And nobly weigh In judgements ballance, that his honour'd clay Hath no advantage by them?
A more important task was to recover authentic utterances of Cromwell and his fellow workers, and to put these in the place of the second-hand judgements of political partisans; and this involved laborious researches in libraries.
Carlyle's judgements on the poet and his poems have often been quoted.
Boys will come soon enough on books where criticism has fuller play, and revise the judgements of the past.
They were 'live shells' buried in the dust of a neglected magazine; and in the hands of Carlyle they came to life again and worked havoc among the traditional judgements of history.
The year of revolutions, 1848, followed by the setting up of the French Empire and the collapse of the Roman Republic, produced nothing but disappointment, and he became louder and more bitter in his judgements on democracy.
Had he been more willing to listen to others, his judgements on contemporary events might have been more valuable.
It arrived in long boxes, painfully suggestive of coffins, much to the delight of the young members of the family, who were also staying with my always hospitable sister.
I hope the little new Pussie will grow up like her dear mother, and that she will have many many loving ones as fond of her as her irrelevant old cowboy uncle is of Pussie, Senior.
One never expects to see the like again;--Corinne and Anna must have suffered terribly from Theodore’s wild, whirlwind career!
Thus blind is human sight: opinion gave To their esteem a birth, to theirs a grave; Nor can our judgements with these clouds dispense, Since reason sees but with the eyes of sense.
Rivers than crystal clearer, when to ice Congeal'd, why do weak judgementsso despise?
There can be no greater irony than for the soul, which has sinned by too greedily seeking for sensation, to find sensation absent even from the judgements she has brought upon herself.
In my hours of wealth and ease, and health and peace, by the memory of Thy judgements deliver me, good Lord.
But a third part is now added, in which the prophet catalogues the judgements of the Lord upon them, each of these closing with the weird refrain, For all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still.
Their falseness, however, had not only shown itself in their foreign politics, but in their treatment of one another, in their social fashions, judgementsand worships.
The loneliness which breathes in words like these has often begotten in great rulers a cynical contempt of men and the judgements of men.
He made mistakes, and they proved more successful than the wisest judgements could have been.
In action he was timid, uncertain, and quite unable to cope with the great currents of his time, snobbish and constantly mistaken in his judgements of people, and alternately elated and despairing in his view of public events.
His contemporaries we know from the accounts given and judgements passed by others: Cicero we know from his own.
Yet "for the most part, such Storms are sent by the Providence of God as a Sign of His Displeasure for the Sins of Men," and sometimes "as Prognosticks and terrible Warnings of Great Judgements not far off.
For the London plague as a punishment for Sabbath-breaking, see A Divine Tragedie lately acted, or A collection of sundry memorable examples of God's judgements upon Sabbath Breakers and other like libertines, etc.
Therefore, in the latter case, and in that only, will the universal validity of geometrical judgements be justified.
Kant, therefore, has no right to imply that empirical judgements raise no problem, if he finds difficulty in a priori judgements.
Kant it was an absolute starting-point, which nothing would have caused him to abandon, that only those judgements of which we apprehend the necessity are true.
The existence of a posteriori synthetic judgements presents no difficulty.
In contrast with this, it is implied that in geometrical judgements the connexion which we apprehend is not real, i.
It should now be an easy matter to understand the problem expressed by the question, 'How are a priori synthetic judgements possible?
It argues that, since this is true, and since geometrical judgements involve such a perception anterior to objects, space must be only the[40] form of sensibility.
It is a division of judgementsaccording as they make an assertion about one, more than one, or all the members of a kind.
Further, that the real problem concerns all synthetic judgements alike is shown by the solution which he eventually reaches.
Therein, in fact, lies the importance to metaphysics of the existence of such judgements in mathematics and physics.
To escape from the eternal personal judgements which make a school a place of torment is to walk upon air.
It must not be forgotten that the very principle of the League, if its judgements are to take effect, involves a world-war in cases where a strong minority resists those judgements.
But we have seen the part of Richard lately produce great fame to an actor by his manner of playing it, and it lets us into the secret of acting, and of popular judgements of Shakespeare derived from acting.
Our judgements of authors who lay actual claim to the title of poets, follow the same principle.
There was also indignation excited by the provision subjecting prohibition by the bishops to revision by the secular power, which was subversive of the imprescriptible rights of the Church, whose judgements are final.
She thought Ralph's judgementsdistorted by his trials, but she flattered herself she had learned to make allowance for that.
Is it not fair to say that many of our current judgements upon Jesus Christ are no better founded?
And at the same time God's judgementsare as real to Jesus' mind.
He emphasizes once more the old laws of God, the judgements of God, but he brings no transforming power into men's lives.
This day--O the stupendous and inscrutable judgements of God!
Eusebius and Jerome, in their judgements about Scripture texts, are more the echoes of Origen than independent investigators.
This was now the important question which awaited the decision of Elizabeth, and divided the judgements of her most confidential counsellors.
But you will say, If it must be so, then will men so differ in their judgements that we shall never agree.
All such godless and wicked judgements the Articles here written do answer; in the first place, so that the shame may be lifted off the word of God; in the second, to excuse in a Christian manner this uprising of the peasants.
In all judgements wherein the relation of a subject to the predicate is cogitated (I mention affirmative judgements only here; the application to negative will be very easy), this relation is possible in two different ways.
Analytical judgements do not teach us any more about an object than what was contained in the conception we had of it; because they do not extend our cognition beyond our conception of an object, they merely elucidate the conception.
Many judgements are admitted to be true from mere habit or inclination; but, because reflection neither precedes nor follows, it is held to be a judgement that has its origin in the understanding.
Judgements of experience, as such, are always synthetical.
The explanation of the possibility of synthetical judgements is a task with which general logic has nothing to do; indeed she needs not even be acquainted with its name.
In the first of these three classes, we consider only two conceptions; in the second, two judgements; in the third, several judgements in relation to each other.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "judgements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.