Indeed, the whole state of parties in that strife curiously illustrates the chances and changes on which depended success in the intestine broils of Italian feudatories and captains of adventure.
BOOK XVI Against Intestine Strife--Good and Bad Friendships The Chief of the Ki family was about to make an onslaught upon the Chuen-yu domain.
But for the intestine quarrels that were sapping the life strength of the Asiatic states slowly away, there is no doubt that the Kirghiz would have been gradually exterminated.
Spite the efforts of the bench of bishops, a violent intestine war has been waged within the walls of the venerable Establishment for many years.
Looking beyond this era, but still found in the same geographical area, are the antiquities peculiar to the Ante-Columbian period, and the age of intestine Indian wars.
We must then conceive the intestine bent back till its anal orifice comes near the mouth; and this curved digestive tube to be suspended in a bag containing fluid, and having two openings, one for the mouth and the other for the vent.
If adhesions do form, and the patient recovers, it becomes a matter of great importance for his future comfort that the canal of the intestine should be re-established, and the fistulous opening allowed to close.
The colon will most likely protrude, but if small intestine appear the colon must be sought for higher up.
And thus the peace instituted by Frode was disturbed by intestine war, and natives were the first to disobey the king's law.
He also took care that the land should not be devoured by any plague at home when the enemy was at rest, and that intestine wickedness should not encroach when there was peace abroad.
From 1844 Brazil was free from intestine commotions, and had resumed its activity.
The posterior part of the alimentary canal, including the rectum, and sometimes the large intestine also.
What was the consequence of those intestine tumults related in the preceding section?
The twenty years which intervened between the assassination of Valentinian, and the final destruction of the Western empire, were nearly one continued series of intestine revolutions.
The Britons, who had for nearly a hundred years been left in quiet possession of their own island, began to seek the mediation of Rome, to quell their intestine commotions.
But from the time that Roman history begins to assume a regular form, the Tuscan cities stand isolated, uniting only transiently and casually; we do not, however, find any traces of intestine wars between the several states.
In the mean time, these intestine tumults produced weakness within the state, and confidence in the enemy abroad.
Tradition has but faintly preserved the memory of the event; and its only annalists, men who held the intestine feuds of the savage tribes in no more account than the quarrels of panthers or wildcats, have left but a meagre record.
The lengths of the various sections of the intestine are as follows: small intestine, 680 mm.
The small intestine is nearly eighteen times the length of the large.
The large intestine of this animal is extraordinarily long; the proportions of the different regions of the gut are shown by the following measurements: small intestine, 820 mm.
As in the last two genera the large intestineis about one half of the length of the small intestine.
They have a complex sacculated stomach, resembling the large intestine of some other animals; it is not divided into distinct chambers like the stomach of a Ruminant or of a Whale.
A peculiarity of the intestinal tract is that the large intestine is longer than the small.
Such a disproportion between the large intestineand the small, to the advantage of the former, is a very strange fact in the anatomy of this Rodent.
Often the spines and bristles find their way out by perforating the intestine and the body-wall, without apparently doing the worm any injury.
The intestine curves about after reaching the liver, and comes forward again to appear once more as the rectum, clinging to the inner surface of the free portion of the mantle.
A portion of the ventral wall of the crop has been removed so as to bring the internal folds into view, and the interior of the nephridium with the contained portion of the intestine has been exposed.
After digestion has taken place, the fecal [pg166] matter collects in the main intestine and is forcibly ejected by the pharynx.
Body nearly globular, about an inch in diameter, smooth, clean, and translucent, the intestine showing through the test.
The stomach extends a little way into the arms, and a short intestine leads to the excretory opening in the center of the back.
From the stomach the intestineleads to the terminal anal opening.
The triclads differ from the polyclads in being elongate in form and in having the intestine in three branches instead of in many.
It seems a curious economy that passes the intestine through the ventricle, but this is the case in the great majority of pelecypod genera.
Ephraim against Manasse and Manasse against Ephraim, two tribes of the same family: the incomparable miseryes of Jerusalem byintestine sedicion.
This mode of settling intestine divisions did not commend itself to the Swiss.
The intestine was not strangulated; and if he had allowed me to open up the wound, wash it, and replace the intestine, he would probably have recovered.
I washed the intestine, enlarged the wound, again shifted the intestine back into its place, and stitched the wound up.
I found that he had been shot in the abdomen, and about two feet of the small intestine had prolapsed, and was protruding through the wound.
The third man whom I tackled had been struck in the abdomen by a piece of shell, and about one foot of his intestine was projecting through the wound.
Nor did they finally succumb till they fell the victims of their own intestine disorders.
An intestine war throughout the kingdom; disaffection alike in Paris and in the provinces; and amid all these struggles for the national welfare, I had to combat a still more gnawing anxiety.
As yet no intestine war had broken out, but there existed a sullen undercurrent of discontent and disaffection which threatened, like the sound of distant thunder, to herald an approaching storm.
The intestine has both a duodeno-jejunal flexure and a caecum.
The intestine has neither duodeno jejunal flexure nor a caecum; the prostate gland is rudimentary; but glands occur in the vasa deferentia; and the penial bone is cylindrical.