My son, I would not speak one word to discourage yourgodly zeal; but bethink you what this may mean.
And yet there is no more pious and devoted son of the church than he; and God in heaven is my witness that I know him for a most righteous and godly man, and that to hear him speak upon these very matters brings tears to the eyes.
Yes, he has used good and godly words, and I will wait and hope and trust.
He is grieved that one so godly in his life and conversation should suffer so cruelly.
I have watched you, my son; I see that you are of a godly mind.
Marry, in that he sees how godly and toward has been the walk of those youths who are now accounted guilty of heresy.
And what else do these godly men ask now than that the Christian Church shall be purified and cleansed of merchandise and barter, and become again a holy house of prayer, undisturbed by any such things?
I know how many godly youths are in like case with you--halting between two opinions, torn asunder in the struggle to judge all these hard and difficult questions for themselves.
And though Master Clarke lies under the imputation of heresy, I trow there is no sounder churchman nor godly and pure-living man in all Oxford than he, nor one whose life holds so fair a promise of shining like a light in a dark world.
The godly wife who makes her daily life attractive to her husband has a right to ask God for the conversion of that husband; she is co-operating with the Holy Spirit, and prepaying her heart's request.
Slaves were put at his disposal and these he ordered about in godly fashion.
He but stood cringing and jibbering and Lu-don saw and was filled with apprehension that others might see and seeing realize that this bewhiskered idiot was no god--that of the two Tarzan-jad-guru was the more godly figure.
Ko-tan was surprised and inwardly disgusted to discover that his godly guest had no desire to gorge himself upon rich foods and that he would not even so much as taste the villainous brew of the Ho-don.
His hair and beard failed to harmonize with his other godly attributes.
If," he was accustomed to say, "I am the most godless man in the parish, my wife is the most godly woman.
All that I do is always poisoned by the fear that I am not doing it in simplicity and godly sincerity.
But we nevertheless believe that the prayers and instructions of a godly parent rise up, like the alms of Cornelius, as a memorial before God; and that early impressions are seldom utterly effaced.
This mode of adaptation may be seen in the "Godly and Spiritual Songs," &c.
The grave admits no cure for guilt or sin; Dewdrops may deck the turf that hides the bones, But tears of godly grief ne'er flow within.
They know that none but saints or godly persons shall be saved; and there is few of them that will renounce their hopes of heaven; and therefore they must pretend to be all godly.
Be very fearful of making the persons of the godly contemptible, though for their real faults, lest the ungodly easily step thence to the contempt of godliness itself.
Do but doubt whether you should believe in God, or Christ, or love him, or live a godly life, and it seems you think it will excuse you.
They cause them to blaspheme, and reproach the godly for their sakes, and say, These are your religious men!
If he keep you from godly company, you will be hindered in all, and in the practice: no one is omitted, but you are disadvantaged by it in all the rest.
I knew familiarly a most holy, grave, and reverend divine, who was so affected with the words of a godly woman, who at her death did often and vehemently cry out, O call time again!
But to be esteemed godly is of little profit to you.
If any man (no matter who) will live godly in Christ Jesus, he shall suffer persecution.
Have mind of Eleazer, and then Joannes Hircanus, Weigh the earnest faith of this godly company, Though the other clean fall from thy memory.
I brought up children from their first infancy, Who now despise all mygodly instructions.
And though thou visitedst my sinfulness among, With pestilent plagues, and other unquietness; Yet never tookst thou from me thy plenteousness Of thy godly spir't, which thou in me didst plant.
This godly sphere, descended here, Into a virgin clear, She undefiled, By whose work, obscure our frail nature Is now beguiled.
His folly therefore now pardon of thy goodness, And measure it not beyond thy godly pity.
We see but little of him here at the Museo, though he is one of our most honored members, for his time is devoted so wholly to the godly work to which he has given himself that but little remains to him to use in other ways.
It is only seventeen years since the commonwealth; there are Puritans still; their talk chiefly turns on godly matters; the clamor and the scandal of the Court hardly so much as reaches their ears.
The divine law, "All that will live godlyin Christ Jesus must suffer persecution" (2 Tim.
If you neglect the Son of God while he stands at the door and knocks, in vain will you apply to a godly neighbour, after the day of grace is done.
When Christ shall dwell in your heart by faith, a godly sorrow underneath will soften every faculty of your nature, and over all the surface fruits of righteousness will grow.
His sufferings did not in the first instance turn him from his sin: human sorrow is not all or always godly sorrow.
This action of his was praised by most godly Fathers, and God honoured it with more than one miracle.
There was found a Luther to say that he preferred to Councils the opinions of two godly and learned men (say his own and Philip Melanchthon's) when they agreed in the name of Christ.
Muriel is deformed in body, and slow in speech; but in behavior so honest, in prayer so devout, so noble in all her dealings, that I never heard her speak anything that either concerned not good instruction orgodly mirth.
We can well conceive under what gracious and godly influences he received his early nurture.
He would wear the red cross upon his shoulder and obey their godly laws.
They had no children of their own, so that Mrs Williams, who was a truly godly woman, was glad to give a home for a time and a motherly care to the two little ones committed to her charge by Amos.
There's nought of religion in sending godly people to prison for praying in their own way.
The man replied that he did indeed attend a meeting of godly people for praise and prayer, but that it was held in an outhouse nearly half a mile from the king's highway, and that there was not a dwelling-house near it.