The tale is that he who has tasted the entrailsof a single human victim minced up with the entrails of other victims is destined to become a wolf.
It is not unlikely that he may have the ascarids, and the lumbrics, and worms within the entrails of his body.
My heart is a raging furnace, because of the heat whereof My entrails are racked with anguish, that nothing can assain.
His wit is ravished clean away by separation's woe, Fire in his heart and all consumed his entrails by its fret.
When my eyes fell on her, I was captivated by her and my entrails trembled and meseemed my heart fled forth of my breast; so I accosted her with the following verse: Unsealed are the springs of tears for mine eyes, heigho!
When night darkens on the dwellings, fires are lighted in our heart And our entrails burn within us, for desire and love's excess.
For love of her, my heart and entrails are a-fire And sicknesses consume my body and my spright.
And may its ruins crush its worshippers, so that like one of the old geological revolutions of the world, the catastrophe may resound through the very entrails of mankind, and renew and change it!
How great the democratic power of such an Order which had sprung from the very entrails of the people!
Divination has been principally employed in inspecting the entrails of beasts offered for sacrifice, and from their appearance drawing omens of the good or ill success of the enterprises in which we are about to engage.
She applies to her purposes the entrails withered with the wind, and the marrow that had been dried by the sun.
Then appeared a multitude of strange beasts, men, spits, posts, and goats with spits run through their entrails and projecting behind that all might have room.
That sacrifices were offered, the still existing oracle upon the shoulder-blades and entrails proves.
To prophesy from the position and twisting of the entrails is a rare knowledge, in which the Kalmucks pretend to be particularly distinguished.
It so happened that the Potitii were present in due time, and the entrails were set before them; when they were eaten up, the Pinarii came to the remainder of the feast.
From this time it was ordained, that while the Pinarian family subsisted, none of them should eat of the entrails of the solemn sacrifices.
A dead mule is, in the course of a few days, converted into a mummy; not even the entrails presenting the least trace of decomposition.
He now drew near the tree where this scene had passed, and casting his eyes on the scatteredentrails of the bird that had been last killed, spied something red hanging out of the stomach.
I admit that by exposing ourselves to the fury of the waves, we run a risk of losing our lives; but is it not better to be buried in the sea than in the entrails of this monster, who has already devoured two of our number?
This unpleasant effect is warded off by the uncle or the father killing a fowl, and wearing its entrails round his neck, and afterwards burying them along with the umbilical cord.
One mode of propitiating her is by sacrificing a goat, collecting its entrails and placing them in a pot, with its mouth covered with goat skin, which is taken round the village, and buried in a corner.
It was long before the first man reported that he had finished; they were all to open their dogs, and take out the entrails to prevent the meat being contaminated.
The entrails were for the most part devoured warm on the spot by the victims' comrades, so voracious were they all.
On the ice close to the vessel was a seal ripped open, with part of its entrails on the ice; but the seal was still alive.
Bait with fish entrails or strips of fish, and use a lead sinker.
The Bushmen grip them by the nape of the neck, strike them across the thighs and across the spine to disable them, and then, placing their lips to the vent, blow till they force the stomach and all the entrails out at the mouth.
It is also as well to remove as much food from the entrails as possible, taking care to leave all these in.
The naked channel 'plains her of thy spite, That laid'st her entrails unto open sight.
The muckle pot hung on all night, As Mary Butters had been brewing In hopes to fetch some witch or wight, Whas entrails by her art were stewing.
Do not open the breast at all, but remove the entrails from the hind opening, leaving the gizzard in its place.
Leaving theentrails in is injurious, tending to sour the meat and taint it with their flavor.
To please the god, the victim must be without spot or blemish, and the practice of observing whether the entrails presented any abnormal appearance, and thence deducing the will of heaven, was also very important in Greek religion.
So did Shakespeare and Homer, and every augur who inspected the entrails of a victim, and every village barber who breathed a vein.
Their art (disciplina) consisted especially in deducing the will of the gods from the appearance presented by the entrails of the slain victim.
Four years ago last Fall my master cut my entrails out for going to meeting at Daniel Wesley's church one Sabbath night.
Split them down the back, remove the entrails and the breast bone, wipe them clean, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and rub them with soft butter.
Before hibernating, the terrapin empties the stomach and is consequently clean, but a fastidious taste prefers to have the terrapin thoroughly washed, and the entrails and lights as well as the gall-sack removed.
They skin and paunch all sorts of quadrupeds; they draw and pluck their fowl; but their fish they dress with their scales on, without gutting; but in eating they leave the scales, entrails and bones to be thrown away.
They also roast their fish upon a hot hearth, covering them with hot ashes and coals, then take them out, the scales and skin they strip clean off, so they eat the flesh, leaving the bones and entrails to be thrown away.
She must be operated upon; her entrails must be opened and the green, slippery demon that was eating her alive must be expelled.
And she began to feel a faint, indefinable affection for that mysterious creature, lodged in the entrails of her daughter.
This is because when the entrails are removed, the body will not rise again to the surface from the generation of gas, occasioned by putrefaction.
We took out his entrails and sunk him in the creek.
No fecal matter, dung, garbage, or entrails of animals killed shall be put into ditches or rivers or other waters, so that maladies and diseases will not be caused by corrupted and infected air.