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Example sentences for "transcendental"

Lexicographically close words:
transcendant; transcended; transcendence; transcendency; transcendent; transcendentalism; transcendentalist; transcendentalists; transcendentally; transcendently
  1. It indeed prepares the way for the comprehension of the historic movement as springing from the laws immanent in society itself, and thereby excludes the arbitrary, the transcendental and the irrational.

  2. You have at least taught me what difficulties and what labor genius must bury in those poems which procure us transcendental pleasures.

  3. The transcendental vision of Massimilla was eclipsed, just as the idea of God is sometimes hidden by clouds of doubt in the consciousness of solitary thinkers.

  4. These quotations illustrate two extremes,--ribald vulgarity on the one hand, and transcendental mysticism on the other, between which the standard of sound criticism may be sought.

  5. There it was his good fortune to discover a man whose rare character realised those transcendental qualities, of which we read in the saintly legends of pristine times, without regarding them as real ingredients in human character.

  6. Happily, as we learn from another source, a breath of wholesome life from without brought the transcendental to grotesque end.

  7. With an inborn taste for transcendental philosophy, he lived just at the time when that philosophy took an immense spring in Germany, and connected itself with an impressive literary movement.

  8. This transcendental philosophy, chiefly as systematised by the mystic Schelling, Coleridge applied with an eager, unwearied subtlety, to the questions of theology, and poetic or artistic criticism.

  9. Perhaps, after reading these transcendental essays of Emerson, we might borrow Goethe's language about Spinoza, as expressing the feeling with which we are left.

  10. That is nothing to another transcendental fancy of mine.

  11. It must be confessed that it is not a very captivating picture which Emerson draws of some of his transcendental friends.

  12. Consequently these transcendental natures are not found amongst us in their pure form.

  13. On the contrary, the characteristics of our "romantics" are absolutely and directly opposed to the transcendental European type, and no European standard can be applied to them.

  14. It's wonderful after sunset in the early spring, when the little cold wind is like wine, and it runs white to the horizon with the smoky red on the rim of it melting into transcendental green.

  15. Looking up, Agatha saw a straggling wedge of birds dotted in dusky specks against the vault of transcendental blue.

  16. There lies a transcendental condition at the basis of every necessity.

  17. But if transcendental method has no special pride of place, Kant's conclusion as to the limits of the competence of intellectual faculty falls with it.

  18. I only use the term transcendental because this is actually the primitive condition of the fact in its inevitable beginning, whatever form the mythical representation may subsequently take.

  19. In speaking of the transcendental fact, it must not be supposed that I allude to certain well-known a priori speculations, which are opposed to my temper of mind and to my mode of teaching.

  20. Incapable of any transcendental belief whatsoever, his intelligence had deified free- agency, while his unacknowledged suspicion of a directing power asserted itself in his theories concerning nature's fatalism.

  21. To a mind altogether destitute of any transcendental belief whatsoever, death appears to be merely the end of life, to be made as little disagreeable as possible and encountered with such equanimity as a philosopher can command.

  22. Many of the arguments of Mr Townshend are of such a transcendental nature, that we fear, should we attempt to follow them, our readers would lose their clairvoyance in the mist of metaphysical speculation.

  23. This finally disposes of a transcendental God, together with his empiric correlative, the miracle, as a philosophical explanation of the world.

  24. His ideal is the transcendental man, who knows that God is dead, that now there is no bar to stepping forth in unrestricted freedom to superhuman greatness and independence.

  25. Then, of course, they will say with Nietzsche: God is dead; long live the transcendental man!

  26. Nietzsche's transcendental man is seen in the background.

  27. He managed to obtain his spiritual improvement from that disaster so transcendental to all classes of Philipinas by the practice of good works.

  28. I have detained myself in the consideration of these obstacles, which threaten the total devastation of the heathendom of Philipinas, and are transcendental to all the holy orders, who are striving to spread the faith in the said islands.

  29. This kind of speculation, half philosophic, half poetical, is the transcendental side of the Platonic psychology, and in the last age of the Republic was able to connect Platonism and Pythagoreanism without deserting Stoicism.

  30. The word providet reminds us that this transcendental philosophy supplied the later Stoics with an explanation of divination.

  31. It's wonderful after sunset in the early spring, when the little cold wind's like wine, and it runs white to the horizon with the smoky red on the rim of it melting into transcendental green.

  32. Looking up, Agatha saw a straggling wedge of birds dotted in dusky specks against the vault, of transcendental green.

  33. He complains slyly of Miss Fuller's transcendental heifer which hooked the other cows (though Colonel Higginson once assured me that this heifer was only a symbol, and that Margaret never really owned a heifer or cow of any kind).

  34. Transcendental freedom of speculation, all manner of heterodoxies, and the individual queernesses of those whom the world calls "cranks," had produced a general tolerance.

  35. The dust of late July lay velvet soft and velvet deep on all the highways; or, stirred by the passing wheel, rose in slow clouds, not unemblematic of the transcendental haze which filled the mental atmosphere thereabout.

  36. He continued to order Journals that Bobby had "put him on to," and could speak of his victim apparently out of some transcendental state of mind where sorrow was an anomaly and regret beside the mark.

  37. With my body still in the cellar, I seemed in some transcendental way to be upstairs at the same time, stooping over that hole as Audrey Cunningham had stooped before me.

  38. As Lowell said of the transcendental movement in New England, it was a breaking of windows to get at the fresh air.

  39. But how few of us have attained such transcendental technic?

  40. The settings of Schubert marches Hanslick declared are marvels; and the Transcendental Studies!

  41. In this sort of practice, the engineer has need of some transcendental sense.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "transcendental" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.