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Example sentences for "liven"

Lexicographically close words:
livelihoods; livelily; liveliness; livelong; lively; livened; livening; liver; livered; liveried
  1. You have a part in the very worthy effort to liven up old Nurse Boyle, I understand?

  2. Tis to be hoped as there'll be some dancing or something to liven us all up a bit down here.

  3. Well, George, that'll liven up the place a bit, I don't doubt.

  4. Not even a liven soul, gentle or simple, can stand on level ground.

  5. It would simplify matters very much, if you were to walk up to church wi' her one of these mornings, get the thing done, and go on liven here as we are.

  6. I used to think 'twas your wife's fate not to have a liven husband when I zid 'em die off so,' said Gad.

  7. There's this troubles me besides--our liven here with your cousin, and fillen up her house.

  8. Oh, things will liven up after a bit," she yawned.

  9. He was about to go elsewhere, when a babel of excited voices outside the door made him sink back into his chair; evidently the promise of the tatting matron was to be made good, and Ye Amiable Oyster was about to liven up.

  10. Maybe fixin' up like other girls 'll bring her to and liven her.

  11. Monday is the dead day of journalism, the day for which news articles which do not demand instant production are reserved, both to liven up a dull paper and because the sensation produced is greater.

  12. Any paper that could get and present that sort of news would liven up its columns a good deal.

  13. But now men tellen natheles That love is fro the world departed, So stant the pes unevene parted 170 With hem that liven now adaies.

  14. And thus nature his pourveance 490 Hath mad for man to liven hiere; Bot god, which hath the Soule diere, Hath formed it in other wise.

  15. Wherof the parfit of here lawe Fro thanne forth hem was withdrawe, So that thei stonde of no merit, Bot in truage as folk soubgit Withoute proprete of place Thei liven out of goddes grace, Dispers in alle londes oute.

  16. You have a rotten time here alone all day, and I can't do much to 'liven it.

  17. And certes yow ne haten shal I never, And freendes love, that shal ye han of me, 1080 And my good word, al mighte I liven ever.

  18. But sin ye wol not suffre us liven here, Yet suffreth that our soules ben y-fere.

  19. I trowe I shal not liven til to-morwe; For whiche I wolde alwey, on aventure, To thee devysen of my sepulture The forme, and of my moeble thou dispone 300 Right as thee semeth best is for to done.

  20. And then it began to liven up along the row of cars.

  21. And when both parties, of which one ascribed everything to Japanese intrigue and the other found an explanation in elementary causes, began to liven up, the debate was apt to wax pretty warm.

  22. Natheles dismaye thee nat in thy thought; and 60 thou that art put in the comune realme of alle, ne desyre nat to liven by thyn only propre right.

  23. And yif ye wene to liven the longer for winde of your mortal name, whan o cruel day shal ravisshe yow, thanne is the seconde deeth 20 dwellinge un-to yow.

  24. And certes, in the lyf of this day, ye ne liven no more but right as in the moevable and transitorie moment.

  25. And certes, yow ne haten shal I never, And freendes love, that shal ye han of me, 1080 And my good word, al mighte I liven ever.

  26. Of the whiche men, som of hem wenen that sovereyn good be to liven with-oute nede of any thing, and travaylen hem to be haboundaunt of richesses.

  27. For the purviaunce of god hath 130 yeven to thinges that ben creat of him this, that is a ful gret cause to liven and to duren; for which they desiren naturelly hir lyf as longe as ever they mowen.

  28. And certes, yit wolden they liven in sikernesse, but they may nat; and yit they glorifye hem in hir power.

  29. I'll wash her face and see if I can't liven her up.

  30. Some of the names were a mouthful, but they did look real choice on headstones, and liven up the West Hill graveyard a lot.

  31. We, that weren in prosperitee, 1030 Be now disslaundred, and in swich degre, No lenger for to liven I ne kepe!

  32. By Mars, that is the cheef of my bileve, So that I mighte liven and nat faile 2110 To-morwe for tacheve my bataile, I nolde never fro this place flee, Til that ye shuld the verray preve see.

  33. And this hath Minos don, right in despyt; To wreke his sone was set al his delyt, And maken hem of Athenes his thral 1940 Fro yere to yere, whyl that he liven shal; And hoom he saileth whan this toun is wonne.

  34. Of Antecristes men am I, Of whiche that Crist seith openly, 7010 They have abit of holinesse, And liven in such wikkednesse.

  35. Discouraging thoughts they are like unto cold weather, they benumb the senses, and make us go ungainly about our business; but the sweet and warm gleads8 of promise are like the comfortable beams of the sun, which liven and refresh.

  36. The goode knight cared sore · syk ther he lay, How his children scholde · liven after his day.

  37. Al were it that myne auncestres were rude, Yet may the hye god, and so hope I, Grante me grace to liven vertuously.

  38. What seye we eek of putours that liven by the horrible sinne of putrie, and constreyne wommen to yelden to hem a certeyn rente of hir bodily puterie, ye, somtyme of his owene wyf or his child; as doon this baudes?

  39. Thanne am I gentil, whan that I biginne 1175 To liven vertuously and weyve sinne.

  40. To liven in delyt was ever his wone, 335 For he was Epicurus owne sone, That heeld opinioun, that pleyn delyt Was verraily felicitee parfyt.

  41. And as the same Salomon seith: "bettre it is to dye of bitter deeth than for to liven in swich wyse.

  42. For right as the body of a man may nat liven with-oute the soule, namore may it live with-outen temporel goodes.

  43. Now shaltow understonde, that matrimoine is leefful assemblinge of man and of womman, that receyven by vertu of the sacrement the bond, thurgh which they may nat be departed in al hir lyf, that is to seyn, whyl that they liven bothe.

  44. His sleightes and his infinit falsnesse Ther coude no man wryten, as I gesse, Thogh that he mighte liven a thousand yeer.

  45. Let us liven things up a bit, and give our people something to look forward to during the week, and something pleasant to remember.

  46. Then I told her that we had run out of amusement, and just to liven up things, Seth had a big nigger tied to a tree and rammed a powder horn down his throat.

  47. I'm going to liven 'em up a bit this morning and let 'em know we're coming.

  48. She proclaimed that they were all getting "a confounded sight too solemn," and that she would liven them up with a dance.

  49. Thereupon the poor old thing, seizing her skirts, proceeded to "liven them up a bit.

  50. Mebbe the German giant at Hercules' Pillars, or the liven fairy in Bridges Street.

  51. Your money be gwine fast, and 'twould never do to begin a more humble way o' liven here.

  52. What I think you need," said the mother, gravely, "is to liven up a little and take an interest in things.

  53. It's just what he thinks you need--to take an interest and liven up.

  54. Fancy our sorority moving in here for a week-end, that surely would liven things up a bit, but would no doubt upset the lives of these two ladies who live so secluded and almost a hermits' existence.

  55. Then we'll liven the place up," Doris declared lightly.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "liven" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.