In concluding these remarks, he observes that the sacred theologians and wise men[248-1] said well when they placed the terrestrial paradise in the Far East, because it is a most temperate region.
Terrestrial distances are now, at least in scientific researches, universally expressed in kilometres.
In regard to time also, the terrestrial units (second, day, year) are too small for stellar wants.
Brief descriptions of several Terrestrial PlanariƦ and of some remarkable Marine species, with an account of their habits.
Captain Czuv and his warplane still survived, and it was while the Callistonian commander was visiting his terrestrial guests, that King voiced the discontent that had long affected both men.
But as soon as the enemy felt its drag, their screens flared white, and the massive Terrestrial space-ship quivered in every member as that terrific cable of force was snapped.
The new vessel did not make another voyage until nine sister ships were ready and manned, each with two Terrestrial officers and one Callistonian gunner.
This device, developed long before to render possible the use of Terrestrial eyes in the opaque atmosphere of Venus, stepped up the fog-piercing long waves into the frequencies of light capable of affecting the earthly retina.
Well clear of the atmosphere of the satellite, the terrestrial cruiser shot forward at normal acceleration, while the Titanian vessels halted and wove a pattern of blue and golden rays in salute to the departing guests.
There was another appalling concussion, another blinding glare, and the entire front quarter of the terrestrial vessel had gone to join the shattered globes.
Although the upper ultra-lights of the Terrestrial vessel had been cut away by the hexan plane of force, jury lights had been rigged, and the two commanders were soon trying to communicate with each other.
As those terrific forces struck her, the terrestrial cruiser became a vast pyrotechnic set piece, a dazzling fountain of coruscant brilliance: for the mirror held.
Soon the screen glowed with the picture of the transmitter-room of the Terrestrial station, and while the three men were waiting for Mrs. Newton to be called to her own television set, the door behind them opened.
Callisto's foremost citizens were on hand to welcome theTerrestrial rescuers, and revelry reigned supreme in that deeply buried Europan community.
Everything worked out practically as Brandon had foretold, and a few days later, their acceleration somewhat less thanterrestrial gravity, he called another meeting in the control room.
Finally, however, it slowed to a halt and the Terrestrial visitors disembarked at a portal of the European city of the Callistonians.
For several minutes they stood silent, exchanging thoughts with a rapidity impossible in any language; then, dressed in space-suits, both leaped lightly across the narrow gap into the still open outer lock of the terrestrial liner.
The "magnetic equator" is an imaginary line encircling the earth, along which the vertical component of the earth's magnetic force is zero; it nearly coincides with the terrestrial equator.
In astronomy, the "celestial equator" is the name given to the great circle in which the plane of the terrestrial equator intersects the celestial sphere; it is consequently equidistant from the celestial poles.
From the moment of sailing I am always impressed with the amusing terrestrial instincts of most human beings.
But my terrestrialactivities wrought no excitement.
It seems as if our Ego enlarges as our immediate terrestrial cosmos diminishes.
Whether floating idly or barging clumsily along in the only fashion possible to us terrestrial humans, we longed for the sinuous power of the dolphins, whose easy sculling imparts such astounding impetus.
Christianity alone can enable society to fulfil its terrestrial destiny, because it alone is true, and, being true, it admits of the utmost advancement of the human understanding.
Their notions of good and evil, of happiness and misery correspond to ours, and though they employ different means, the objects they pursue are the same with those sought by terrestrial philanthropists.
It is probable that your world, at the Flood, appeared like a comet to the inhabitants of other terrestrial stars where, till then, it had been invisible.
That is to say, it was an atmospheric, not a terrestrial creature.
We can not conceive of anythingterrestrial that, let loose upon the bare rocks to-day, would or could produce such results.
This would be a supposition hard to reconcile with the present proportion of land and water on the surface of the globe and with the phenomena of terrestrial contraction and gravitation.
They kill for national aggrandizement, notwithstanding this terrestrial globe is but a dark world of grossest matter.
I love this prodigality of terrestrial gifts to another world; offerings from time to eternity; sufficient for the morrow are the cares required by human economy.
Other mountains raise us above terrestrial life, and bring us nearer Heaven, but here nature seems treated as a criminal, and condemned no more to taste the beneficent breath of her Creator.
The Doras of Guiana[2] have been seen travelling over land during the dry season in search of their natural element[3], in such droves that the negroes have filled baskets with them during these terrestrial excursions.
None; but from them you will learn to take pleasure in the forms of terrestrial life.
Terrestrial souls differ widely in rank; the highest are endowed with gifts of prophecy, and perfected so far that they attain the sphere of pure intelligence.
A soul of this kind entering after death into eternal beatitude, shared with its peers, continues along with them to exercise a certain influence on terrestrial souls.
On this latter account, as well as from the extraordinary terrestrial refraction, no observation can be here depended upon, unless made with an artificial horizon.
That is what we must find out," returned Gaetano, fixing his eyes on this terrestrial star.
Only the painted flowers gazed at her from the walls, and from above the altar the statue of the goddess full of super-terrestrial calm.
From this vantage ground of thought the human soul comes to look without dread upon the termination of this terrestrial existence.
So far as ourterrestrial experience goes there can be but one answer to such a question.
So long as our knowledge is restricted by the conditions of this terrestrial life, we are not in a position to make negative assertions as to regions of existence outside of these conditions.
Free from personal desires and from terrestrial bonds, he has no relatives, no favourites to provide for.
He that undertakes to write on such lofty interests, which nearly affect the weal and woe of the Church, cannot avoid examining and displaying the wisdom and justice of God in the conduct of terrestrial events regarding them.
I consider civil liberty, in a genuine, unadulterated sense, as the greatest of terrestrial blessings.
Protestants may well have, in some respects, the same terrestrial superiority over Catholics that the Gentiles had over the people of God.
These animals are placental mammals, which, probably in secondary times, arose from terrestrial Mammalia, by adaptation to an aquatic life.
The Duration of Life in Indigenous Terrestrialand Fresh-water Mollusca.
He is entered that state, whence none ever shall return; and can now only benefit his friends, by remaining to their memories a permanent and efficacious instance of the blindness of desire, and the uncertainty of all terrestrial good.
The air, by means of the vapor it contains, absorbs electricity from terrestrial bodies, and so becomes a sort of reservoir of this invisible fluid.
Not all the beauties of the terrestrial Paradise; in which I was, were sufficient to allay my grief.
I remained in the terrestrial Paradise only tothe seventh hour.