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Example sentences for "grocery"

Lexicographically close words:
groates; groats; grocer; groceries; grocers; groceryman; grog; groggeries; groggery; groggily
  1. And, you see, people like Bewsher and the girl haven't much chance against a man like Morton, have they?

  2. That's Percival," said Ling, as a man swaggered out to the pitching-mark.

  3. She had been born in the big house at the foot of Tillson Street; she had never lived anywhere else; she had never slept anywhere but in the black walnut bed in the South bedroom.

  4. It couldn't have been much worse for the poor devil of an Indian, could it?

  5. Some Irish pig will be shootin' him, or a sufferin' Bohemyun.

  6. Suddenly with scarlet face the mild-mannered youth moved up his camp-stool to her side.

  7. Once more the sky-blue figure bent over the ornate cage; then little Mrs. Bean looked at Mrs. Tinneray with a gesture of utter repudiation.

  8. And this was what he said: "There's mebbe some here ez knows about how I was raised and fetched up.

  9. I forbid them to come in, as Miss Margot--which is a queer name!

  10. They would have gone, I think, had not Maggie called me back with a grocery list.

  11. I left the building, with my grocery list in my hand.

  12. The news came through the grocery boy, who came out every day on a bicycle, and teased the cat and carried away all the pears as fast as they ripened.

  13. She had been rescued by Balfour, who fortunately drove up in his grocery cart.

  14. In his vacations he served as clerk in a grocery shop.

  15. You asked me at some time during my testimony was I away during the weekend for any length of time other than to go to the grocery store.

  16. It is entirely possible that I made a short trip to the grocery store in the afternoon.

  17. I don't remember whether we were going out to some grocery store or something like that.

  18. Is that a local grocery store or delicatessen store?

  19. Aunt Dinah said that she went out on the street last week and begged of the school children, who gave her seven cents, and she went into a grocery to buy a piece of meat, and received there five cents more.

  20. Well, I'll jump and keep on holding my basket," offered the grocery boy.

  21. She was followed by Affy, the young gentleman from the grocery department, who carried a loaf of bread and a pot of jam.

  22. If you step across to the grocery counter, the young gentleman that's there will show you the door.

  23. She bustled away with Tess and Dot and the basket of kittens, while Agnes started back along the street toward the grocery store.

  24. The lawyer was a busy man; perhaps he would not thank her for bringing such complaints as this of the grocery store-keeper to his attention.

  25. Father was also dismally computing the addition to the grocery bills, the butchery bills, and livery bills, and the others.

  26. Shelby drifted back to the main street and found the Bon-Ton Grocery where it had been when he deserted the wagon.

  27. I am a business man the same as him that runs a grocery store; but 'tis no matter, she dislikes it, and that ends it.

  28. Mart usually went with them, sitting in the carriage while they "visited" with the grocery clerks and furniture dealers.

  29. Stubbs kept a grocery store in the village, and passed for a man well to do.

  30. He had a brother, Ephraim Simpkins, that kept a grocery store, and was forehanded.

  31. And anyway, I don't believe it was his name at all; I believe he took it from a corner grocery beside Bellairs's.

  32. I have seen her in Minyards Grocery Store.

  33. Was anybody else with Mrs. Oswald when you saw her in the grocery store?

  34. Now, aside from the gas station and the furniture shop and the grocery store, did you ever see her any place else?

  35. The house in the background was the one and only grocery store, groceteria, whatever you want to call it, and laundromat in the area.

  36. There are just a very few that I know--just the grocery store where we trade and the man that runs the bus station and Mrs. Whitworth and one or two I met going to the football games--I have been there 2 years.

  37. The first problem that I recollect was that there was no support for the grocery bill whatsoever.

  38. And this drive-in grocery that I was talking about, if you remember there--I think I had seen her there.

  39. You recall that he was there when I arrived from the grocery store.

  40. Then I hurried away to make sure of the grocery wagon.

  41. Winifred Willowby not only bought the grocery business of Mover & Perkins; he bought a laundry, a small hotel, an apartment house and a theatre.

  42. I can put you in a grocery warehouse and guarantee that inside of a week you will see more rats than you ever dreamed of.

  43. They went to the grocery warehouse and made a rat survey.

  44. Alice and Mary Jane, who had been marketing so much with their mother of late that they really could be trusted, took a long list up to the grocery and Mrs. Merrill set to work baking coffeecake and bread and cookies.

  45. He is to conduct a retail grocery business, and has rented a store from Wm.

  46. The business is owned by a single proprietor who opens a retail grocery store.

  47. When the first man, after paying his grocery bill, was forced to pay it a second time because the merchant had failed to mark his account "paid," he demanded a receipt.

  48. Hackett has been conducting a grocery business.

  49. This business not occupying his entire time, he bought an interest in a grocery store at 156 South street.

  50. Thus he secured Joice Heth, sold out his interest in the grocery business to his partner, and entered upon his career as a showman.

  51. Laird contributed a sufficient quantity of shoes for all claimants, and the large grocery and commission firms forwarded provisions of all kinds.

  52. To those in need of assistance orders on the grocery stores for provisions were issued.

  53. At the end of that quiet block he came upon a crimson-cheeked lady, somewhat past her first youth and over-plump for beauty, who was engaged in putting up the shutters at her mother's grocery establishment.

  54. It was evident that she did not believe him, just as Coligny Smith had not believed him, and the plump young woman of the grocery who had used his Christian name.

  55. One of the grocery keepers invited us to play him a tune which we did.

  56. We each took a little and then the next grocery keeper sent an invitation for us to play him a tune.

  57. It was his duty to examine the applicant teachers on mathematics; which he once did in this wise in his grocery store.

  58. When Uncle Abe kept grocery on the Sangamon he was elected as School Superintendent out of his district.

  59. Out of this trip to the grocery arose a misunderstanding that was very funny in the end.

  60. But not a soul was astir in the neighborhood as the trio came nearer to the German woman's grocery store, and the corner where Joe Maroni, the father of Maria, had his vegetable and fruit stand.

  61. He could sit astride a barrel on the shady side of a grocery for hours with no sense of exhaustion.

  62. But the more determined rallied about Hogan, and agreed to meet him at the Broad Run grocery after dark, to make arrangements for a trip to the county-seat during the night.

  63. He rode up to the grocery about half-past 5 in the afternoon, and having hitched his horse to a neighboring dogwood, he walked in with a good-evening to the group at the door.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grocery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bakery; commissary; dairy; deli; delicatessen; groceries; grocery; larder; produce; provender; store; supermarket; supplies; truck