He takes a profound insight into fate in exchange for the godlike desire of creation and help, and ends his days as a lonely philosopher, with the wisdom of disillusion.
He has a divine insight into the original meaning of the hieroglyphs, and comes even to be weary of the letters that are continually unrolled before him.
Its preachers would define education as the insight that makes man through and through a "child of his age" in his desires and their satisfaction, and gives him command over the best means of making money.
While noting with great psychological insight the presence of other factors, such as the dislike of the different, he had gone so far as to express the opinion that the fear of effeminacy was probably the chief factor in the Sex Taboo.
If society is to successfully meet the present situation it must utilize its psychological insight to remedy conditions which are obviously dysgenic and detrimental to the welfare of the race.
But a clearer insight shows that the group standards permit the exercise of the reproductive activities only in accord with arbitrary regulations which have coalesced in the institutions of marriage and the family.
Standing thus, he saw with a flash of insight that, though he went away as far as steam could carry him, he would never, as long as he lived, be safe from overthrows of this kind.
But the necessary insight into his powers had first to be gained, for it was not one of those talents which, from the beginning, strut their little world with the assurance of the peacock.
There is wide benevolence, as well as deep insight into the desires of God, in the plea.
Thou hast enough of light; what thou needest is insight into what thou hast already.
To impose a name is the sign of authority, possession, insight into character.
We do not read later more spiritual ideas into the words, when we find in them here, at the very beginning of Hebrew monotheism, an insight into the deep truth of the reciprocal possession of God by us, and of us by God.
Nothing has more power to blur the sharpness of moral and religious insight than even a small amount of alcohol.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him,' and it is ever true that they who live in amity and communion with God thereby acquire insight into His purposes.
That cry for insight into the purposes and methods of Him whom the soul trusts, amid darkness and suspense, is the true voice of sonship.
With keen insight Spenser makes these two march side by side, in his wonderful procession of the attendants of earthly Love.
Again, faith is rewarded by a deeper insight into God's will.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him,' and it is still true that they who live close by God have insight into His purposes.
The insight given to God's friends is given that they may more fully benefit men by leading them into paths of righteousness, on which alone they can be met by God's blessings.
Often the historian must contrive to get his insight into matters from evidence of men and things which is like bad pictures of them.
Yet how surpassingly interesting is real life when we get an insight into it.
There is the same quick reasoning, the same tenderness, the same poeticinsight into the puzzle of life.
A book of essays full of charm, insight and sympathy, and of the transmitted enthusiasm that is the basis of all good criticism.
If men, they possess much of the insight and sympathy, the altruism and creativeness of women.
Perhaps the intellectual insight she possessed at that early age, will be useful to her at any period of life when her moral nature shall be awakened.
There was also a pair of scrolls, the text of which was: A thorough insight into worldly matters arises from knowledge; A clear perception of human nature emanates from literary lore.
St. Monica speaks to me with my mother's voice; and in the narrative of her prayers I seem to gain a deeper insightinto what my mother's have been for me.
Yet it is true that the clearer the insight into difficulty and danger, the greater need be the courage to meet them.
There is a power of wit and mordant humour and a sufficiency of descriptive power and insight into human character in all his work.
As a matter of fact, without the insight accorded by these disclosures of things thought and felt, we should be unable to understand the behaviour of these two young people.
By that I mean the insight into character which coördinates and builds--the sort of biography that makes a legend about a man.
To write pungent and terrifyingly sane criticisms is a notable thing; but to write novels of tender insight and intimate revelation is a far more convincing thing.
He amused them with the sallies of his wit and sarcasm, and astonished them by his keen insight and vigorous powers of reasoning.
Still, for all that, the work George Stephenson spent upon this unpractical object did really help to give him an insight into mechanical science which proved very useful to him at a later date.
But where does one find among our women insight and forethought?
In the comedy we gain an insight into the jealousy and the pride of life that pervaded then as now the middle walks of life.
He possessed, as has been said, an instinctive insight into character that was almost feminine in its intensity, and it was lifting a warning finger before him now.
Such an insight Edward Cossey possessed, and at the present moment its possession was troubling him very much.
But it can and does if he be of an observant nature, give him a certain insightinto the habits of thought and probable course of action of the members of that class to which he outwardly, and by repute, belongs.
Human and animal figures, though rarely depicted, occasionally afford a curious insight into the customs and fashions of the times.
It is this task of leveling up rough places in the combined work of department specialists, that puts the training and insight of both the executive and the director of research to the most severe test.
With his quick insight he rarely failed in his estimate of character, but rapidly perceived even in a stranger where the conventional ceased and the real man began.
They have not got any spiritual insight in matters of this sort; nor, indeed, do they recognise what is meant by the words at all, unless they be interpreted as self-respect and regard for the feelings and usages of other people.
I think the little things in life often make more trouble than the big things," said Anne, with one of those flashes of insight which experience could not have bettered.
Just as if you were looking through me at somebody I put you in mind of," said Paul, who had such occasional flashes of uncanny insight that it wasn't quite safe to have secrets when he was about.
It contains a brief and somewhat obscure outline of the first two parts in the Instauratio, and is of importance as affording us some insight into the gradual development of the system in Bacon's own mind.
The researches of Humboldt gave the first clear insightinto the early periods of their history.
But it does not warrant the inference that Bach's music lacks definite characterization: on the contrary, these two arias are the best demonstration of his profound insight into the possibilities of musical expression within his range.
During the fourteen years of his editorship of the Bach-Gesellschaft he displayed a steadily increasing insight into Bach's style which has never since been rivalled.
Those who desire to obtain an insight into the character of the new king of Vijayanagar should turn to the chronicle of Nuniz.
It seems hopeless to try and reconcile the conflicting stories of Nuniz, Barros, and Firishtah, but enough has been said to affordinsight into the character of Asada Khan.