Experience shows abundantly that, with a view of comfortable digestion, there need be no restriction in the ingestion of liquids.
Christison speaks of a boy ten years old who was said to have been killed by the ingestion of two ounces of Epsom salts without inducing purgation; yet this common purge is universally used without the slightest fear or caution.
David speaks of the expulsion of five teniae by the ingestion of a quantity of sweet wine.
Adams saw recovery in an adult after ingestion of the same amount.
Smetius mentions a person in whom the ingestion of fried eggs was often followed by syncope.
After the ingestion of this herb in food he always had alarming attacks of sickness and pain in the abdomen, attended by swelling of the tongue and lips and lividity of the face.
Chaffee speaks of recovery after the ingestion of 18 grains of morphin without vomiting.
There are well-authenticated cases on record in which death has been caused in children by the ingestion of a small fraction of a grain of opium.
The authors know of a gentleman in whom sneezing is provoked on the ingestion of chocolate in any form.
Black urine is generally caused by the ingestion of pigmented food or drugs, such as carbolic acid and the anilines.
Earle and Halifax attended a child for kidney-irritation produced by strawberries, and this was the invariable result of the ingestion of this fruit.
Bremuse gives an account of a man who literally split his diaphragm in two by the ingestion of four plates of potato soup, numerous cups of tea and milk, followed by a large dose of sodium bicarbonate to aid digestion.
It is said that Erasmus was made ill by the ingestion of fish; but this same philosopher, who was cured of a malady by laughter, expressed his appreciation by an elegy on the folly.
Von Graefe and Sommerfrodt speak of a spasm of accommodation occurring after ingestion of medicinal doses of morphin.
There was a case at the Liverpool Northern Hospital in which recovery took place after the ingestion with suicidal intent of four ounces of crude carbolic acid.
The only real effect is the alcoholic exhilaration which follows its ingestion and gives the sense of well being, because of which the testimonials are provided.
It undergoes no change in the stomach, but is rapidly absorbed and mixed with the blood, and has been discovered hours after its ingestion in the brain, blood and tissues, unchanged alcohol.
The stimulation is but temporary, the reaction leaving the nerve cells of the individual with less resisting power than before the ingestion of alcohol.
The ingestionof alcohol would be followed by its early oxidation in the organs in question.
The physiological limit of alcohol ingestionis that amount which taxes the oxidation capacity of the liver to its limit.
The ingestion of alcohol would lead to an increase in muscular power and in the working capacity of the brain or glands.
He will soon find the ingestion of the liquor is followed by an increase of sugar.
The ingestion of alcohol would serve to maintain body temperature in the healthy individual subjected to low external temperature.
A captive taken July 18, after feeding ravenously on a cooky, retired to a corner and went to sleep.
An adult female, taken July 19, was found to have many tapeworms in the intestine, many nematodes in the lung tissue, an infested liver, and a large number of nematodes in a cavity in the top of the skull.
It is the stimulus imparted by the thrice daily ingestion of so many unnatural and indigestible articles that compose the mixed diet, which prevents so many from resting when they are tired.
Mental acuteness, accuracy of perception and delicacy of the senses are all so far opposed by alcohol, as that the maximum efforts of each are incompatible with the ingestion of any moderate quantity of fermented liquid.
Otto Schoebl, points strongly to the possibility of ingestion plague, the cat in this case apparently having acquired plague from eating rats dead from plague.
Speaking practically, the possibility of infection through ingestionis nearly negligible.
Mouth permanently open against the endosarc, provided with 1 or 2 undulating membranes often prolonged into an inturned pharynx; ingestion by action of oral ciliary apparatus.
Ingestion of food is of the same character in all the Hymenostomata.
Eruptions are probably usually due to a chemical irritation produced by the development of the vaccinia; they are analogous to the eruptions following the injection of antitoxine and the ingestion of various drugs.
The ingestion of bromides, iodides, and quinine is sometimes followed by an eruption which may create some confusion in diagnosis.
The two principal factors which seem to modify the degree of caffein influence are body weight and presence of food in the stomach at the time of ingestion of the caffein.
The ingestion of coffee infusion is always followed by evidences of stimulation.
Similarly, the eggs of the Echinococcus are hatched in the bowel, and the embryos proceed to take up their abode in the tissues of the body, developing into cysts capable of growth into mature worms after their ingestion by dogs.
It is for this reason that we feel sleepy after the ingestion of a hearty dinner.
In this connection it is scarcely necessary to dwell at any length upon the wakefulness produced by delirium tremens from the excessive ingestion of alcohol or opium.
Tauber suggested that the infection might be spread by contact, especially to newly molted individuals or by actual ingestion of the bacteria by the cockroaches feeding on dead or dying individuals.
Natural and experimental ingestion of Paramoecium by cockroaches.
The desire for food may be indeed increased, and its ingestion may give a sense of relief.
Pain usually {490} comes on within a few minutes to half an hour after taking food, although it may appear immediately after ingestion or be delayed for an hour or more.
It is not a question in dysentery of epithelial drift or pulmonary exhalations, but of ingestion or reception of the dejecta of the disease.
The uneasy sensations, nausea, oppression, or pain, as the case may be, follow the ingestion of food.
It is unsafe to attempt to diagnose the position of the ulcer merely from the length of time which elapses between the ingestion of food and the onset of pain.
In irritant poisoning the vomiting follows quickly after the ingestion of a meal or poisonous matter; it continues for some time before purging begins, and is out of all proportion to the diarrhoea.
Most often it is due to the coexisting disease of the intestinal mucous membrane or to the ingestion of unsuitable foods.
Symptoms of acute dyspepsia also frequently follow the ingestion of special kinds of food, such as mushrooms, shellfish, or indeed fish of any kind; and food not adapted to the individual organism is apt to excite dyspeptic symptoms.
If the splashing sound can be usually produced two hours or longer after the ingestion of liquid or six hours after an ordinary meal, it generally indicates that dilatation of the stomach exists.
The pain is usually aggravated by ingestion of food, although it may not become severe until the process of digestion is far advanced.
So also the results of the inhalation of ammoniacal gas are the same as of the ingestion of its solution.
In such cases, of course, a history of the ingestion of a medicament capable of producing a rash will afford valuable aid in the diagnosis.
In some of these the symptoms were rather those of irritant poisoning than of typhoid fever, and consisted principally in violent vomiting and purging coming on very shortly after the ingestion of the unwholesome food.
Geissler, it is true, doubts whether the epidemic above described was really typhoid fever, and points out that the symptoms occurred too soon after the ingestion of the diseased meat, and reached their full development too rapidly.
Defn: The act of taking or putting into the stomach; as, the ingestion of milk or other food.
He knew the life of unicellular beings and that of the lower multicellular organisms in their complete simplicity; he knew their mode of defence by ingestion and intracellular digestion.
Similar experiments within the organism of animals gave no conclusive results; the simultaneous ingestion of the cholera vibrio and of favourable microbes did not induce cholera.
The ingestion of the milk, which always contains the causal organism, produces the disease in both humans and cattle.
Cases of acute poisoning arising from the ingestion of cheese are not infrequently reported; similar instances result from the use of ice cream.
In the phylactolaemata the peculiar organ known as the epistome is capable of closing the mouth completely, and probably acts as an additional safeguard in preventing the ingestion of anything of an injurious nature.
The colouring matter produced by the sponge itself is of two kinds--pigment, which is probably a waste product, and the substances produced directly by the ingestion of food or in the process of its digestion.
He has even sent patients to a resort in the country in England to acquire the habit of munching where there was present in them the strong pernicious habit of nervous haste and inattention in connection with their ingestion of food.
Ten minutes will completely satisfy a ravenous appetite if all conditions of ingestion and preparation are favourable.
According to Thudichum,[207] the urine of men and dogs, after the ingestion of carbolic acid, contains a blue pigment.
It becomes of a peculiar yellow-green, the colour appearing soon after the ingestion of the drug, and lasting even sixty hours.
It was not until thirty-two hours had elapsed from the ingestion of the poison that he awoke spontaneously; there were no after effects.
On the other hand, a person may die of sudden nervous shock from the ingestion of a large quantity of the acid, and in such a case the post-mortem appearances will not then exhibit precisely the characters just detailed.
In this way, a person may linger several days after the ingestion of the poison.
These symptoms commenced, as before stated, at various intervals after ingestion of the food; but they came on with extreme suddenness.
Applied to the eye, neurine causes contraction of the pupil; to a less degree the same effect is produced by the ingestion of neurine.
Prochorow[634] has described illness from ingestion of Petromyzon fluviatilis in Russia.
It was not proven that vitamin C increased one's life expectancy and, as I had also surmised, the ingestion of large amounts could render some ill effects, ranging from mild discomforts to more serious complications.
Within 24 hours after my first ingestion of liquid food, I proclaimed that I felt an urge to go to the bathroom.
Word pertaining to ingestion and assimilation of food.