The spider, as he glanced his eye obliquely at the bee, was ruminating with spleen on the superiority of her productions.
The thymus and spleen form the core of the body's immune system.
The spleenthe Soudanese show is extremely exasperating, but we must exercise patience yet awhile.
What dire offence have serious Fellows found To raise their spleen against the Regent's spinney?
But the Count, instead of curses wild, Only nodded his head and smiled, As if at the spleen of an angry child; But the calm was deceitful and sinister!
The liver is occasionally schirrous, and the spleen enlarged; and there are frequently serous effusions in the belly, and sometimes in the chest.
The second test is to push a fine puncture-needle into the spleen or liver and thus remove a particle of the pulp.
Bentley durst not reply, but, half choked with spleen and rage, withdrew, in full resolution of performing some great achievement.
Satirists of all ages and countries, while they flattered them to their faces, have from their closets scattered their spleen and ill-nature against them.
They perhaps were not favorites of the fair, and in revenge vented all their envy and spleen against them.
The coloring matter of the bile consists of compounds formed by the breaking down of the hemoglobin; the spleen contains many large cells that seem to have the power first of "engulfing" and later of decomposing red corpuscles.
The spleen and the lymphatic glands (page 68) are also classed with the ductless glands.
An incision into the spleen; removal of the spleen by incision.
The lookers on were all beginning to get sick of him, and to view his vaporous manoeuvres with disdain, but amongst them all there was none so much moved with spleen as Goliah of Gath.
Without this precaution, the friar would have been carried into the lists every day merely to gratify the spleen of Goliah, who could not endure the curvetting and jangling that was going on there.
Always under strict custodial care, that he might harm neither himself nor others, he would vent his spleen in tearing his clothing.
The liver and the spleen were supposed to receive it from the blood under the complicated form in which it exists there, or under some equivalent form.
It's enough to cure spleen and melancholy only to look at her.
Those who knew him best must have found in him very likable qualities, and acknowledged the generosities of his nature, while they were amused at his humorous spleen and his serious contemplation of his own greatness.
I now have hope to free The Greeks and Trojans of all ills, they have sustain'd for me, And Alexander, that was cause I stretch'd my spleen so far.
He most of all envíed Ulysses and Æacides, whom still his spleen would chide.
These were the suggestions of spleen and animosity: for, granting the necessity of a land war, the Hanoverians were the most natural allies and auxiliaries which Great Britain could engage and employ.
Both houses seized this opportunity of venting their spleen against the old ministry.
Having given vent to her suppressed spleen in this little ejaculation, Tibb also betook herself to slumber.
I have no particular spleen against the fellow who sweeps the stage with the besom, or the hero who brushes it with his train.
Goldsmith was not a man to harbor spleen or ill-will, and soon laughed at this unworthy rivalship: but the jealousy and envy awakened in Kelly's mind long continued.
A mass of black, coagulated blood covered and concealed the spleen and the left margin of the greater omentum.
The blood had worked its way to the left, bursting finally through the peritoneum behind the spleen into the abdominal cavity.
The spleen was connected to the diaphragm by firm, probably old, peritoneal adhesions.
But this I must say, as to your Hints of our being Children of the same Family, that you had better let them alone, for it stirs my Spleen too violently.
I should only like some day to put your sarcasms when your spleen is moved, and your fine sentiments when your enthusiasm is excited, side by side, in double columns as they print books, and see how they would look when compared.
The symptoms are deceptive appetite and great mental disquiet and care and anxiety; and it behoves that it be evacuated, else it will generate melancholy and leprosy and cancer and disease of the spleen and ulceration of the bowels.
The liver is the seat of pity, the spleen of laughter and the kidneys of craft; the lungs are the ventilators, the stomach the storehouse and the heart the pillar [or mainstay] of the body.