessary that the gland itself should be reached.

  72. The movement takes place only in response to some impression made upon its own gland at the distant extremity, or upon other glands far more remote.

  73. This continues while the tentacle is inflected or the gland fed by animal matter, but vanishes by dissolution when the work is over and the tentacle straightens.

  74. The sensitiveness in the sundew is all in the gland which surmounts the tentacle.

  75. A tentacle with a particle of raw meat on its gland sometimes visibly begins to bend in ten seconds, becomes strongly incurved in five minutes, and its tip reaches the centre of the leaf in half an hour; but this is a case of extreme rapidity.

  76. Is not this owing to the acrimony which the milk has acquired by long stagnation in the breast, and affecting the gland through which it must pass in absorption?

  77. The udder is composed of secreting tissue (gland cells) that is supported by fibrous connective tissue.

  78. Inflammation caused by the invasion of the udder with specific bacteria is usually of greater severity, the entire gland often becoming involved.

  79. During the process of milking, the milk is elaborated rapidly in the gland cells, and their contents upon rupture of the milk cells, flow down into the cistern.

  80. Only when the gland is diseased are bacteria found in any abundance.

  81. Morphology teaches us now that the Pineal Gland is the last vestige of an eye which once belonged to a reptile long extinct.

  82. The Pineal Gland had no known function, so Descartes declared it to be the seat of the soul.

  83. Removing sperm directly from the epididymis would eliminate any effect that the accessory gland secretions could be exerting.

  84. This is not surprising, since it had already been found that epididymal sperm, which also are free of accessory gland secretions, can withstand freezing and thawing.

  85. Although when 20 collections were made, the later ejaculates no doubt contained fewer mature sperm, the lowered freezability could have been due to accessory gland secretions rather than changes in the sperm themselves.

  86. Lynch (1965) showed that Eleutherodactylus and Microbatrachylus cannot be separated by the nature of the gland or the condition of the prevomers (dentate or not).

  87. Smith and Taylor (1948) regarded the so-called inguinal gland as a generic character in Mexican eleutherodaycty-lines.

  88. A gland secreting the yolk of the eggs in trematodes, turbellarians, and some other helminths.

  89. Having a poison gland or glands for the secretion of venom, as certain serpents and insects.

  90. Membranes once established may form pockets or linear folds, as in gastrulation and gland formation; they may become perforated; two membranes may fuse along areas or lines and a perforation may even occur at the region of fusion.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gland" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.