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Example sentences for "wipe"

Lexicographically close words:
winters; wintertime; wintery; wintry; winze; wiped; wiper; wipers; wipes; wipeth
  1. Meanwhile the miller who had uncovered so as to wipe his brow, threw his staring red cotton handkerchief sharply back into the crown of his hat and knocked it firmly into its place.

  2. Wipe off all thy tears, and smile amidst thy tortures, like the Dutch hero, De Wytt.

  3. After a while the old lady awoke to find Alice kneeling at her head, to wipe the damp from her brow with her handkerchief.

  4. Joshua paused to wipe the perspiration from his face with his ragged coat sleeve, and the great black crowd moved as by a common impulse to the brink of the stream and gazed with a contrariety of emotions upon the drowned negroes.

  5. The manner of each was perfectly quiet, but the stranger, who looked flushed, had begun to wipe his face very emphatically with his pocket-handkerchief.

  6. The assumption of a fatality in misery always irritated his strong good nature--it was almost the only thing that did so; and he felt the impulse to wipe it out, as it were, with the sponge of his own prosperity.

  7. The little man paused at last to take breath and wipe his face.

  8. Dubourg took the reins and drove, which did not prevent him from making many very gallant speeches to Madame Chambertin en route, or from motioning to Menard to wipe his face.

  9. Her "scribbling suit" consisted of a black woollen pinafore on which she could wipe her pen at will, and a cap of the same material, adorned with a cheerful red bow, into which she bundled her hair when the decks were cleared for action.

  10. Nobody did, however, and nobody saw Beth wipe the tears off the yellow keys, that wouldn't keep in tune, when she was all alone.

  11. I'm used to plodding in the mud," returned Jo, winking hard, because she would have died rather than openly wipe her eyes.

  12. The hero’s words the willing chiefs obey, From their tired bodies wipe the dust away, And, clothed anew, the following games survey.

  13. My heart weeps blood at what the Trojans say, And hopes thy deeds shall wipe the stain away.

  14. Thus to their bulwarks, smit with panic fear, The herded Ilians rush like driven deer: There safe they wipe the briny drops away, And drown in bowls the labours of the day.

  15. But he had the indiscretion to add: 'Gentlemen, if you cannot wipe your noses, I must really ask you to blow them outside the door.

  16. When people have not a second pipe to offer you, they hand the pipe from their own mouth, and to wipe the mouthpiece before you suck it would be an insult.

  17. He was too much like President Kruger for me to let him live, when I saw my chance to wipe him off.

  18. They saw Boers spit on the beards of Englishmen, and they only take out and use their handkerchiefs to wipe the hateful stains away.

  19. Are you prepared to swear that you will help us to achieve this end, and wipe away the stains which these savages have placed upon that flag?

  20. Wipe it yourself," answered the man, rudely turning upon his heel.

  21. Be more careful and wipe that up," said Adrian.

  22. Wipe yourself rather and do not blame him.

  23. Well, I also pay respect to my platter, and I wash it and wipe it; and for the sake of my oil-flask, I drive a peg into the wall.

  24. When you have such hands do you still look for one who shall wipe your nose?

  25. He had insulted Alfred, who was a hero, then suggested offering him money to wipe out the stain.

  26. Mrs. Cranceford paused to wipe her eyes, and the Major, who had been walking up and down the room, now stood looking through the window at the sweep of yellow river, far away.

  27. Four songs are now sung for the muskrat skin used to wipe the faces of the man and woman: "Man says, my medicine, I am looking for.

  28. They keep these to wipe the paint from their hands.

  29. Though this keeps the temperature high, the medicine woman cannot use a fan, but may use the skin of a muskrat to wipe the perspiration from her face and hands.

  30. Why should you, from the page of Greek history, with the sponge of your judgment, wipe out all names but one, and tell us that the most powerful mind of the Greek philosophy was that of Aristotle?

  31. It was necessary for him to give a present that should "wipe out the memory of the Iroquois blood he had shed," and this he did.

  32. They marched with the English and the Mohegans to wipe out the hostile Pequots.

  33. The hope of the Creeks was to wipe the white man's settlements from the face of Mississippi, Georgia and Tennessee.

  34. Mrs. Goodman looked very pale and ill, and as she lay back in her cushioned-chair she tried to wipe away a tear unseen.

  35. She gave her clean but wettish hand a hasty wipe with her apron, and took the card.

  36. Ma, will you please explain to Mr. Terence O'Brien that I'd be perfectly willing to wash and wipe the dishes every night of my life if it wasn't for my hands.

  37. In the country you've got to have ready money to wipe out mortgages and to start things goin' right.

  38. So Rosie had to wipe the supper dishes as well as wash them before she could slip upstairs for the purpose of counting her savings.

  39. Fathers and mothers wipe their children's noses with their mouth, and gulp the secretion down.

  40. What we have got to do is to wipe some of them out, and to give them a lesson, and get the girls back again if we can; and we have got to do it quick, else we shall have the hull Injun country up agin us.

  41. And look here, empty your six-shooters into them as you charge--the more you wipe out the better.

  42. My mate and I have just heard of the murder of an old chum of ours at Sacramento, and we are on our way down to find out who did it and to wipe him out.

  43. And so it's their intention to follow us and wipe us out, and get our swag?

  44. The doctor, me, Lightning, and Bill could pretty well wipe them out by ourselves, and we reckon on our six-shooters a sight more than we do on the soldiers.

  45. He can put up with a deal, the doctor can; but when a man gits just too bad for anything, then it seems to him as he has got a call to wipe him out, and he wipes him out, you bet.

  46. If we find any of the skunks there, in course we shall wipe them out.

  47. He had an idee it wur his business to wipe him out, and when the doctor gets set on an idee like that he carries it out.

  48. I hear he has been in the bar swaggering about, and swearing that he means to wipe out every man in the place who had a hand in that business.

  49. It is either that, or he believes he has got a sort of special call to wipe out bad men.

  50. You get him out of the way for a year or two and wipe the slate clean.

  51. Miss Jackson, imagining that a tear ought to be trickling down her nose, was about to produce her handkerchief and wipe it away, when her brother created a diversion which cast the cruel situation of Miss Duck into temporary oblivion.

  52. George lost sight of everything in his desire to wipe the awful stain from his name, and to clear himself before the world.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wipe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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